Hey so in a game with friends I'm playing a Tiefling Paladin, homebrewed Oath, and currently we are at level 3, and it's getting close to that time where I'll have to choose between upping stats or grabbing a feat. I'm having a little trouble deciding since I'm the de facto tank of the group. HP is at a 39, and I went sword and board option, taking the defensive fighting style, I use a shield and longsword. Stats are STR 16, DEX 15, CON 16, INT 15, WIS 12, CHA 18. With the full plate armor I wear, plus my shield and fighting style, my AC is 21. It's been recommended that I take great weapon master, but I have rarely killed an enemy let alone dealt a killing blow. My Oath, Oath of the Grave Warden, grants me some interesting options for Channel Divinity; Warden's Armor grants me protection giving any undead or necrotic spells against me disadvantage for 1 minute, Warden's Blessing grants an ally within 30ft of my vision resistance to cold damage for 1 minute. It also gives me Spare the Dying as a cantrip, I've already made good use of that feature. But I'm having trouble figuring out if I should take a stat boost or select a feat, if anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them.
Increasing your Strength will increase your average damage more than Great Weapon Master, especially since you can't take advantage of the second benefit it provides.
Increasing your ability scores is usually the best way to increase your offense or defense, but some feats can give you interesting tactical options. For example, Sentinel makes it harder for enemies to get past you, and Shield Master lets you shove enemies with your shield as a bonus action. You can use that to help an ally escape a grapple, move away from an enemy without disengaging, or give other melee characters advantage on attacks against that enemy. Or you could take a feat purely for roleplaying, like Actor.
There's no right or wrong choice here, just what's most fun for you.
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Hey so in a game with friends I'm playing a Tiefling Paladin, homebrewed Oath, and currently we are at level 3, and it's getting close to that time where I'll have to choose between upping stats or grabbing a feat. I'm having a little trouble deciding since I'm the de facto tank of the group. HP is at a 39, and I went sword and board option, taking the defensive fighting style, I use a shield and longsword. Stats are STR 16, DEX 15, CON 16, INT 15, WIS 12, CHA 18. With the full plate armor I wear, plus my shield and fighting style, my AC is 21. It's been recommended that I take great weapon master, but I have rarely killed an enemy let alone dealt a killing blow. My Oath, Oath of the Grave Warden, grants me some interesting options for Channel Divinity; Warden's Armor grants me protection giving any undead or necrotic spells against me disadvantage for 1 minute, Warden's Blessing grants an ally within 30ft of my vision resistance to cold damage for 1 minute. It also gives me Spare the Dying as a cantrip, I've already made good use of that feature. But I'm having trouble figuring out if I should take a stat boost or select a feat, if anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them.
Increasing your Strength will increase your average damage more than Great Weapon Master, especially since you can't take advantage of the second benefit it provides.
Increasing your ability scores is usually the best way to increase your offense or defense, but some feats can give you interesting tactical options. For example, Sentinel makes it harder for enemies to get past you, and Shield Master lets you shove enemies with your shield as a bonus action. You can use that to help an ally escape a grapple, move away from an enemy without disengaging, or give other melee characters advantage on attacks against that enemy. Or you could take a feat purely for roleplaying, like Actor.
There's no right or wrong choice here, just what's most fun for you.
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