
A holy warrior bound to a sacred oath
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Paladins >>
by Onwards_to_GAKO
11 4,424
Single class or multi class >>
by Rotiart
67 27,683
Oaths: What do you swear by? >>
by Vaelan
97 54,961
Introduce your Paladin! >>
by Apocalexx
128 48,766
What are some dilemmas that your Paladin has had to face and what was your solution to it? >>
by Jacob_Brave
5 2,843
Paladin/Hexblade Warlock multiclass >>
by Seniram91
10 54,530
New from UA: Oath of Redemption >>
by GPyromania
15 15,454
Sorcadin build >>
by Sillvva
43 85,712
Aasimar paladin. Yay or nay >>
by Reaper221
34 60,861
Declaring allegiance to a Deity... >>
by InsanityRocks
7 8,511
Find Steed & Mount Survive-ability >>
by FullMetalBunny
20 34,108
Paladin build question >>
by Reihon
10 3,386
How do you choose an Oath in Character Builder? >>
by Delta33582
25 10,043
Mount Question >>
by Lorathorn
22 4,234
Need help with paladin~~! >>
by Hei
4 1,161
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