D&D Community Update
Welcome to the D&D Community Update, a central location for publishers, creators, and fans to stay up to date on Unearthed Arcana playtests, community events, and information related to the SRD and Creative Commons. This page will cover news on community events and information related to the SRD and Creative Commons. If you're looking for updates on D&D Beyond features, see the changelog.
We plan to post updates as they come rather than on a set cadence to keep this page valuable and avoid filler.
April - June 2024
Pardon Our Dust While We Relocate
June 11, 2024
Over the coming days and weeks, you may notice pages redirecting from dnd.wizards.com to dndbeyond.com. D&D Beyond is at the core of the D&D experience. It offers digital tools to play the game, a marketplace with physical and digital books, and the latest D&D news. You’ll even find Unearthed Arcana materials for you to playtest and forums to talk about the game or find a group.
We are consolidating information and resources to improve your experience on D&D Beyond. We are aiming to minimize disruptions and preserve existing materials. However, you will see, in some cases, a temporary loss of access to pages, such as older Unearthed Arcana materials.
For our localized pages (e.g. character sheets and product pages in French, Italian, German, and Spanish), we plan to build out the equivalent pages on D&D Beyond in the future. In the meantime, these pages will redirect elsewhere.
We appreciate your patience as we work to optimize your D&D experience. If you spot any pesky 404 errors, we encourage you to report them to the #ddb-feedback
channel in the Official D&D Discord or in this thread in the D&D Beyond forums.
2024 Core Rulebooks & SRD
May 6, 2024
The release of the 2024 core rulebooks is just around the corner, and it kicks off with the Player’s Handbook. As the D&D team works hard to get these books ready for print, we wanted to check in with you on our plans for a big update coming to the Systems Reference Document (SRD) in 2025.
The current SRD 5.1 contains the core rules of Dungeons & Dragons—from classes to monsters—and serves as a foundation for materials you create for fifth edition D&D. As the 2024 rules revisions update this edition of the game, we will be expanding the current SRD after the release of all three revised core rulebooks.
SRD 5.2 will include material from the 2024 Player’s Handbook and Dungeon Master’s Guide, and the 2025 Monster Manual. As these books build off one another, and we don’t want to release an incomplete document to creators, SRD 5.2 will drop after the Monster Manual releases in February 2025. Nevertheless, we are working to get SRD 5.2 released quicker than ever before.
We’re delighted to see all the incredible things our community creates for D&D, and we can’t wait to share SRD 5.2 with you in the future! If you would like to learn more (including FAQs), read our article on SRD 5.2.
Jan - March 2024
Jasper’s Dice Set Update
March 22, 2024
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Jasper’s Game Day had a mission to raise funds for suicide prevention and awareness. Through this, they strove to reduce the stigma around talking about mental health so the world could start to treat it just like physical health. In doing so, they sought to help prevent suicide, and not just respond to the aftermath. They wanted to bring the community together and show everyone that they are not alone!
From its inception in 2017 to its closure in 2023, Jasper’s Game Day raised over $300,000 for suicide prevention and awareness.
In 2022, Jasper’s partnered with Die Hard Dice to produce a TTRPG dice set in support of the charity. The set was replicated digitally on D&D Beyond.
As Jasper’s Game Day closed its doors in 2023, we will be removing the dice from the D&D Beyond marketplace and donating the remaining proceeds to The Jed Foundation, a nonprofit organization that supports mental and emotional health and suicide prevention in teens and young adults. For more information on this incredible organization, visit jedfoundation.org.
If you’ve previously purchased or gifted the dice, no need to worry—they will remain a part of your digital dice collection.
We are incredibly grateful to Fenway and her team for allowing us to be a part of such an amazing legacy and would like to remind everyone that a community of friends and family is behind you, even in your darkest times. You are not alone!
July - September 2023
Autumn Community Update
September 22, 2023
It’s been six months since our inaugural Community Update in March, and we wanted to give you an update on our primary set of initiatives and what we have achieved.

- Localized SRD 5.1 in French, Italian, German, and Spanish: On July 26th, we announced that SRD 5.1 had been localized into French, Italian, German, and Spanish and that those localizations were also being released into Creative Commons.
- Released 3 More Playtest Packets for the 2024 Rules Revisions: Since March, we’ve released Unearthed Arcana playtests featuring new rules for weapons, spells, feats, and all of the classes that will feature in the 2024 core rulebooks. Your feedback is crucial to the development of these books, and we appreciate the time you’ve taken to playtest and give us feedback.
- Held Closed Alpha Playtests for the Virtual Tabletop: Committing to the promise we made at the April Creator Summit, we invited small groups of people in June and August to playtest the upcoming VTT. Their shared feedback and insight will be incorporated as we continue to build out the VTT.
- Updated Our Artist Guidelines to Disallow the Use of Generative AI for Illustration: In August, it was brought to our attention that generative AI was used in artwork commissioned for Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants. We published a response detailing our stance on generative AI, stating that artists must refrain from its use in D&D products.
- Recommissioned Artwork from Glory of the Giants and Released Updated Artwork on D&D Beyond: Following our statement on August 5th, the artwork was removed from D&D Beyond and recommissioned, and D&D Beyond was updated on September 20, 2023 with the new art. Additionally, the digital version of each book will contain artist credits next to each piece. Future printings of Glory of the Giants will include this recommissioned art.
- Increased Our Support for D&D in the Classroom, Libraries, and Beyond: Our latest batch of D&D-inspired curriculum activities challenge elementary and middle school students to put their analytical, science, and language arts skills to the test by asking them to solve puzzles and describe dragon encounters they've imagined! Additionally, we launched the D&D Beyond Educator License and revamped our D&D Afterschool Club Kits to better support D&D clubs in schools, libraries, and enrichment centers. Learn about these products and initiatives on our Educator Resources page.
In Progress
- Update the D&D Core Rulebooks: We appreciate the feedback you’ve given us on all the Unearthed Arcana playtest packets so far! Upcoming playtest packets will include material for the Dungeon Master’s Guide and additional player options. Please continue to share your feedback with us.
- Play Activity Survey: We want to hear your input as we work to improve Dungeons & Dragons. We would appreciate your participation in a Play Activity Survey that will launch on September 25.
- Ensure the 2024 Core Rulebook Updates Are Compatible with Fifth Edition D&D and the SRD: We remain committed to keeping the rules updates compatible with the current fifth edition content and SRD, either by bringing the rules updates into the SRD, or by providing language that keeps them compatible.
- Publish Our Internal Content Policy for D&D Products: Every adventurer should feel welcome at the table, and our internal Content Policy helps ensure D&D products reflect that mission. We remain committed to updating and publicly releasing this document so you can see our standards.
- Review Previous SRD Editions for Inclusion in Creative Commons: Before adding previous editions into Creative Commons, we need to review the materials in detail as it has been many years since their publication.
Conventions and Events
Here is a short recap of the major conventions we’ve attended in 2023 so far:
- San Diego Comic Con: We attended SDCC as a part of Hasbro’s 100th anniversary celebration! The panel on the Secrets of Dungeon Mastering featuring Chris Perkins is available to watch now.
- Gen Con: 2023 saw us return to Gen Con in a big way! Events this year included:
- A sold-out schedule of panels and product showcases
- Free movie screenings of Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
- Signings from the D&D Studio team
- An amazing Bigby Presents-themed live show with Brennan Lee Mulligan as DM and an all-star cast, featuring Gabe Hicks, Luis Carazo, Dael Kingsmill, Erika Ishii, and our own Jeremy Crawford
- Dozens of tables of D&D play, including learn-to-play tables for newcomers
- A D&D-themed ice cream truck that raised over $18,000 for The Trevor Project
- And more!
Thank you all for making our return to conventions an amazing experience! We’ve had a lot of fun interacting with the D&D community at events this year and we’re looking forward to even more events next year. Here are the remaining events we’ve made plans to support this year:
Lost Mine of Phandelver
On October 6, 2023, the introductory experience Lost Mine of Phandelver will no longer be claimable. With the release of Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk, the original adventure has become Legacy Content.
You can continue to claim Lost Mine of Phandelver at no cost until October 6. We'll release Intro to Stormwreck Isle on October 6 as another no-cost introductory experience. It includes the encounters Voyage to Stormwreck Isle and Drowned Sailors.
In Voyage to Stormwreck Isle, players embark on a journey from a bustling Neverwinter port and face off against an ominous foe in the middle of a raging storm onboard a ship. Drowned Sailors is the first encounter from the D&D Starter Set: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle and offers the party an exciting, albeit unhospitable, welcome ashore Stormwreck Isle.
We have created a video series designed to help players and Dungeon Masters get started with Dragons of Stormwreck Isle, making both encounters a great introduction to D&D for new players and DMs.
On AI Art Generation in D&D
August 11th, 2023
Last week, we became aware of an artist that used generative AI to create artwork for the upcoming book Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants. We have worked with this artist since 2014 and he’s put years of work into books we all love. While we weren’t aware of the artist’s choice to use AI in the creation process for these commissioned pieces, we have discussed it with him, and he will not use generative AI for Wizards’ work moving forward.
We released a statement about this use of generative AI on Saturday, August 5th, and we want to provide more information on the reason behind our decision, as well as to answer some of the questions you’ve had in the days since.
Why Didn’t You Catch This When the Art Was Submitted?
We commissioned the artwork more than a year ago, before we had an AI policy in place as part of our standard process for working with artists. We enjoy working with artists of varying styles and encourage artistic interpretation and exploration. We saw the artwork as an evolution of the artist’s professional style. We did not realize there was a change in his process or tools.
But You’re Going to Continue Working With This Artist?
We don’t feel it’s fair to ban an artist when there was no AI policy in place for them to follow. Additionally, we have recommissioned all art that used generative AI.
What Else Are You Doing to Address This?
We have pulled art that contained generative AI from Glory of the Giants and Giants of the Star Forge on D&D Beyond. That change is visible now to anyone with the preorder benefit of early access to digital content. We’re also recommissioning the artwork, and we’ll add it to the digital compendium once we have it, as well as any future reprint of Glory of the Giants.
Multiple members of our art team and art team leadership have personally re-reviewed each piece of art in Glory of the Giants, The Deck of Many Things set, Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk, and Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse for potential AI art usage. No generative AI art usage beyond what has already been identified in Glory of the Giants and Giants of the Star Forge was found.
How Do You Know That Future Products Won’t Contain Generative AI?
We have added the following mandate as part of our artist guidelines: “We require that artists refrain from using AI Art Generation tools as part of their art creation process for developing D&D art.” We are also looking into other tools to assist in the detection of generative AI use. Further, we will be reaching out to hear from our artists regarding which artistic tools best serve the art and the community.
The heart of D&D is human creativity and imagination. We will continue to commission and employ human artists to make D&D books and game products.
SRD v5.1 Localization
July 26th, 2023
Brilliant creators and players are building Dungeons & Dragons adventures and materials around the world. To celebrate and support them, we are excited to announce that we are publishing translations of the Systems Reference Document (SRD) into French, Italian, German, and Spanish to be released into Creative Commons.
Publication of these translations means that even more players will have access to the tools they need to create, publish, and sell their own fifth edition compatible books and adventures.
"We believe that D&D should be for everybody. So we're taking steps to make that ever more the case, as promised. And this won't be the last such step," said Kyle Brink, Executive Producer at Wizards of the Coast.
What Is the SRD?
The Systems Reference Document 5.1 is a guide containing the core rules of D&D, including classes and hundreds of monsters, intended to serve as the foundation for your fifth edition D&D compatible creations. Translations will be based on the existing SRD and may not always match the latest printings of the books.
What Is Creative Commons?
Creative Commons is a nonprofit that writes open-source licenses. These licenses are standardized, well-written, widely accepted, and trusted around the world. You can read more on the Creative Commons website.
Use of D&D content in streaming, fan art, cosplay, and other fan content is not related to the SRD, OGL, or Creative Commons, but is permitted as described in Wizards’ Fan Content Policy.
April - June 2023
Clarifying Language: One D&D, 2024 Core Rulebooks
June 8th, 2023
As we continue playtesting and discussing materials for the upcoming Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, and Monster Manual, and even release updates on the D&D Virtual Tabletop and evolving D&D Beyond toolset, it's important to clarify the language we use around these projects. One D&D is the overarching initiative shaping the future of the game. The updated fifth edition rulebooks, VTT, and D&D Beyond updates are housed under this initiative. When talking specifically about the revised fifth edition core rulebooks and their predecessors, we'll identify them by their year of publication. So, if we're talking about the barbarian class in the upcoming Player's Handbook, we'll refer to the book as the “2024 Player's Handbook.”
When the 2024 core rulebooks release, we'll drop the “2024” and simply refer to them by their title. (e.g., the 2024 Player's Handbook will just be the Player's Handbook). At that point, we will only clarify the publication date of the books when we're comparing the 2014 and 2024 versions, or simply referring back to the older version.
We recognize that the term “One D&D” has caused confusion around the updated rulebooks. The 2024 core rulebooks aren't ushering in a new edition of the game; the books you enjoy today will be compatible with the updated core rulebooks, because it's all the same edition of D&D. If you're a casual reader, though, this may not have been clear with how we've used the One D&D term in the past. That said, we'll be updating the language we use here on D&D Beyond and elsewhere so as to eliminate confusion around our continuing support for fifth edition.
New Release Print Price Increases
May 23rd, 2023
This space is dedicated to communicating clearly and transparently with our players- even when the topic isn't particularly fun. Since the release of the 2014 D&D core rulebooks, we've kept book prices stable. Unfortunately, with the cost of goods and shipping continually increasing, we've finally had to make the decision to increase the price of our new release print books. We're committed to creating high-quality products that deliver great value to our players and must increase our prices to accomplish that.
This will go into effect starting with Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants and new releases after Glory of the Giants. Digital pricing is unaffected by this MSRP (manufacturer's suggested retail price) increase, as digital products don't need to be printed or shipped. The increase also doesn't impact backlist titles. While we can't promise that there will never be a change to the prices of digital products and backlist titles, we have no plans to increase either.
Players who purchase the Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants digital-physical bundle through Dungeons & Dragons store can get the bundle for $59.95 for the entire preorder window, which is consistent with our current digital-physical bundle pricing. After the preorder window closes, digital-physical bundle prices will go to $69.95.
April 2023 Creator Summit: Assorted Topics
May 2nd, 2023
Today's update follows up on conversations from our April 2023 Creator Summit. These conversations have been broken down by topic, with some having more available information than others. But we wanted to make sure we're being transparent with you, even in cases where we don't yet have a lot to share.
2024 Core Rulebooks
As discussed at the summit, the 2024 core rulebooks are a continuation of fifth edition and not a new edition. “One D&D” is how we refer to the overarching initiative of the 2024 core rulebooks, the upcoming VTT, and D&D Beyond connecting to serve players across all modes of play.
Support for Schools and Clubs
One of the biggest questions we got from creators is what Wizards of the Coast plans to do to support Dungeons & Dragons for kids, students, schools, and clubs. The good news is that these programs exist, and we've got some incredibly passionate Wizards behind them.
- D&D-Inspired Teaching Kits: Imagine learning about and with D&D in your classroom! Our second round of school curriculum for grades 4-6 and 6-8 just dropped. Build literacy and social-emotional fluency with activities themed around puzzles, mazes, and mysteries. These kits can be downloaded for free.
- D&D Afterschool Club Kits: Our free kits offer everything qualifying organizations, in the United States, need to start or supplement a club at their school, library, or enrichment center. Fall kits have sold out and we're busy working on the second iteration, which will be available to reserve this summer.
- D&D Beyond Educator License: We are excited to offer qualifying organizations access to tools like the character builder and a selection of rulebooks and adventure products at no cost on D&D Beyond. Look for details on how to sign up in the next couple of months.
We have more exciting things in the works to support kids, schools, and libraries, so stay tuned for more announcements and information on our Educator Hub.
D&D Beyond Accessibility
We're incredibly thankful for the energy around accessibility on D&D Beyond. At the event, there was a lot of conversation about continuing our work to improve the toolset for all players with disabilities. It's a passion we share, and now that the D&D Beyond team is firmly integrated into the larger D&D family, we can engage with accessibility initiatives in more impactful ways.
We're currently looking into the best ways to connect with experts and key creators in this space. We'll keep you informed of these initiatives as they develop.
The Front Door of Dungeons & Dragons
There was a lot of understandable confusion at the summit around why a lot of important information has started to appear on D&D Beyond's homepage and socials versus the D&D website. Our eventual goal is for D&D Beyond to serve as the 'front door' for all things Dungeons & Dragons on the internet, whether you want to play using the D&D Beyond digital toolset, buy books, read articles, find educator information, check out video games, or play with the character randomizer while you're bored at work. Our goal is to bring all of D&D, no matter the form it takes, under one roof.
This is a long-term project with a lot of moving parts and challenges (not all of which have solutions yet!), but part of that plan is to gradually migrate D&D site to D&D Beyond. You've probably seen pieces of that progress already, whether it's bits redirecting to a new home at D&D Beyond, or communications important to the community being published here on our homepage.
This is a pretty massive undertaking, and you'll continue to see it reflected on the site over the next several years.
Third-Party Creator Marketplace
One of the biggest pieces of news coming out of the summit was our intention to introduce a marketplace for third-party creators to D&D Beyond. We know there are hundreds of questions and concerns around this, and while we want to confirm that yes, this is a major initiative for the company, planning around it is in its infancy.
We plan to start rolling out updates, FAQs, and feedback sessions with creators and publishers as more details come into focus and we have more to share. That said, a project of this size takes time and we want to be clear about our timeline: These communications shouldn't be expected soon.
Events Update
In addition to a lot of really cool plans for Gen Con, we will have our next creator summit at the convention in August 2023. Event details will be published right here.
We will also not be attending Fan Expo Canada this year and will update our schedule accordingly.
What's Next for the VTT
While folks got to see a lot of the upcoming VTT for Dungeons & Dragons, we are still incredibly early in development. One of the benefits of developing in Unreal is that elements look great even while the experience as a whole is under construction. More information and details will come as the project develops. Our next step is to plan a pre-alpha test with a small group of players and then expand from there.
April 2023 Creator Summit: Preliminary Thoughts
April 7th, 2023
This past Monday, we held our first creator summit of 2023. It was a first step in an ongoing conversation with our players, creators, and community. Although we need more time to connect with attendees, complete a full retrospective, and confirm next steps to transform feedback into action, we want to share some preliminary thoughts from the team.
Before we dig in, we'd like to say thank you to everyone who joined us, whether in person or virtually. You took time from work, family, and friends, and some of you even joined us globally, in completely different time zones. We truly appreciate your energy, focus, and passion.
This was a complex and challenging day, but we ultimately cannot grow as a company without these types of conversation. We're thankful for your push to have them, and our aim is to show our thanks for that energy by continuing the process.
So, what made the day challenging? We did. We moved fast in planning this event so that the community knew we were walking the walk, not just talking the talk. In prioritizing speed, there were unintended consequences.
One of our initial goals was to offer a vision into the future of D&D and collect your feedback to help us shape it. But the event schedule we prepared focused on this far too much. We realize that you can't talk about the future without acknowledging the past and feeling secure about the present, and we're grateful that you raised concerns about the lack of clear, dedicated space for those conversations in our plan. We're glad we were able to pivot to AMA's around a variety of concerns, and what we took away from them was invaluable. However, the burden of starting most of these conversations was on you, and we need to change that. In the future, we will clearly communicate topics with our guests in advance and then adjust our plans based on your feedback. This will help all parties be better prepared, go into greater depth on topics, and have more of their expectations met.
Our virtual experience also left a lot to be desired. A variety of issues made this a negative experience for our virtual attendees. While we've learned a ton about how to improve in the future, we want to recognize the frustration of our virtual attendees as we fell short on proper planning and dealt with technical problems.
Some of these issues arose because they were new processes for our teams. Many of these issues arose because we tried to do too much.
As we reflect on the summit, we have a few initial and broad takeaways we'd like to share:
- Running a digital/physical event meant that the experience was subpar for both: Moving forward we'll more carefully consider those experiences and explore alternative approaches that meet our accessibility goals.
- Conversations start better from a shared understanding: The topics you pushed for were important to have, but we should have been better prepared for them. In the future, we'll give you an opportunity to weigh in on the agenda of events like these ahead of time.
- We need to come to you, whether virtually, at conventions, or other locations fans already gather. Updates on what these events look like will be announced here in our Community Update space.
This was our first step in events like this, but future steps will be more focused on conversation, streamlined, compact, and clear to improve the experience for and value the time of everyone involved.
We would again like to express our loud and clear support and appreciation for all our attendees. Their points of view are invaluable to us as a company. We welcome constructive and open feedback about any actions Wizards of the Coast takes and the events that we plan but will always encourage that feedback be directed at Wizards, and never at individuals. Online harassment has no place in our game, spaces, or values.
Thank you for Monday. Dungeons & Dragons has a unique opportunity to engage its community in a way few others in gaming and pop culture can. For those who wish to continue the conversation, creators@wizards.com is actively monitored.
We're genuinely excited about where we will go from here. Keep an eye on this space for more information as we gather and work through all the feedback and nail down specific next steps.
January - March 2023
D&D Direct, Weekend Events, and More
March 22nd, 2023
Hello, everyone!
Thank you so much for all of your feedback and engagement around the D&D Community Update. Now let's dive in with the latest news!
D&D Direct
2023's D&D Direct airs March 28, at 9:00 a.m. PST, so mark your calendars! We've got announcements coming from all corners of the D&D fandom- including a first look at the D&D Virtual Tabletop, tie-ins for Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, and a few surprises.
Learn to Play Weekend
Local game stores in the U.S. and Canada are hosting a weekend filled with D&D fun, and you can join in! The first of three this year, this event includes a learn-to-play 30-minute demo entitled Voyage to Stormwreck Isle for new players, and the 4th-level adventure Prisoner 13 from the anthology Keys from the Golden Vault.
The event takes place April 7-9. Contact your local Wizards Play Network game store to check times and table availability. If you're a longtime player, ask your store if they need Dungeon Masters!
Find your store at the Store and Event Locator. Select “D&D Events” and enter your location to get started!
For additional information, read our article on the Learn to Play event.
2023 Creator Summit
We also wanted to take a moment to share more about our upcoming Creator Summit. This event is only the start of our renewed conversations with content creators—not a one and done. There are thousands of creators and members of the community we want to talk to. While this event can't include them all, it was important for us to take our first step in the process.
Our in-person invitee list is balanced to make sure we've included guests from as many different aspects of the community as possible while making sure we are maximizing the quality of our conversations with those creators. The same is true for our digital invitees- our aim was to allow for the maximum number we could bring into virtual meetings without impacting quality discussion.
The primary goal of this event is to listen to our community, and we've done our best to structure the event around that goal. We plan to publish our recap of those conversations here, and to connect with many more creators moving forward at conventions and similar events.
It's also worth noting that this is the first time Wizards has hosted an event of this scale in some time, so we wanted to make sure we were making it a successful one. We will be taking everything we learned from creating and hosting this summit to help inform future community and creator events.
We also support and appreciate constructive open feedback from the community about the actions that Wizards takes and events that we plan. However, we would encourage the community to direct that feedback at Wizards of the Coast and not at individuals, or fellow members of the D&D community.
2023 Community Events
Fans attending Gary Con will be able to see Joe Manganiello discuss the D&D 50th Anniversary documentary project and catch a special screening of Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves! We've updated our Community Events list with this change!
What to Expect in 2023
March 8th, 2023
In our inaugural post, we’re providing an overview of what’s completed, what’s actively in development, and what we’re planning for D&D playtests, events, and our support of the creator community. As a note, we won't cover book releases here as you can find that information in our articles, our YouTube channels (D&D, D&D Beyond), and on social media (D&D, D&D Beyond).
With that out of the way, let's jump in!
- Add SRD 5.1 to Creative Commons: On January 27, 2023, we announced that the entirety of SRD 5.1 would be available under a Creative Commons license in addition to OGL 1.0a.
- Released 4 Playtest Packets for Unearthed Arcana: In 2022, we kicked off playtests to help shape the future of the D&D ruleset. Since then, you’ve gotten to test out revised character origins and species, feats, classes, and more at your table. Expect more materials to roll out over time!
- Collected Feedback via 3 Surveys for Playtest Content: With each round of playtest materials we release, we gather feedback through surveys. These are a vital part of our creative process and we appreciate your continued feedback.
In Progress
- Localize SRD 5.1 in French, Italian, German, and Spanish: Later this year, SRD 5.1 will be translated to multiple languages to expand opportunities for international creators to bring their own worlds and materials to D&D.
- Review Previous Editions for Inclusion in Creative Commons: Before adding previous editions into Creative Commons, we need to review the materials for any potential exclusions to preserve the D&D brand. For example, we would not want to unintentionally release Tiamat- or Vecna-brand elements under Creative Commons.
- Publish Our Internal Content Policy for D&D Products: Every adventurer should feel welcome at the table, and our internal Content Policy helps ensure D&D products reflect that mission. We are updating and publicly releasing this document so you can see our standards.
- Update the D&D Core Rules: Feedback on materials for the future Player’s Handbook are ongoing, and we’re closely tracking your survey responses. Later, you’ll get to play with and provide feedback on content for the next iteration of the Dungeon Master’s Guide and Monster Manual.
- Ensure 2024 Rules Updates Are Compatible With Fifth Edition and the SRD: We plan to keep the rules updates compatible with content you've enjoyed since the release of D&D's fifth edition. In the same way, we will ensure that the SRD for fifth edition remains compatible with the rules updates, either by bringing those updates into the SRD, or by providing language that keeps them compatible.
Unearthed Arcana Playtests
Our playtests for the next version of the Player’s Handbook include:
- Revisions for classes in the 2014 Player's Handbook
- 48 subclasses
- Revised species
- New and revised backgrounds
- New and revised spells
- New weapon options for certain classes
Expect to see new versions on previously released playtest materials. These will reflect the feedback we’ve heard from the community.
Following playtests for the new Player’s Handbook, we’ll explore material for the Dungeon Master’s Guide and Monster Manual.
2023 Community Events
Below is a list of events we've made plans to support this year. Expect more to be added to this list over time.
Event | What's Happening | Where | When |
D&D Direct | Get the latest on D&D products, games, and more. | Online | March 2023 |
Gary Con | A special screening of Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, and Joe Manganiello on the 50th Anniversary documentary project | Lake Geneva, Wisconsin | March 23-26, 2023 |
Learn to Play: Your Adventure Begins! | Experience D&D for the first time at your local game store with a short adventure! | WPN store in the U.S. and Canada | April 6-9, 2023 |
DM Camp: Dungeon Mastering is for Everyone! | Game stores will receive kits to help players learn the ropes of being a DM. | WPN stores in the U.S. and Canada | Summer 2023 |
UK Games Expo | D&D learn-to-play spaces & more TBA. | Birmingham, UK | June 2-4, 2023 |
Comic-Con International | D&D play and learn-to-play spaces. | San Diego | July 19-23, 2023 |
Gen Con | TBA | Indianapolis | Aug. 3-6, 2023 |
Big Bad Con | TBA | Burlingame, California | Sept. 28 - Oct. 1 |
Family Friendly: Build-a-Community Together! | Join your local game store in inviting kids to the D&D table with exclusive kits for family play! | WPN stores in the U.S. and Canada | Fall 2023 |
GeekGirlCon | TBA | Seattle | Fall 2023 |
Gamehole Con | TBA | Madison, Wisconsin | Oct. 19-22, 2023 |
Pax Unplugged | TBA | Philadelphia | Dec. 2023 |