
A scoundrel who uses stealth and trickery to overcome obstacles and enemies
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Favorite race for Rogue and why >>
by Knight_of_White9
60 24,734
Cunning Action Question >>
by Rownd64
28 22,853
Best magic item for my upcoming Arcane Trickster >>
by Phanoko
4 22,709
Rogue Assassin, multiclassing as Warlock?? >>
by Nitrostreak
10 21,665
Rogue archetype: Assassin - Level 3 >>
by B0baChef
8 21,163
by Vexx
10 20,739
Rogue/Wizard multiclass? help >>
by Mill_Saira
18 19,588
Help with backstory. >>
by Wikedeye
6 18,859
Really good Skill-Monkey without ridiculous multiclassing >>
by DankusMemeus
8 18,463
Rogue Damage is too low - It's fixed(tm) if you let them Flank >>
by 01011000Lehrer
123 18,269
Scout - which feats work best? >>
by Branoc
23 17,108
What’s the best way to build the quintessential ninja? >>
by KrisseyCakes
13 17,016
Shortbow Vs. Longbow. rogue, >>
by TorricRoma
24 16,236
Soulknife and attacks of opportunity >>
by Grendelin
47 16,195
Multiclassing Wizard into Rogue? >>
by kamiiwinaru
6 15,281
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