
A scoundrel who uses stealth and trickery to overcome obstacles and enemies
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BATMAN /|\(^-.-^)/|\ >>
by DragonRiderHN
2 142
Rouge Multiclass build >>
by Briz2020
2 139
Tasha’s optional spells and arcane trickster >>
by WobblyFett
1 139
Potential Change from Assassin to Phantom After Death - Story Ideas? >>
by Thoril_Hollysword
5 139
Arcane Trickster that’s more of the clown! >>
by Jadedjames7
6 138
Advice please!!! >>
by hurricaneginger
7 135
Opens door and shoots sight unseen target before combat >>
by Naroe
7 133
How do you deal with conflicting abilities? >>
by DarkShadowX
4 130
Rogue (soulknife)/Fighter (Champion)/Bard (college of whispers) >>
by raunniej1980
2 130
Is this the largest single arrow hit possible >>
by dalepgray
1 130
Thoughts on my assassin build? >>
by iButters
3 128
Rogue Poisoner DNDB build? >>
by BigBry68
1 128
Firemind’s Thief Handbook: Equipment >>
by gnufred
4 126
Disengage? >>
by licmebirgi
6 125
Feedback wanted on a Swaskbuckler/Hexblade >>
by HuubBr24
2 124
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