I just made some warlock invocations, any feedback?
Strike of Sseth
Pact of the Blade, Level 7
Once per turn, when you hit with an attack with your pact weapon, you deal additional poison damage equal to your proficiency bonus. Additionally, you can force the creature to make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, the target is poisoned until the end of your next turn.
Whispers of World’s Beyond
Great Old One Patron, Level 5
Your patron grants you the ability to let others hear the inane whisperings of the Far Realm. Once per turn, when you deal psychic damage to a creature with a spell, it has disadvantage on its first attack roll next turn.
Broken Chains
Pact of the Chain, Level 12
As your prove your ability to control powerful creatures, your patron grants you control of an even more powerful familiar. When you summon your chain familiar, you can choose from the following list of familiars: Adult Kruthik, Allosaurus, Awakened Tree, Brass Dragon Wyrmling, Bronze Dragon Wyrmling, Bulette Pup, Copper Dragon Wyrmling, Death Dog, Dragonnel, Empyrean Iota, Ettercap, or Gargoyle.
Sleep of the Ages
Archfey Patron, Level 7
Once per long rest, when you cast the Sleep spell with a warlock spell slot, you can affect a number of hit points equal to double the number you roll.
Judgement of Nessus
Fiend Patron, Level 5
When you deal damage to a creature of evil alignment with a levelled warlock spell, you deal additional fire damage equal to three times your Charisma modifier.
Eldritch Adaptation
Level 9
Your body mutates to become more like your patron. You gain resistance to two elemental damage types of your choice, and grow natural weapons. These natural weapons use your Charisma modifier for attack and damage rolls, and deal 2d10 psychic, radiant, or necrotic damage (you choose when you take this invocation).
Spectres Grasp
Level 5
Your patron teaches you to channel the ectoplasmic energy of the realms beyond life. Once per turn, when you hit a creature with eldritch blast, the target cannot regain hit points until the start of your next turn.
Fickle Favors
Archfey Patron, Level 5
You can call upon a favor owed to your patron. You lear the Summon Fey spell if you didn’t know it already and it is a warlock spell for you, but doesn’t count towards your total number of spells known. Additionally, fey you summon with this spell have temporary hit points equal to your warlock level + your Charisma modifier.
Glance Through Time
Level 2
Your patron grants you knowledge of recent events, allowing you to peer through time and observe. Once per long rest, you can expend one of your warlock spell slots to establish a magical sensor in the past. Choose a time within the last 24 hours. The sensor invisibly appears at that time in your current location, and lasts for 1 hour. While it exists, you can expend an action to establish a connection with the sensor. Whilst connected, you can see as though you are in the sensor’s space, and are incapacitated until you cease the connection as a bonus action on your turn.
Book of Forgotten Lore
Pact of the Tome, Level 9
Your patron inscribes ancient secrets and lore into the pages of your Book of Shadows, giving you long forgotten knowledge. Once per long rest, you can use your Book of Shadows to cast Legend Lore without expending a spell slot.
Demogorgon’s Madness
Fiend Patron, Level 7
The madness of the demon prince, Demogorgon, is channeled into your strikes. When you hit a creature with eldritch blast, you can cast confusion, targeting only that creature. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Why do ships ship cargo and cars carry shipments? Why do we have fingertips but not toetips and can tiptoe but can't tipfinger. These are all the questions of the universe.
Yeah, 2d10 is a lot of damage for a single weapon attack that hasn't had anything extra tacked onto it yet.
eh level 9 though. What exactly are you going to do that does less than that. Eldritch blast will be 2d10 at range and have chr damage on both its bolts. True strike cantrip will be doing 1d8+1d6+chr at range with a crossbow, or 3d6+chr with like a 2 handed sword, pact of the blade will be doing more. 2 resistances though is pretty powerful, like piercing/slashing on my genie pact who is already resistant to bludgeoning, he now almost barbarian like durability. I see the natural weapons as almost a ribbon feature of the invocation.
I just made some warlock invocations, any feedback?
Sleep of the Ages
Archfey Patron, Level 7
Once per long rest, when you cast the Sleep spell with a warlock spell slot, you can affect a number of hit points equal to double the number you roll.
Should probably state which version you're offering these Invocations for; the 2024 Sleep spell doesn't run off HP the way the 2014 Sleep spell did..
Glance Through Time
Level 2
Your patron grants you knowledge of recent events, allowing you to peer through time and observe. Once per long rest, you can expend one of your warlock spell slots to establish a magical sensor in the past. Choose a time within the last 24 hours. The sensor invisibly appears at that time in your current location, and lasts for 1 hour. While it exists, you can expend an action to establish a connection with the sensor. Whilst connected, you can see as though you are in the sensor’s space, and are incapacitated until you cease the connection as a bonus action on your turn.
There's really not much of a point in making this cost a Pact Magic Slot. It's already once per Long Rest, and it's almost inconceivable that it would be used in combat. Further questions:
The sensor exists for one hour, in the past. How long is the Warlock able to connect to it, in the Present?
Can the Warlock pick any point in the hour of the past to view when he connects?
Can he scroll back and forth through what the sensor views?
Is there any way for someone who objects to this happening to break the connection? (Clearly, Incapacitating the Warlock does not work.)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
🎵I'm on top of the world, looking down on creation, wreaking death and devastation with my mind.
As the power that I've found erupts freely from the ground, I will cackle from the top of the world.🎵
Thanks for the feedback! I wasn't sure about Eldritch adaptation, due to it being melee I wanted it to be a viable alternative to bladelock. I didn't realize 2024 sleep didn't scale off of hit points lol.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Why do ships ship cargo and cars carry shipments? Why do we have fingertips but not toetips and can tiptoe but can't tipfinger. These are all the questions of the universe.
Oh and also, your right about hex! I didn't even consider that! I might make it work on the spells first damage roll.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Why do ships ship cargo and cars carry shipments? Why do we have fingertips but not toetips and can tiptoe but can't tipfinger. These are all the questions of the universe.
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I just made some warlock invocations, any feedback?
Strike of Sseth
Pact of the Blade, Level 7
Once per turn, when you hit with an attack with your pact weapon, you deal additional poison damage equal to your proficiency bonus. Additionally, you can force the creature to make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, the target is poisoned until the end of your next turn.
Whispers of World’s Beyond
Great Old One Patron, Level 5
Your patron grants you the ability to let others hear the inane whisperings of the Far Realm. Once per turn, when you deal psychic damage to a creature with a spell, it has disadvantage on its first attack roll next turn.
Broken Chains
Pact of the Chain, Level 12
As your prove your ability to control powerful creatures, your patron grants you control of an even more powerful familiar. When you summon your chain familiar, you can choose from the following list of familiars: Adult Kruthik, Allosaurus, Awakened Tree, Brass Dragon Wyrmling, Bronze Dragon Wyrmling, Bulette Pup, Copper Dragon Wyrmling, Death Dog, Dragonnel, Empyrean Iota, Ettercap, or Gargoyle.
Sleep of the Ages
Archfey Patron, Level 7
Once per long rest, when you cast the Sleep spell with a warlock spell slot, you can affect a number of hit points equal to double the number you roll.
Judgement of Nessus
Fiend Patron, Level 5
When you deal damage to a creature of evil alignment with a levelled warlock spell, you deal additional fire damage equal to three times your Charisma modifier.
Eldritch Adaptation
Level 9
Your body mutates to become more like your patron. You gain resistance to two elemental damage types of your choice, and grow natural weapons. These natural weapons use your Charisma modifier for attack and damage rolls, and deal 2d10 psychic, radiant, or necrotic damage (you choose when you take this invocation).
Spectres Grasp
Level 5
Your patron teaches you to channel the ectoplasmic energy of the realms beyond life. Once per turn, when you hit a creature with eldritch blast, the target cannot regain hit points until the start of your next turn.
Fickle Favors
Archfey Patron, Level 5
You can call upon a favor owed to your patron. You lear the Summon Fey spell if you didn’t know it already and it is a warlock spell for you, but doesn’t count towards your total number of spells known. Additionally, fey you summon with this spell have temporary hit points equal to your warlock level + your Charisma modifier.
Glance Through Time
Level 2
Your patron grants you knowledge of recent events, allowing you to peer through time and observe. Once per long rest, you can expend one of your warlock spell slots to establish a magical sensor in the past. Choose a time within the last 24 hours. The sensor invisibly appears at that time in your current location, and lasts for 1 hour. While it exists, you can expend an action to establish a connection with the sensor. Whilst connected, you can see as though you are in the sensor’s space, and are incapacitated until you cease the connection as a bonus action on your turn.
Book of Forgotten Lore
Pact of the Tome, Level 9
Your patron inscribes ancient secrets and lore into the pages of your Book of Shadows, giving you long forgotten knowledge. Once per long rest, you can use your Book of Shadows to cast Legend Lore without expending a spell slot.
Demogorgon’s Madness
Fiend Patron, Level 7
The madness of the demon prince, Demogorgon, is channeled into your strikes. When you hit a creature with eldritch blast, you can cast confusion, targeting only that creature. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
Why do ships ship cargo and cars carry shipments? Why do we have fingertips but not toetips and can tiptoe but can't tipfinger. These are all the questions of the universe.
I think eldritch adaptation is too powerful.
Quotes to answer any question (pm me more)
Extended signature
Yeah, 2d10 is a lot of damage for a single weapon attack that hasn't had anything extra tacked onto it yet.
eh level 9 though. What exactly are you going to do that does less than that. Eldritch blast will be 2d10 at range and have chr damage on both its bolts. True strike cantrip will be doing 1d8+1d6+chr at range with a crossbow, or 3d6+chr with like a 2 handed sword, pact of the blade will be doing more. 2 resistances though is pretty powerful, like piercing/slashing on my genie pact who is already resistant to bludgeoning, he now almost barbarian like durability. I see the natural weapons as almost a ribbon feature of the invocation.
Judgement of Nessus is broken with hex.
Quotes to answer any question (pm me more)
Extended signature
Should probably state which version you're offering these Invocations for; the 2024 Sleep spell doesn't run off HP the way the 2014 Sleep spell did..
There's really not much of a point in making this cost a Pact Magic Slot. It's already once per Long Rest, and it's almost inconceivable that it would be used in combat. Further questions:
🎵I'm on top of the world, looking down on creation, wreaking death and devastation with my mind.
As the power that I've found erupts freely from the ground, I will cackle from the top of the world.🎵
Thanks for the feedback! I wasn't sure about Eldritch adaptation, due to it being melee I wanted it to be a viable alternative to bladelock. I didn't realize 2024 sleep didn't scale off of hit points lol.
Why do ships ship cargo and cars carry shipments? Why do we have fingertips but not toetips and can tiptoe but can't tipfinger. These are all the questions of the universe.
Oh and also, your right about hex! I didn't even consider that! I might make it work on the spells first damage roll.
Why do ships ship cargo and cars carry shipments? Why do we have fingertips but not toetips and can tiptoe but can't tipfinger. These are all the questions of the universe.