Hi everyone, I just set up a pact of the tome warlock and I'm having problems, I think, with the character sheet. I took Find Familiar and Identify first level spells with the pact. I took Bane and Detect Magic from the spell list. I have only one check box to the right of "1st Level". It's for pact spells. Shouldn't I have that box and others to check off when I use Bane and DM? Right now, if I cast Bane or DM, I have to take a short rest to get them back again. P.S. any other suggestions for spells would be appreciated. I'm not looking for some "knock an ancient dragon dead in one shot" build... I've never played like that. Thanks.
Lvl 1&2 Warlocks have one pact spell slot, but as you noticed, you get it back after a short rest. It's a different kind of caster compared to anything else. Your power will come from invocations and class features, regular spells are icing on the cake. In most builds, EB, PotB, or weapon+cantrip will be the mainstays. Warlocks are for people who have a favorite food and can eat it every meal, lol.
I usually think of warlocks not as a caster, but as more of an archer (eldritch blast in place of a bow) who can cast a couple spells. Most fight will have you spamming EB, and you pull out a spell when you need some extra oomph. I also suggest spells that are longer lasting, concentration spells that will give you something for a whole fight instead of flashy single-attack spells. The other thing is to remember your spells will automatically scale up as you level up. So it’s really worth looking for spells that benefit from upcasting. Bane is a good example, as you’ll be able to target more enemies as you level, and it will last a few rounds.
I often liken to pick invocations that let me cast more spells without using a slot, like mask of many faces.
It can also be worth looking at feats like fey touched, which in addition to boosting your cha will give you another spell 1/day, and add the spell to your list.
Side note, personally I don’t see a point to identify. You can always just spend a short rest studying an item and get all the same benefits as casting identify. Maybe if you’re a wizard and you can ritual cast it, that’s one thing, but for a warlock, I’d recommend choosing something else.
Lvl 1&2 Warlocks have one pact spell slot, but as you noticed, you get it back after a short rest. It's a different kind of caster compared to anything else. Your power will come from invocations and class features, regular spells are icing on the cake. In most builds, EB, PotB, or weapon+cantrip will be the mainstays. Warlocks are for people who have a favorite food and can eat it every meal, lol.
Or people who get lots of meal breaks (i.e. short rests) and can eat multiple things in a single day.
Lvl 1&2 Warlocks have one pact spell slot, but as you noticed, you get it back after a short rest. It's a different kind of caster compared to anything else. Your power will come from invocations and class features, regular spells are icing on the cake. In most builds, EB, PotB, or weapon+cantrip will be the mainstays. Warlocks are for people who have a favorite food and can eat it every meal, lol.
Level 2 warlocks have two pact spell slots, actually.
I usually think of warlocks not as a caster, but as more of an archer (eldritch blast in place of a bow) who can cast a couple spells. Most fight will have you spamming EB, and you pull out a spell when you need some extra oomph. I also suggest spells that are longer lasting, concentration spells that will give you something for a whole fight instead of flashy single-attack spells. The other thing is to remember your spells will automatically scale up as you level up. So it’s really worth looking for spells that benefit from upcasting. Bane is a good example, as you’ll be able to target more enemies as you level, and it will last a few rounds.
I often liken to pick invocations that let me cast more spells without using a slot, like mask of many faces.
It can also be worth looking at feats like fey touched, which in addition to boosting your cha will give you another spell 1/day, and add the spell to your list.
Side note, personally I don’t see a point to identify. You can always just spend a short rest studying an item and get all the same benefits as casting identify. Maybe if you’re a wizard and you can ritual cast it, that’s one thing, but for a warlock, I’d recommend choosing something else.
100% this. I tend to MC my warlocks a lot to get some extra flexibiity with lower level spells as well.
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Any time an unfathomably powerful entity sweeps in and offers godlike rewards in return for just a few teensy favors, it’s a scam. Unless it’s me. I’d never lie to you, reader dearest.
I am so confused about the number of spells we can use per round. I've read, I think, the official rules and unofficial comments a dozen times. Can I cast Witch Bolt, action? Followed by Eldritch Blast, bonus action, on turn 1? Then EB followed by the BA part of WB until I lose concentration or the spell ends? Can the BA be anything? Or does it have to be a cantrip? Or just the BA WB? Since it's the only BA, as written,. I have other than Magic Stone. I may cast Guiding Bolt followed by EB so that EB as a BA will have advantage first. I read there's an order that must be followed but I'm even more confused.
I feel I'm taking spells I'm never going to use, even though I know it's good to have extras, in case. I just don't know what the "in case" would be. I have 2 quarterstaffs in case I lose my ability to cast, not sure that can even happen. I have a few close quarters spells that require a save and won't be at disadvantage like the "roll to hit ranged" spells. What type of spell can I use for an opportunity attack? Would it only be a "roll to save" spell? Because I noticed War caster specifically says "You can now cast a spell instead of making a melee attack when taking an OA. Without WC, I don't think any spell is useable for an OA.
Also, can I cast Guidance after initiative is called without using an action from my turn? In fact, any buff spell, like Shillelagh, for instance. I can cast Mage Armor at will, so can I tell my DM it's cast every 8 hours, all the time. I'm not sure if my math is correct, but wouldn't +1 studder leather match MA, making it obsolete?
I forgot to tell everyone. I'm an Assimar with a celestial patron. The patron came in handy. The first time out, one of our party got downed a couple times. I got downed after using heal and cure wounds, which I forgot I had, and then the third member of our party finally killed the last enemy. That was a fun way to introduce me to spells!
I am so confused about the number of spells we can use per round. I've read, I think, the official rules and unofficial comments a dozen times. Can I cast Witch Bolt, action? Followed by Eldritch Blast, bonus action, on turn 1? Then EB followed by the BA part of WB until I lose concentration or the spell ends? Can the BA be anything? Or does it have to be a cantrip? Or just the BA WB? Since it's the only BA, as written,. I have other than Magic Stone. I may cast Guiding Bolt followed by EB so that EB as a BA will have advantage first. I read there's an order that must be followed but I'm even more confused.
I feel I'm taking spells I'm never going to use, even though I know it's good to have extras, in case. I just don't know what the "in case" would be. I have 2 quarterstaffs in case I lose my ability to cast, not sure that can even happen. I have a few close quarters spells that require a save and won't be at disadvantage like the "roll to hit ranged" spells. What type of spell can I use for an opportunity attack? Would it only be a "roll to save" spell? Because I noticed War caster specifically says "You can now cast a spell instead of making a melee attack when taking an OA. Without WC, I don't think any spell is useable for an OA.
Also, can I cast Guidance after initiative is called without using an action from my turn? In fact, any buff spell, like Shillelagh, for instance. I can cast Mage Armor at will, so can I tell my DM it's cast every 8 hours, all the time. I'm not sure if my math is correct, but wouldn't +1 studder leather match MA, making it obsolete?
I forgot to tell everyone. I'm an Assimar with a celestial patron. The patron came in handy. The first time out, one of our party got downed a couple times. I got downed after using heal and cure wounds, which I forgot I had, and then the third member of our party finally killed the last enemy. That was a fun way to introduce me to spells!
Thanks again.
Some spells may be cast as a bonus action. Some spells need to be cast as an action, some spells can be cast as a reaction. During your turn you may cast spells with the appropriate action for that spell. When doing so you may only cast 1 of those spells using a spell slot. So if you have hellish rebuke, for example, because you are a tiefling and can cast it as a reaction without using a spell slot this does not count against the number of spells you can cast with a spell slot. So during your turn you could use your action to cast Eldritch blast, your bonus action to cast Armor of Agathys using one of your pact magic slots and then move away triggering an attack of opportunity and if you get hit use your reaction to cast Hellish rebuke with your tiefling without using a spell slot.
You can concentrate on one spell at a time so if 2 of your spells have the concetration tag on it you can only keep one up at a time. Spells with the ritual tag you can take an additional 10 minutes to cast and they won't use a spell slot. These are commonly utility spells like detect magic and comprehend languages. You can not typically cast an action spell without using your action. If you tell your GM I am casting X every Y often it should be ok. Guidance is a cantrip, but it uses concentration so as long as you aren't using your concentration on something else, like hex, you should be able to cast it on someone indefinitely thus the (I am casting x every Y), but if you are using your concentration on anything else you don't want to do that. Mage armor doesn't use concentration so it is a different story. Shillelagh uses your bonus action not your action.
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Hi everyone, I just set up a pact of the tome warlock and I'm having problems, I think, with the character sheet. I took Find Familiar and Identify first level spells with the pact. I took Bane and Detect Magic from the spell list. I have only one check box to the right of "1st Level". It's for pact spells. Shouldn't I have that box and others to check off when I use Bane and DM? Right now, if I cast Bane or DM, I have to take a short rest to get them back again. P.S. any other suggestions for spells would be appreciated. I'm not looking for some "knock an ancient dragon dead in one shot" build... I've never played like that. Thanks.
We are all in danger!
Lvl 1
&2Warlocks have one pact spell slot, but as you noticed, you get it back after a short rest. It's a different kind of caster compared to anything else. Your power will come from invocations and class features, regular spells are icing on the cake. In most builds, EB, PotB, or weapon+cantrip will be the mainstays. Warlocks are for people who have a favorite food and can eat it every meal, lol.edit, correction
I usually think of warlocks not as a caster, but as more of an archer (eldritch blast in place of a bow) who can cast a couple spells. Most fight will have you spamming EB, and you pull out a spell when you need some extra oomph. I also suggest spells that are longer lasting, concentration spells that will give you something for a whole fight instead of flashy single-attack spells. The other thing is to remember your spells will automatically scale up as you level up. So it’s really worth looking for spells that benefit from upcasting. Bane is a good example, as you’ll be able to target more enemies as you level, and it will last a few rounds.
I often liken to pick invocations that let me cast more spells without using a slot, like mask of many faces.
It can also be worth looking at feats like fey touched, which in addition to boosting your cha will give you another spell 1/day, and add the spell to your list.
Side note, personally I don’t see a point to identify. You can always just spend a short rest studying an item and get all the same benefits as casting identify. Maybe if you’re a wizard and you can ritual cast it, that’s one thing, but for a warlock, I’d recommend choosing something else.
Or people who get lots of meal breaks (i.e. short rests) and can eat multiple things in a single day.
welcome and I am a warlock too
merlin the warlock
Level 2 warlocks have two pact spell slots, actually.
100% this. I tend to MC my warlocks a lot to get some extra flexibiity with lower level spells as well.
Any time an unfathomably powerful entity sweeps in and offers godlike rewards in return for just a few teensy favors, it’s a scam. Unless it’s me. I’d never lie to you, reader dearest.
I am so confused about the number of spells we can use per round. I've read, I think, the official rules and unofficial comments a dozen times. Can I cast Witch Bolt, action? Followed by Eldritch Blast, bonus action, on turn 1? Then EB followed by the BA part of WB until I lose concentration or the spell ends? Can the BA be anything? Or does it have to be a cantrip? Or just the BA WB? Since it's the only BA, as written,. I have other than Magic Stone. I may cast Guiding Bolt followed by EB so that EB as a BA will have advantage first. I read there's an order that must be followed but I'm even more confused.
I feel I'm taking spells I'm never going to use, even though I know it's good to have extras, in case. I just don't know what the "in case" would be. I have 2 quarterstaffs in case I lose my ability to cast, not sure that can even happen. I have a few close quarters spells that require a save and won't be at disadvantage like the "roll to hit ranged" spells. What type of spell can I use for an opportunity attack? Would it only be a "roll to save" spell? Because I noticed War caster specifically says "You can now cast a spell instead of making a melee attack when taking an OA. Without WC, I don't think any spell is useable for an OA.
Also, can I cast Guidance after initiative is called without using an action from my turn? In fact, any buff spell, like Shillelagh, for instance. I can cast Mage Armor at will, so can I tell my DM it's cast every 8 hours, all the time. I'm not sure if my math is correct, but wouldn't +1 studder leather match MA, making it obsolete?
I forgot to tell everyone. I'm an Assimar with a celestial patron. The patron came in handy. The first time out, one of our party got downed a couple times. I got downed after using heal and cure wounds, which I forgot I had, and then the third member of our party finally killed the last enemy. That was a fun way to introduce me to spells!
Thanks again.
We are all in danger!
Some spells may be cast as a bonus action. Some spells need to be cast as an action, some spells can be cast as a reaction. During your turn you may cast spells with the appropriate action for that spell. When doing so you may only cast 1 of those spells using a spell slot. So if you have hellish rebuke, for example, because you are a tiefling and can cast it as a reaction without using a spell slot this does not count against the number of spells you can cast with a spell slot. So during your turn you could use your action to cast Eldritch blast, your bonus action to cast Armor of Agathys using one of your pact magic slots and then move away triggering an attack of opportunity and if you get hit use your reaction to cast Hellish rebuke with your tiefling without using a spell slot.
You can concentrate on one spell at a time so if 2 of your spells have the concetration tag on it you can only keep one up at a time. Spells with the ritual tag you can take an additional 10 minutes to cast and they won't use a spell slot. These are commonly utility spells like detect magic and comprehend languages. You can not typically cast an action spell without using your action. If you tell your GM I am casting X every Y often it should be ok. Guidance is a cantrip, but it uses concentration so as long as you aren't using your concentration on something else, like hex, you should be able to cast it on someone indefinitely thus the (I am casting x every Y), but if you are using your concentration on anything else you don't want to do that. Mage armor doesn't use concentration so it is a different story. Shillelagh uses your bonus action not your action.