In most Summons Spells the creature's melee damage is the damage die + the creatures ability score modifier + the spells level. In the new find steed spell they seem to have left out the ability score modifier. Any thoughts on if this was an oversight?
"Otherworldly Slam. Melee Attack Roll: Bonus equals your spell attack modifier, reach 5 ft. Hit: ld8 plus the spell's level of Radiant (Celestial), Psychic (Fey), or Necrotic (Fiend) damage."
The damage types are decent but for an attack it seems a bit weak. Even Summon Beast, which is the same level gets to add its ability score modifier to its melee damage rolls.
A summoned beast lasts for 1 hour (with concentration) and is a small creature so no one can ride it and while it can understand you, it can’t communicate with you.
A paladin’s mount lasts indefinitely with no concentration. Can be ridden, can speak to you telepathically and has lots of other benefits. Losing a couple points of damage is worth the trade. Especially since it will be pretty rare for it to attack.
It cannot attack while you ride it (mounted combat rules). The "free" spell slot is at base level so only 15HP unless you want to squander a precious higher level Paladin spell slot. It's also a Large creature so could be a hindrance in dungeons/tunnels.
Yes, you are correct that the damage has been nerfed, it's most likely to be cast as a level spell 1 so 1D8+1 damage. If it is a free spell I will probably cast it but not expecting it to last long in combat.
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In most Summons Spells the creature's melee damage is the damage die + the creatures ability score modifier + the spells level. In the new find steed spell they seem to have left out the ability score modifier. Any thoughts on if this was an oversight?
"Otherworldly Slam. Melee Attack Roll: Bonus equals your spell attack modifier, reach 5 ft. Hit: ld8 plus the spell's level of Radiant (Celestial), Psychic (Fey), or Necrotic (Fiend) damage."
The damage types are decent but for an attack it seems a bit weak. Even Summon Beast, which is the same level gets to add its ability score modifier to its melee damage rolls.
A summoned beast lasts for 1 hour (with concentration) and is a small creature so no one can ride it and while it can understand you, it can’t communicate with you.
A paladin’s mount lasts indefinitely with no concentration. Can be ridden, can speak to you telepathically and has lots of other benefits. Losing a couple points of damage is worth the trade. Especially since it will be pretty rare for it to attack.
It cannot attack while you ride it (mounted combat rules). The "free" spell slot is at base level so only 15HP unless you want to squander a precious higher level Paladin spell slot. It's also a Large creature so could be a hindrance in dungeons/tunnels.
Yes, you are correct that the damage has been nerfed, it's most likely to be cast as a level spell 1 so 1D8+1 damage. If it is a free spell I will probably cast it but not expecting it to last long in combat.