TL;DR: Andriel Forestwind lives for the thrill of the hunt. The quintessential murder hobo redneck needed in every campaign. They favor killing Fey creatures as their forest home is plagued by Fey from the Unseelie Court but he also loves to hunt Vampires and Werewolves. He is a good character so he wouldn't harm anyone who is not deserving but he is also chaotic so who is considered evil or deserving might change with the wind as he is the type to shoot first and ask questions or make up an excuse later. He has a French-Canadian accent and when they are available enjoys the finer things despite being the outdoorsy type and having grown up in the middle of a forest. He also never cusses outright. Instead he chooses to replace the curse word with the name of an animal he killed.
Backstory: It was not until Andriel was teenager that he was named Forestwind for his swiftness during the hunt. Not long after he was selected by the tribal elders to learn to become a champion of Solonor Thelandira their patron. To accomplish this would be no easy task as it would eventually require him to leave the tribe. However, before leaving the tribe though was guided through sharpening his teeth against the evil fey who seeped into their ancestral forest from the Feywilde upon occasion. Then the time came and as challenging as it maybe he relished the idea of learning how to become a renowned hunter. He left upon becoming an adult seeking out likeminded adventurers to hunt with.
Appearance: Here is a blonde-haired wood elf with olive colored skin and green eyes. They are more lithe than muscular but still appear to be of the capable sort. They are dressed in common traveling clothes over which they are protected by a chain shirt. About their belt are two scimitars and attached to their backpack is a longbow along with quiver full of arrows.
Personality: I live for the thrill of the hunt because I have a lesson for every situation, drawn from observing the nature of my prey.
Ideal: I kill monsters to make the world a safer place, and to exorcise my own demons. (Good)
Bond: My isolation gave me great insight into a great evil that only I can destroy.
Flaw: I harbor bloodthirsty thoughts that my isolation and meditation failed to quell.
Level Two Fighting Style: Archery Level Four Feat: Sharpshooter Level Eight Feat: Piercer (Dexterity) Level Twelve Feat: Skulker Level Sixteen Feat: Speedy (Constitution) Epic Boon: Boon of Speed (Dexterity)
Spells - One Detect Evil and Good Divine Favor - Two Protection From Evil and Good - Three Ensnaring Strike - Four Heroism - Five Misty Step - Seven Find Steed - Nine Magic Circle Plant Growth - Eleven Crusader's Mantle - Thirteen Banishment - Fifteen Death Ward - Sixteen Dispel Evil and Good - Eighteen Holy Weapon - Nineteen Treestride
Items Desired - Common Arrows, Walloping Cast-off Plate Amror Clothes of Mending Ear Horn of Hearing Ersatz Eye Prosthetic Limb Silvered Longbow Unbreakable Arrow ×20 - Uncommon Adamantine Scimitar ×2 Bag of Holding Boots of Elvenkind (Attune) Bracers of Archery (Attune) Cloak of Elvenkind Eversmoke Bottle Ring of Swimming Rope of Climbing - Rare Arrow of Slaying ×20 Dimension Shackles Iron Bands of Bilarro Ring of X-Ray Vision (Attune) - Legendary Iron Flask
Just sharing a pre-built character template. I am creating one for each of the 2024 classes, so I'll have something for drop in players to use at my games. I am trying to make each one of them interesting and dynamic. I also have:
And with that I now have a level 1-20 templated character for each class in 2024 I can use for a one shot or for people just drop in to play a game without a character. For those interested here are links to the other builds.
Since my main is an Alchemist, I didn't build one for the Artificer. I cannot wait for the UA to complete but hope they change Experimental Elixir. I suppose having one nearly completely useless ability isn't terrible.
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"Life is Cast by Random Dice"
Burn my candle twice.
I have done my life justice
Against random dice.
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Name: Andriel Forest Wind
Character Sheet: Andriel Forestwind's Character Sheet - D&D Beyond
TL;DR: Andriel Forestwind lives for the thrill of the hunt. The quintessential murder hobo redneck needed in every campaign. They favor killing Fey creatures as their forest home is plagued by Fey from the Unseelie Court but he also loves to hunt Vampires and Werewolves. He is a good character so he wouldn't harm anyone who is not deserving but he is also chaotic so who is considered evil or deserving might change with the wind as he is the type to shoot first and ask questions or make up an excuse later. He has a French-Canadian accent and when they are available enjoys the finer things despite being the outdoorsy type and having grown up in the middle of a forest. He also never cusses outright. Instead he chooses to replace the curse word with the name of an animal he killed.
Backstory: It was not until Andriel was teenager that he was named Forestwind for his swiftness during the hunt. Not long after he was selected by the tribal elders to learn to become a champion of Solonor Thelandira their patron. To accomplish this would be no easy task as it would eventually require him to leave the tribe. However, before leaving the tribe though was guided through sharpening his teeth against the evil fey who seeped into their ancestral forest from the Feywilde upon occasion. Then the time came and as challenging as it maybe he relished the idea of learning how to become a renowned hunter. He left upon becoming an adult seeking out likeminded adventurers to hunt with.
Appearance: Here is a blonde-haired wood elf with olive colored skin and green eyes. They are more lithe than muscular but still appear to be of the capable sort. They are dressed in common traveling clothes over which they are protected by a chain shirt. About their belt are two scimitars and attached to their backpack is a longbow along with quiver full of arrows.
Personality: I live for the thrill of the hunt because I have a lesson for every situation, drawn from observing the nature of my prey.
Ideal: I kill monsters to make the world a safer place, and to exorcise my own demons. (Good)
Bond: My isolation gave me great insight into a great evil that only I can destroy.
Flaw: I harbor bloodthirsty thoughts that my isolation and meditation failed to quell.
Class: Paladin (Oath of the Ancient)
Core Traits: Insight, Religion
Weapon Mastery: Longbow, Scimitar
Background: Soldier
Background Tool: Playing Card Set
Ability Scores: Dexterity +2, Strength +1
Race: Elf
Lineage: Wood Elf
Lineage Spells: Charisma
Keen Senses: Perception
Languages: Elvish, Goblin
Level Two Fighting Style: Archery
Level Four Feat: Sharpshooter
Level Eight Feat: Piercer (Dexterity)
Level Twelve Feat: Skulker
Level Sixteen Feat: Speedy (Constitution)
Epic Boon: Boon of Speed (Dexterity)
- One
Detect Evil and Good
Divine Favor
- Two
Protection From Evil and Good
- Three
Ensnaring Strike
- Four
- Five
Misty Step
- Seven
Find Steed
- Nine
Magic Circle
Plant Growth
- Eleven
Crusader's Mantle
- Thirteen
- Fifteen
Death Ward
- Sixteen
Dispel Evil and Good
- Eighteen
Holy Weapon
- Nineteen
Items Desired
- Common
Arrows, Walloping
Cast-off Plate Amror
Clothes of Mending
Ear Horn of Hearing
Ersatz Eye
Prosthetic Limb
Silvered Longbow
Unbreakable Arrow ×20
- Uncommon
Adamantine Scimitar ×2
Bag of Holding
Boots of Elvenkind (Attune)
Bracers of Archery (Attune)
Cloak of Elvenkind
Eversmoke Bottle
Ring of Swimming
Rope of Climbing
- Rare
Arrow of Slaying ×20
Dimension Shackles
Iron Bands of Bilarro
Ring of X-Ray Vision (Attune)
- Legendary
Iron Flask
"Life is Cast by Random Dice"
Burn my candle twice.
I have done my life justice
Against random dice.
What is the purpose of this thread?
Quotes to answer any question (pm me more)
Extended signature
Just sharing a pre-built character template. I am creating one for each of the 2024 classes, so I'll have something for drop in players to use at my games. I am trying to make each one of them interesting and dynamic. I also have:
The Monk - If Mike Tyson Was A D&D Character - Monk - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Warlock - The My Daddy Never Loved Me Warlock - Warlock - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Bard (The character I play for One Shots) - Trick or Treat This Faerie Demands Your Candies - Bard - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Barbarian - Good Ol' Country Farm Boy and Star Quarterback Barbarian - Barbarian - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Rogue (based on a real-life person) - Toril's Greatest Museum Curator! - Rogue - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Cleric - The Half-Baked Prophet in a Half-Shell - Cleric - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Fighter - Joseph Estone a.k.a. G.I. Joe (2024 Champion Build) - Fighter - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Ranger - The Underdark Guide - Ranger - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Sorcerer - The Telepathic Bureaucratic Remnant of Jhaamdath - Sorcerer - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
"Life is Cast by Random Dice"
Burn my candle twice.
I have done my life justice
Against random dice.
And with that I now have a level 1-20 templated character for each class in 2024 I can use for a one shot or for people just drop in to play a game without a character. For those interested here are links to the other builds.
The Monk - If Mike Tyson Was A D&D Character - Monk - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Warlock - The My Daddy Never Loved Me Warlock - Warlock - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Bard (The character I play for One Shots) - Trick or Treat This Faerie Demands Your Candies - Bard - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Barbarian - Good Ol' Country Farm Boy and Star Quarterback Barbarian - Barbarian - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Rogue (based on a real-life person) - Toril's Greatest Museum Curator! - Rogue - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Cleric - The Half-Baked Prophet in a Half-Shell - Cleric - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Fighter - Joseph Estone a.k.a. G.I. Joe (2024 Champion Build) - Fighter - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Ranger - The Underdark Guide - Ranger - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Sorcerer - The Telepathic Bureaucratic Remnant of Jhaamdath - Sorcerer - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Wizard - Lucky the Luckiest Wizard - Wizard - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Druid - The Animal Rights Activist Druid - Druid - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
Since my main is an Alchemist, I didn't build one for the Artificer. I cannot wait for the UA to complete but hope they change Experimental Elixir. I suppose having one nearly completely useless ability isn't terrible.
"Life is Cast by Random Dice"
Burn my candle twice.
I have done my life justice
Against random dice.