Background information, we are using 2024 rules with backwards compatability. Point Buy for ability scores. Our campaign should end around level 15±1, so I am only planning my character as far as level 13. I want to play a Dex-based dual wielding vengeance pally, and I can't decide which of these two builds I like more.
Build 1 Eladrin Fighter 1/Vengeance Paladin 12 Starting Stats STR-13 DEX-15+2 CON-14 INT-8 WIS-9 CHA-13+1 Weapons - Shortsword,Scimitar, Longbow Armor - Studded Leather Fighting Styles: Two Weapon Fighting, Defensive Feats: Tough, Dual-Wielder, Elven Accuracy, Defensive Duelist Starting Stats STR-13 DEX-20 CON-14 INT-8 WIS-9 CHA-14 Pros: Elven Accuracy and Vow of Emnity for awesome accuracy, defensive duelist ac buff on reaction, proficiency on CON saves (+9 at level 13), slightly more HP, racial teleport recharging on Short Rest Cons: Lower AC (18), No War Caster for casting with weapons, lower CHA for Spell Save DC/Aura effects due to multiclassing requirements, reaction often used for AC boost so no opportunity attacks
Build 2 Thri-Kreen Vengeance Pally 13 Starting Stats STR-8 DEX-15+2 CON-15+1 INT-8 WIS-8 CHA-15 Weapons - Shortsword,Scimitar, Rapier, Shortbow Armor - None (Natural Armor 13+DEX), with shield Fighting Style: Two Weapon Fighting Feats: Alert, Dual-Wielder, War Caster, DEX+2 Starting Stats STR-13 DEX-20 CON-14 INT-8 WIS-9 CHA-14 Pros: Higher initiative, higher AC (20), half my attacks will be with Rapier for higher weapon damage, super stealthy with Chameleon Carapace (advantage on stealth checks), advantage on concentration checks (but lower mod without proficiency), better CHA for Spell Save DC/Aura effects, reaction always free for opportunity attacks Cons: Lower accuracy, no racial teleport, no AC buff on reaction
For either build, I basically play to use Divine Favor/Spirit Shroud then start swinging, using a smite spell only on critical hits (otherwise the damage from the Dual Wielder extra attack is almost as good). So which build do you think is better? Do you think I should tweak one of them a little?
Which of these builds is better?
Poll: Which build is better?
Which build is better? - Single Choice