
A scoundrel who uses stealth and trickery to overcome obstacles and enemies
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Feats for my Soulknife Rogue >>
by Primed_Horyzon
5 2,756
Swashbuckler and Panache >>
by dguyellison
2 356
Ability score boost or feat at level 4 for eladrin melee rogue? >>
by Accipiter76
6 248
Weaponchoice for my swashbuckler >>
by Simon98v
2 771
Rogue Barbarian - Demonhunter / Darth Maul >>
by Cheeky_Hamster
3 187
Arcane Trickster Rogue's + to hit bonus is high, but why? >>
by Roostier
3 124
Question regards Attack/Hide/attack >>
by ansp73139
8 277
Soulknife - Psi-Bolstered Knack for Stealth >>
by DeftSolid
3 1,521
What is you Rogue's Alignment Poll >>
by KingOrc
8 465
Under powered Rogue wows >>
by PeggyV47492
4 183
Gang of Thieves. (Game idea) >>
by Iamnuff
4 113
Newbie help pls. Is this character ok for an online west March style game? >>
by AnnwynJones
0 31
Aasimar Rouge Character Idea? >>
by LunaCosplays04
1 78
Sneak Attack Damage against inanimate objects? >>
by 1RWBYfan
2 120
Rogue/Bard Multiclass: How good would it be? >>
by TheHarperMoon
8 642
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