
A holy warrior bound to a sacred oath
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Sorcadin or Padlock >>
by Lemb1
3 9,501
Making a new Sorcadin >>
by knvbstriker
19 9,338
Oath of Crown Divine Allegiance >>
by ProbablyGood
6 9,326
Fallen or Scourge Aasimar for Conquest Paladin? >>
by LtCalvery
3 9,028
How to build the TexMex Hexadin: a guide for Big Damage >>
by cgarciao
2 8,950
Chaotic Paladin Help! >>
by Matjestic
5 8,809
Declaring allegiance to a Deity... >>
by InsanityRocks
7 8,527
Eladrin Ancients Paladin (How to Build?) >>
by xacrom
9 8,365
Level 4 Feat vs. Ability Score >>
by walibutt
11 8,292
Oathbreaker Paladin/Great Old Ones Warlock >>
by Eisengrimm
15 8,268
Satyr Paladin and Turn the Faithless >>
by Vii007
12 8,119
Oath of Devotion, Oath of the Ancients or Oath of Vengeance - asking the community >>
by Denstoffy
7 8,113
Vengeance - Polearms and PAM over Sword & Board with Shield Master >>
by xDrewcifer
58 8,085
Halfling paladin advice >>
by carlossafc
48 8,080
Can I have multiple aura's going at once? >>
by LilLexort
8 7,844
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