First full attempt at making this character in the new builder.
First issue, does this link work for viewing? <link used to be here>
If it does, please let me know if you see any major and obvious errors.
EDIT: OK, I'm taking down the link because I'm joining a PbP campaign and I don't want anyone other than me messing with it from this point on. "Loves daggers" indeed.
Currently viewing of another's character is available, but the staff have said that it will be available later.
If there is a particular issues with a sheet that you wish to report, staff are able to see. You can include a character link like you did above to help showcase the issue in the bug report.
(On a side note, I can't see any glaring issues with that linked sheet at all :D)
It's also why he has his nickname. He still has all 10 fingers, but his Granddad (who raised him up in the guild) thought that since he kept playing with his knives, he ought to get used to the nickname.
One on his belt. One in each boot. One up each sleeve. And the last one, never you mind the last one Bigjob.
He's twitchy too. Any time his attention isn't held, a dagger will be in his hand and twiddling. He also constantly has a metal toothpick in the corner of his mouth. When things look dicey, he hides it in his cheek. That way he can bring it our later and pick the cuffs or the cell.
I need to get him in a PbP campaign soon, if only to get him out of my head for awhile.
"Where words fail, swords prevail. Where blood is spilled, my cup is filled" -Cartaphilus
"I have found the answer to the meaning of life. You ask me what the answer is? You already know what the answer to life is. You fear it more than the strike of a viper, the ravages of disease, the ire of a lover. The answer is always death. But death is a gentle mistress with a sweet embrace, and you owe her a debt of restitution. Life is not a gift, it is a loan."
First full attempt at making this character in the new builder.
First issue, does this link work for viewing? <link used to be here>
If it does, please let me know if you see any major and obvious errors.
EDIT: OK, I'm taking down the link because I'm joining a PbP campaign and I don't want anyone other than me messing with it from this point on. "Loves daggers" indeed.
DCI: 3319125026
Currently viewing of another's character is available, but the staff have said that it will be available later.
If there is a particular issues with a sheet that you wish to report, staff are able to see. You can include a character link like you did above to help showcase the issue in the bug report.
(On a side note, I can't see any glaring issues with that linked sheet at all :D)
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Wary the wizard who focuses on homebrew, for he can create nightmares that you wouldn't even dream of
So if I wanted to, say, include a link to my character in my forum signature for PbP games, how would I do that?
Thanks for the review.
DCI: 3319125026
Currently it's not available - staff will announce when that functionality is available.
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If you have questions/concerns, please Private Message me or another moderator.
Wary the wizard who focuses on homebrew, for he can create nightmares that you wouldn't even dream of
OK, thanks!
Other than no glaring errors, what did you think?
DCI: 3319125026
DCI: 3319125026
DCI: 3319125026
Looks fine to me - best race for a rogue too!
He kinda likes daggers, huh? :)
Pun-loving nerd | Faith Elisabeth Lilley | She/Her/Hers | Profile art by Becca Golins
If you need help with homebrew, please post on the homebrew forums, where multiple staff and moderators can read your post and help you!
"We got this, no problem! I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!"🔊
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" -- allegedly Benjamin Franklin
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DCI: 3319125026
DCI: 3319125026
All this double checking and nobody noticed the misspelling in the title.
DCI: 3319125026
DCI: 3319125026
DCI: 3319125026
DCI: 3319125026
The necro is strong with this thread. : )
"Where words fail, swords prevail. Where blood is spilled, my cup is filled" -Cartaphilus
"I have found the answer to the meaning of life. You ask me what the answer is? You already know what the answer to life is. You fear it more than the strike of a viper, the ravages of disease, the ire of a lover. The answer is always death. But death is a gentle mistress with a sweet embrace, and you owe her a debt of restitution. Life is not a gift, it is a loan."
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" -- allegedly Benjamin Franklin
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I just called up the zombie to help me roll a few dice.
DCI: 3319125026
DCI: 3319125026
12 11 14 8 14 12
DCI: 3319125026