Weaveblade Adept Image

You learn an attunement ritual that transforms a one-handed melee weapon into a weaveblade. You perform the ritual over 1 hour, which can be done during a short rest. The weapon must be within your reach throughout the ritual. If the weaveblade was made from a weapon with magical properties, those properties persist.

The weaveblade is a martial melee weapon with the Finesse and Light properties and sheds dim light in a 15-foot radius. The weapon is composed of a hilt that, while held in your hand, can emit a blade of pure radiant energy without requiring an action. When you attack with a weaveblade, you can use your Intelligence modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity modifier, for the attack and damage rolls. The blade deals radiant damage You can use the weaveblade as your spell casting focus. The damage die scales according to your character level:

Character Level Damage Die
1 1d4
4 1d6
8 1d8
12 1d10
16 1d12

You can have up to two weaveblades created this way. If you attempt to create a third weaveblade, you must break your attunement with one of the other two weaveblades, which reverts the transformation back into the weapon it was previously.

Using Intelligence in attacks

To make this work in Dndbeyond, this feat adds the modifier Bonus Magic Item Attack With Intelligence. This will change any magic item your character has to use Intelligence for To Hit and Damage rolls. This setting is supposed to only apply to the Weaveblade item. You will have to customize any other magic weapon to reflect it's actual To Hit and Damage rolls.

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