TL;DR - Yohanatan is a drunk who believes strongly in communism, but really he is the type of person who never actually has their own money. They love animals, almost too much, and would definitely choose to save the dog over a party member. They envision themselves as a squall come to wreck slaver ships at sea with the help of many conjured animal friends. He also obsesses about Dolphins and greatly enjoys hacky-sack.
Backstory: Wanted for Piracy Yohanatan Swirly comes from a long line of what land lovers would deem miscreants but in truth they are just extremely fair with their payment and divisions of labor. Indoctrinated with the concept of promoting the wealth of the commune as a whole rather than the individual led Yohanatan was led to believe he would make as much as the captain when he was taken aboard as a sailor on a merchant vessel sailing off the Sword Coast. This illusion was shattered once they pulled anchor and struck the sails. Due to the haste required to meet the merchant's deadline contracts were signed once underway. When Yohanatan discovered that he would be paid less than the officers aboard his blood boiled, but he kept his cool within the company of the ship. That was until he discovered their cargo was a rare species of Dolphine who were being enslaved for the amusement of dirt walkers at a theme park. Without a second thought Yohanatan sank the ship and swam off with his new Dolphine into the sunset leaving the survivors of the wreck adrift at sea. Eventually those who did survive made it to shore and reported the sinking as well as Yohanatan Swirly as the culprit. In response Yohantan vowed to find a group of adventurers who would help him teach the evil capitalist on land who profit from the sea.
Appearance: Before you is a male Triton with the lithe build of a swimmer. Their clothing seems to be adapted to getting wet and drying frequently and it does not appear that they are wearing any fabric or material which would quickly become rusted or corroded by water. They have a trident strapped to their back and are wearing hide armor fashioned from what appears to be sharkskin.
Personality: I enjoy sailing into new ports and making new friends over a flagon of ale and I misuse long words in an attempt to sound smarter.
Ideal: Freedom. Tyrants must not be allowed to oppress the people. (Chaotic)
Bond: I was cheated out of my fair share of the profits, and I want to get my due.
Flaw: Once I start drinking, it’s hard for me to stop.
Class: Druid (Circle of the Sea) Traits: Nature, Survival Primal Order: Warden Background: Criminal Ability Scores: Dexterity +2, Constitution +1 Control Air and Water: Wisdom
And with that I now have a level 1-20 templated character for each class in 2024 I can use for a one shot or for people just drop in to play a game without a character. For those interested here are links to the other builds.
Since my main is an Alchemist, I didn't build one for the Artificer. I cannot wait for the UA to complete but hope they change Experimental Elixir. I suppose having one nearly completely useless ability isn't terrible.
Bahahaha that's both hilarious and an awesome RP / backstory!!! I don't have any words of wisdom but I'd love to see you play one in either Rhime of the Frost Maiden or Witchlight! Please post an update and let us know how it goes.
It could even be more awesome if you had the stats with your criminal triton sea druid and multi into swashbuckler so he could talk trash while pummeling them with dolphins.
Bahahaha that's both hilarious and an awesome RP / backstory!!! I don't have any words of wisdom but I'd love to see you play one in either Rhime of the Frost Maiden or Witchlight! Please post an update and let us know how it goes.
It could even be more awesome if you had the stats with your criminal triton sea druid and multi into swashbuckler so he could talk trash while pummeling them with dolphins.
Oh! I love the suggestion. Feel free to try this toon yourself. I created all these as quick characters for people who want to drop in or if I am doing a one shot. My main is an Alchemist.
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"Life is Cast by Random Dice"
Burn my candle twice.
I have done my life justice
Against random dice.
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Name: Yohanatan Swirly
Character Sheet: Yohanatan Swirly's Character Sheet - D&D Beyond
TL;DR - Yohanatan is a drunk who believes strongly in communism, but really he is the type of person who never actually has their own money. They love animals, almost too much, and would definitely choose to save the dog over a party member. They envision themselves as a squall come to wreck slaver ships at sea with the help of many conjured animal friends. He also obsesses about Dolphins and greatly enjoys hacky-sack.
Backstory: Wanted for Piracy Yohanatan Swirly comes from a long line of what land lovers would deem miscreants but in truth they are just extremely fair with their payment and divisions of labor. Indoctrinated with the concept of promoting the wealth of the commune as a whole rather than the individual led Yohanatan was led to believe he would make as much as the captain when he was taken aboard as a sailor on a merchant vessel sailing off the Sword Coast. This illusion was shattered once they pulled anchor and struck the sails. Due to the haste required to meet the merchant's deadline contracts were signed once underway. When Yohanatan discovered that he would be paid less than the officers aboard his blood boiled, but he kept his cool within the company of the ship. That was until he discovered their cargo was a rare species of Dolphine who were being enslaved for the amusement of dirt walkers at a theme park. Without a second thought Yohanatan sank the ship and swam off with his new Dolphine into the sunset leaving the survivors of the wreck adrift at sea. Eventually those who did survive made it to shore and reported the sinking as well as Yohanatan Swirly as the culprit. In response Yohantan vowed to find a group of adventurers who would help him teach the evil capitalist on land who profit from the sea.
Appearance: Before you is a male Triton with the lithe build of a swimmer. Their clothing seems to be adapted to getting wet and drying frequently and it does not appear that they are wearing any fabric or material which would quickly become rusted or corroded by water. They have a trident strapped to their back and are wearing hide armor fashioned from what appears to be sharkskin.
Personality: I enjoy sailing into new ports and making new friends over a flagon of ale and I misuse long words in an attempt to sound smarter.
Ideal: Freedom. Tyrants must not be allowed to oppress the people. (Chaotic)
Bond: I was cheated out of my fair share of the profits, and I want to get my due.
Flaw: Once I start drinking, it’s hard for me to stop.
Class: Druid (Circle of the Sea)
Traits: Nature, Survival
Primal Order: Warden
Background: Criminal
Ability Scores: Dexterity +2, Constitution +1
Control Air and Water: Wisdom
- Level Guide & Feats
Four: Inspiring Leader (Wisdom)
Seven: Elemental Fury, Primal Strike
Eight: Elemental Adept, Wisdom (Cold)
Twelve: Elemental Adept, Wisdom (Lightning)
Sixteen: Elemental Adept, Wisdom (Thunder)
Nineteen: Boon of Energy Resistance, Wisdom (Fire, Psychic)
- One
Druidcraft (Cantrip)
Shape Water (Cantrip)
Create or Destroy Water (Cantrip)
Cure Wounds (1)
Faerie Fire (1)
Ice Knife (1)
- Two
Animal Friendship (1)
- Three
Summon Beast (2)
- Four
Frostbite (Cantrip)
Healing Spirit (2)
- Five
Conjure Animals (3)
Sleet Storm (3)
- Six
Elemental Weapon
- Seven
Watery Sphere (4)
- Eight
Summon Elemental (4)
- Nine
Control Winds (5)
Maelstrom (5)
- Ten
Elementalism (Cantrip)
Cone of Cold (5)
- Eleven
Wind Walk (6)
- Thirteen
Mirage Arcane (7)
- Fifteen
Tsunami (8)
- Seventeen
Storm of Vengeance (9)
- Eighteen
Control Weather (8)
- Nineteen
Animal Shapes (8)
- Twenty
True Resurrection
"Life is Cast by Random Dice"
Burn my candle twice.
I have done my life justice
Against random dice.
And with that I now have a level 1-20 templated character for each class in 2024 I can use for a one shot or for people just drop in to play a game without a character. For those interested here are links to the other builds.
The Monk - If Mike Tyson Was A D&D Character - Monk - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Warlock - The My Daddy Never Loved Me Warlock - Warlock - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Bard (The character I play for One Shots) - Trick or Treat This Faerie Demands Your Candies - Bard - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Barbarian - Good Ol' Country Farm Boy and Star Quarterback Barbarian - Barbarian - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Rogue (based on a real-life person) - Toril's Greatest Museum Curator! - Rogue - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Cleric - The Half-Baked Prophet in a Half-Shell - Cleric - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Fighter - Joseph Estone a.k.a. G.I. Joe (2024 Champion Build) - Fighter - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Ranger - The Underdark Guide - Ranger - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Sorcerer - The Telepathic Bureaucratic Remnant of Jhaamdath - Sorcerer - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Wizard - Lucky the Luckiest Wizard - Wizard - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Druid - The Animal Rights Activist Druid - Druid - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
Since my main is an Alchemist, I didn't build one for the Artificer. I cannot wait for the UA to complete but hope they change Experimental Elixir. I suppose having one nearly completely useless ability isn't terrible.
"Life is Cast by Random Dice"
Burn my candle twice.
I have done my life justice
Against random dice.
Bahahaha that's both hilarious and an awesome RP / backstory!!! I don't have any words of wisdom but I'd love to see you play one in either Rhime of the Frost Maiden or Witchlight! Please post an update and let us know how it goes.
It could even be more awesome if you had the stats with your criminal triton sea druid and multi into swashbuckler so he could talk trash while pummeling them with dolphins.
Oh! I love the suggestion. Feel free to try this toon yourself. I created all these as quick characters for people who want to drop in or if I am doing a one shot. My main is an Alchemist.
"Life is Cast by Random Dice"
Burn my candle twice.
I have done my life justice
Against random dice.