
A wielder of magic that is derived from a bargain with an extraplanar entity
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
What does your Eldritch Blast look like? >>
by NaivaraArnuanna
152 11,643
Is Warlock Bad? >>
by Mandalore26
152 24,878
Genie >>
by BramblefootDruid
128 11,714
Sell me on Pact of the Chain >>
by Tonio
126 181,812
Warlock Patron Ideas >>
by Thorzap
120 76,244
My Personal Bug with the Warlock is….. >>
by TrippyHippyEcho
111 10,651
Why would you make a pact? >>
by ItzPlant
107 13,629
Who plays a Brightlock (The Celestial) >>
by Eisenfuchs
105 111,580
Unconventional warlock background? >>
by Collin_Lightborn
93 27,722
5.5 e wish list >>
by CynnamonV
90 1,867
What makes the Warlock worth it? >>
by Vanadis_Alcyone
84 58,367
Is warlock just under powered >>
by DestroyerElf
74 15,068
What do patrons want from warlocks? >>
by Irianne
71 92,229
Warlock Breaks The Pact With Their Patron >>
by FrankReynoldsGaryGygax
70 20,825
Cleric/Warlock multiclass? >>
by irrelevant_ibis
69 73,556
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