TL;DR - They are the bastard son of Asmodeus and were never really accepted by anyone or any society being a half-devil or Tiefling. The only person who did really care for them he murdered in an attempt to please their father who really couldn't care less about him or his mother who hated her son for reminding her of his father. A bastard through and through who has been given the chance to prove their worth to their father by collecting souls for him from the Prime Material plane. He knows that Asmodeus is only using him to get at some souls as he isn't a real fiend and thus not trapped in the Nine Hells, but he is okay with it because he wants to make Asmodeus proud. Like his mother, Asmodeus will never care and deep down T'zar Khazzah knows it but refuses to admit it to himself. However, this task is not without peril as legitimate Devils and Fiends as well as others are out to prevent him from collecting souls. As such he was eager to locate a party, he could hide himself within and manipulate into helping him in this dark task of soul snatching whether they know it or not. He has very limited scruples and is willing to lie to obtain what he wants as well as use fear or other forms of pressure, but he also is bound to a set of rules which both invigorate and frustrate him to no end. He has a strong New Jersey accent, loves to goad people into making bad choices, has an avid love affair with fried foods and revels in offensively appropriating other religious practices into his own perverse cultism which he attempts to force upon others to accommodate. He also cusses for no reason all the time just because he knows it offends others.
Backstory: A very long time ago T'zar Khazzah was born to a woman who fell for the charms of Asmodeus who had no real love for the woman. After using her at the cost of her own soul he left her to raise the child that she birthed from his seed alone unaware of his half-human offspring until that child was an adult. After poking around several bookshops, he finally located one book which sold a tome with a legitimate spell for establishing communication with a devil of the Nine Hells. In order to cast the spell, he had to lure a victim to trade their soul away or else they would want his own. So, in a truly sinister manner he convinced his only friend to trade away their soul on his behalf and summoned the devil. This devil accepted their best friend's soul and summoned Asmodeus to speak to his orphaned son. Asmodeus was most unpleased by the insolence of what he thought should have been a miscarriage. They did not speak the proper language of the Hells, and they contacted him through a low-level fiend. Recognizing the disgust on Asmodeus's face T'zar Khazzah then pledged his own soul if Asmodeus just accepted him. He could be like a real son instead of a bastard to the great devil and Asmodeus accepted. For the first 640 years of his voluntary imprisonment in the Nine Hells T'zar Khazzah dealt with being mocked as they were given only demeaning and petty tasks to do but finally after all these years Asmodeus has agreed to give him the chance to prove himself. All T'zar Khazzah has to do is collect a soul and Asmodeus will accept him as his Patron.
Appearance: Before you is a small impish looking Tiefling with dark red skin, black hair slicked back between two deviled horns, jagged teeth and ruby red eyes. They are dressed in attire somewhere between the battlefield and courtroom wearing expertly crafted Studded Leather over some fine-looking clothing. A backpack and writing case are strapped to his back and he is wielding a lethal looking pitchfork.
Personality: I idolize Asmodeus, and constantly refer to their deeds and example. For instance, I lie about almost everything, even when there’s no good reason to, I blow up at the slightest insult and I put no trust in divine beings instead demanding that all agreements be made in writing.
Ideal: Mastery. I’m a predator, and the souls of other are my prey. (Evil)
Bond: I’m trying to pay off an old debt I owe to Asmodeus.
Flaw: I swindled and ruined a person who didn’t deserve it, an innocent person, who is now in Hell and I’m okay with that.
Level One - Create Bonfire (Cantrip) - Green-Flame Blade (Cantrip) - Cause Fear (1st) - Hellish Rebuke (1st) Level Two Invocations: Devil's Sight, Fiendish Vigor - Protection from Good and Evil (1st) Level Three - Invisibility (2nd) Level Four Feat: Elemental Adept (Charisma, Fire) - Prestidigitation (Cantrip) - Mirror Image (2nd) Level Five Invocations: Gaze of Two Minds, Repelling Blast - Fear (3rd) Level Six - Summon Shadowspawn (3rd) Level Seven Invocation: Whispers of the Grave - Elemental Bane (4th) Level Eight Feat: Actor - Banishment (4th) Level Nine Invocations: Gift of the Protectors - Infernal Calling (5th) Level Ten Infernal Resistance: Radiant - Infestation (Cantrip) Level Eleven Arcanum: Summon Fiend - Planar Binding (5th) Level Twelve Invocation: Master of Myriad Forms Feat: Spell Sniper (Charisma) Level Thirteen Arcanum: Plane Shift - Insect Plague (5th) Level Fifteen Invocations: Witchsight Arcanum: Demiplane - Scrying (5th) Level Sixteen Feat: War Caster (Intelligence) Level Seventeen Arcanum: Imprisonment - Mislead (5th) Level Eighteen Invocations: Armor of Shadows Level Nineteen Epic Boon: Dimensional Travel (Dexterity) - Dream (5th)
Common - Charlatan's Die (Attune) - Smoldering Studded Leather Armor - Wand of Pyrotechnics Uncommon - Ring of Mind Shielding (Attune) Rare - Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals - Cloak of Displacement (Attune) - Necklace of Fireballs - Vicious Spear Very Rare - Carpet of Flying (3'x5') - Efreeti Bottle
I read this post and your character story goes a lot deeper than just this, but I feel like the thread title alone could encompass a good majority of warlocks. Lol.
I read this post and your character story goes a lot deeper than just this, but I feel like the thread title alone could encompass a good majority of warlocks. Lol.
Hahaha, Warlocks are the "I really need therapy." class.
And with that I now have a level 1-20 templated character for each class in 2024 I can use for a one shot or for people just drop in to play a game without a character. For those interested here are links to the other builds.
Since my main is an Alchemist, I didn't build one for the Artificer. I cannot wait for the UA to complete but hope they change Experimental Elixir. I suppose having one nearly completely useless ability isn't terrible.
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"Life is Cast by Random Dice"
Burn my candle twice.
I have done my life justice
Against random dice.
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Name: T'zar Khazzah
Character Sheet: T'zar Khazzah's Character Sheet - D&D Beyond
TL;DR - They are the bastard son of Asmodeus and were never really accepted by anyone or any society being a half-devil or Tiefling. The only person who did really care for them he murdered in an attempt to please their father who really couldn't care less about him or his mother who hated her son for reminding her of his father. A bastard through and through who has been given the chance to prove their worth to their father by collecting souls for him from the Prime Material plane. He knows that Asmodeus is only using him to get at some souls as he isn't a real fiend and thus not trapped in the Nine Hells, but he is okay with it because he wants to make Asmodeus proud. Like his mother, Asmodeus will never care and deep down T'zar Khazzah knows it but refuses to admit it to himself. However, this task is not without peril as legitimate Devils and Fiends as well as others are out to prevent him from collecting souls. As such he was eager to locate a party, he could hide himself within and manipulate into helping him in this dark task of soul snatching whether they know it or not. He has very limited scruples and is willing to lie to obtain what he wants as well as use fear or other forms of pressure, but he also is bound to a set of rules which both invigorate and frustrate him to no end. He has a strong New Jersey accent, loves to goad people into making bad choices, has an avid love affair with fried foods and revels in offensively appropriating other religious practices into his own perverse cultism which he attempts to force upon others to accommodate. He also cusses for no reason all the time just because he knows it offends others.
Backstory: A very long time ago T'zar Khazzah was born to a woman who fell for the charms of Asmodeus who had no real love for the woman. After using her at the cost of her own soul he left her to raise the child that she birthed from his seed alone unaware of his half-human offspring until that child was an adult. After poking around several bookshops, he finally located one book which sold a tome with a legitimate spell for establishing communication with a devil of the Nine Hells. In order to cast the spell, he had to lure a victim to trade their soul away or else they would want his own. So, in a truly sinister manner he convinced his only friend to trade away their soul on his behalf and summoned the devil. This devil accepted their best friend's soul and summoned Asmodeus to speak to his orphaned son. Asmodeus was most unpleased by the insolence of what he thought should have been a miscarriage. They did not speak the proper language of the Hells, and they contacted him through a low-level fiend. Recognizing the disgust on Asmodeus's face T'zar Khazzah then pledged his own soul if Asmodeus just accepted him. He could be like a real son instead of a bastard to the great devil and Asmodeus accepted. For the first 640 years of his voluntary imprisonment in the Nine Hells T'zar Khazzah dealt with being mocked as they were given only demeaning and petty tasks to do but finally after all these years Asmodeus has agreed to give him the chance to prove himself. All T'zar Khazzah has to do is collect a soul and Asmodeus will accept him as his Patron.
Appearance: Before you is a small impish looking Tiefling with dark red skin, black hair slicked back between two deviled horns, jagged teeth and ruby red eyes. They are dressed in attire somewhere between the battlefield and courtroom wearing expertly crafted Studded Leather over some fine-looking clothing. A backpack and writing case are strapped to his back and he is wielding a lethal looking pitchfork.
Personality: I idolize Asmodeus, and constantly refer to their deeds and example. For instance, I lie about almost everything, even when there’s no good reason to, I blow up at the slightest insult and I put no trust in divine beings instead demanding that all agreements be made in writing.
Ideal: Mastery. I’m a predator, and the souls of other are my prey. (Evil)
Bond: I’m trying to pay off an old debt I owe to Asmodeus.
Flaw: I swindled and ruined a person who didn’t deserve it, an innocent person, who is now in Hell and I’m okay with that.
Level Guide
Class: Warlock (Fiend)
Core Skills: Arcana, Religion
Presence: Thaumaturgy
Invocations: Pact of the Tome
- Control Flames (Cantrip)
- Elementalism (Cantrip)
- Produce Flame (Cantrip)
- Comprehend Languages (1st)
- Illusory Script (1st)
Origin Background: Charlatan
Origin Skill: Insight, Persuasion
Origin Tool: Calligrapher's Supplies
Ability Scores: +2 Cha, +1 Dex
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Race: Tiefling
Legacy: Infernal (Charisma)
Languages: Halfling, Gnomish
Level One
- Create Bonfire (Cantrip)
- Green-Flame Blade (Cantrip)
- Cause Fear (1st)
- Hellish Rebuke (1st)
Level Two
Invocations: Devil's Sight, Fiendish Vigor
- Protection from Good and Evil (1st)
Level Three
- Invisibility (2nd)
Level Four
Feat: Elemental Adept (Charisma, Fire)
- Prestidigitation (Cantrip)
- Mirror Image (2nd)
Level Five
Invocations: Gaze of Two Minds, Repelling Blast
- Fear (3rd)
Level Six
- Summon Shadowspawn (3rd)
Level Seven
Invocation: Whispers of the Grave
- Elemental Bane (4th)
Level Eight
Feat: Actor
- Banishment (4th)
Level Nine
Invocations: Gift of the Protectors
- Infernal Calling (5th)
Level Ten
Infernal Resistance: Radiant
- Infestation (Cantrip)
Level Eleven
Arcanum: Summon Fiend
- Planar Binding (5th)
Level Twelve
Invocation: Master of Myriad Forms
Feat: Spell Sniper (Charisma)
Level Thirteen
Arcanum: Plane Shift
- Insect Plague (5th)
Level Fifteen
Invocations: Witchsight
Arcanum: Demiplane
- Scrying (5th)
Level Sixteen
Feat: War Caster (Intelligence)
Level Seventeen
Arcanum: Imprisonment
- Mislead (5th)
Level Eighteen
Invocations: Armor of Shadows
Level Nineteen
Epic Boon: Dimensional Travel (Dexterity)
- Dream (5th)
- Charlatan's Die (Attune)
- Smoldering Studded Leather Armor
- Wand of Pyrotechnics
- Ring of Mind Shielding (Attune)
- Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals
- Cloak of Displacement (Attune)
- Necklace of Fireballs
- Vicious Spear
Very Rare
- Carpet of Flying (3'x5')
- Efreeti Bottle
"Life is Cast by Random Dice"
Burn my candle twice.
I have done my life justice
Against random dice.
I read this post and your character story goes a lot deeper than just this, but I feel like the thread title alone could encompass a good majority of warlocks. Lol.
Hahaha, Warlocks are the "I really need therapy." class.
"Life is Cast by Random Dice"
Burn my candle twice.
I have done my life justice
Against random dice.
And with that I now have a level 1-20 templated character for each class in 2024 I can use for a one shot or for people just drop in to play a game without a character. For those interested here are links to the other builds.
The Monk - If Mike Tyson Was A D&D Character - Monk - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Warlock - The My Daddy Never Loved Me Warlock - Warlock - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Bard (The character I play for One Shots) - Trick or Treat This Faerie Demands Your Candies - Bard - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Barbarian - Good Ol' Country Farm Boy and Star Quarterback Barbarian - Barbarian - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Rogue (based on a real-life person) - Toril's Greatest Museum Curator! - Rogue - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Cleric - The Half-Baked Prophet in a Half-Shell - Cleric - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Fighter - Joseph Estone a.k.a. G.I. Joe (2024 Champion Build) - Fighter - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Ranger - The Underdark Guide - Ranger - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Sorcerer - The Telepathic Bureaucratic Remnant of Jhaamdath - Sorcerer - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Wizard - Lucky the Luckiest Wizard - Wizard - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
The Druid - The Animal Rights Activist Druid - Druid - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Forums - D&D Beyond
Since my main is an Alchemist, I didn't build one for the Artificer. I cannot wait for the UA to complete but hope they change Experimental Elixir. I suppose having one nearly completely useless ability isn't terrible.
"Life is Cast by Random Dice"
Burn my candle twice.
I have done my life justice
Against random dice.