The 2024 versions of certain Eldritch Invocations — e.g. Agonizing Blast — now allow you to choose which cantrip to use them with, instead of always being about Eldritch Blast. They all say that the cantrip has to be "a Warlock cantrip".
There's also the Pact of the Tome invocation, which gives you three extra cantrips. They can come from any class's spell list, but it does say they "function as Warlock spells for you".
So, do we think that if you've already used Pact of the Tome to get something like Sacred Flame — which is not normally a Warlock spell but which meets the other criteria for Agonizing Blast — that you could take Agonizing Blast later on and select Sacred Flame for it?
And if so, what happens when — as you seem to be allowed to do with the 2024 version of Pact of the Tome — you re-conjure your Book of Shadows with a different set of cantrips in it that no longer includes Sacred Flame?
Yes, you can. If you switch cantrips you are kind of screwed until your next level or sap the cantrips back. By the rules at least. If I were your DM I'd let you swap it, assuming I didn't house rule agonizing blast as just working with all your cantrips as a evokers potent cantrip works with every cantrip. I think needing to specify the cantrip was a bad decision on their part.
Agreed with MyDude... RAW, it's pretty tricky. You might need to pick a cantrip and stick with it.
Replacing and Gaining Invocations. Whenever you gain a Warlock level, you can replace one of your invocations with another one for which you qualify. You can’t replace an invocation if it’s a prerequisite for another invocation that you have.
Now... it doesn't specifically say anything about Pact of the Tome, but I think a reasonable DM will work with you.
Personally, I think Pact of the Tome needs another round of work from the Dev team, and there better be some love for it in one of the new books coming soon... and if it were me, I'd have raised the level limit on Agonizing Blast and had it effect all cantrips.
Agreed with MyDude... RAW, it's pretty tricky. You might need to pick a cantrip and stick with it.
Replacing and Gaining Invocations. Whenever you gain a Warlock level, you can replace one of your invocations with another one for which you qualify. You can’t replace an invocation if it’s a prerequisite for another invocation that you have.
Now... it doesn't specifically say anything about Pact of the Tome, but I think a reasonable DM will work with you.
As a DM, I would argue that you cannot replace the cantrip(s) modified by Agonizing Blast when you summon the Book of Shadows. Having that spell is a prerequisit for Aonizing Blast. I would allow changing the other cantrips.
There's a difference between replacing a spell being prerequisit for Agonizing Blastand replacing an Invocationbeingprerequisit for another invocation.
If you choose one of the cantrip prepared via Pact of the Tome to add your Charisma modifier and the book is no longer on your person, the Agonizing Blastinvocation would be unusable until you can get access to that spell again because you can't change it. You'd have to conjure another book containing the cantrip or learn it in another way somehow.
There's a difference between replacing a spell being prerequisit for Agonizing Blastand replacing an Invocationbeingprerequisit for another invocation.
If you choose one of the cantrip prepared via Pact of the Tome to add your Charisma modifier and the book is no longer on your person, the Agonizing Blastinvocation would be unusable until you can get access to that spell again because you can't change it. You'd have to conjure another book containing the cantrip or learn it in another way somehow.
True, but loosing the book is more like knowing the spell and not having the required material component. No True Strike without a weapons, no Infestation without a live flea...
The 2024 versions of certain Eldritch Invocations — e.g. Agonizing Blast — now allow you to choose which cantrip to use them with, instead of always being about Eldritch Blast. They all say that the cantrip has to be "a Warlock cantrip".
There's also the Pact of the Tome invocation, which gives you three extra cantrips. They can come from any class's spell list, but it does say they "function as Warlock spells for you".
So, do we think that if you've already used Pact of the Tome to get something like Sacred Flame — which is not normally a Warlock spell but which meets the other criteria for Agonizing Blast — that you could take Agonizing Blast later on and select Sacred Flame for it?
And if so, what happens when — as you seem to be allowed to do with the 2024 version of Pact of the Tome — you re-conjure your Book of Shadows with a different set of cantrips in it that no longer includes Sacred Flame?
Yes, you can. If you switch cantrips you are kind of screwed until your next level or sap the cantrips back. By the rules at least. If I were your DM I'd let you swap it, assuming I didn't house rule agonizing blast as just working with all your cantrips as a evokers potent cantrip works with every cantrip. I think needing to specify the cantrip was a bad decision on their part.
Agreed with MyDude... RAW, it's pretty tricky. You might need to pick a cantrip and stick with it.
Replacing and Gaining Invocations. Whenever you gain a Warlock level, you can replace one of your invocations with another one for which you qualify. You can’t replace an invocation if it’s a prerequisite for another invocation that you have.
Now... it doesn't specifically say anything about Pact of the Tome, but I think a reasonable DM will work with you.
Personally, I think Pact of the Tome needs another round of work from the Dev team, and there better be some love for it in one of the new books coming soon... and if it were me, I'd have raised the level limit on Agonizing Blast and had it effect all cantrips.
As a DM, I would argue that you cannot replace the cantrip(s) modified by Agonizing Blast when you summon the Book of Shadows. Having that spell is a prerequisit for Aonizing Blast. I would allow changing the other cantrips.
There's a difference between replacing a spell being prerequisit for Agonizing Blast and replacing an Invocation being prerequisit for another invocation.
If you choose one of the cantrip prepared via Pact of the Tome to add your Charisma modifier and the book is no longer on your person, the Agonizing Blast invocation would be unusable until you can get access to that spell again because you can't change it. You'd have to conjure another book containing the cantrip or learn it in another way somehow.
True, but loosing the book is more like knowing the spell and not having the required material component. No True Strike without a weapons, no Infestation without a live flea...
Yes, but each time you take Agonizing Blast: Specific Cantrip, it's a different Invocation.