I want to try to a absolute tank of a bladesinger. I'm trying not to make it to mad. I love to hear weird options, and opinions on a build like this. Preferabley a multiclass. I'm trying to make the build have decent hitpoints, good crowd control, and high AC.
I want to try to a absolute tank of a bladesinger. I'm trying not to make it to mad. I love to hear weird options, and opinions on a build like this. Preferabley a multiclass. I'm trying to make the build have decent hitpoints, good crowd control, and high AC.
A couple of things to consider right off the bat:
1. Bladesinging can be used a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and none of its initial benefits scale with your Wizard level. Therefore, you might want to make Wizard an add-on class with only enough levels to get the subclass (2 in 2014 rules, 3 in 2024 rules) and keep most of your levels in something less squishy.
2. However, Bladesinger's key ability does not work if you are wearing medium or heavy armor or using a shield. This means that if you want a high AC, you need to look for things that give you that without actually wearing armor. One way to get this is the Draconic Bloodline subclass for Sorcerer, which under 2014 rules you can get with just one level of Sorcerer. It gives you an unarmored AC that's slightly better than the best non-magical light armor and some extra HP as well.
It's kinda hard to make a bladesinger tanky. You can make them insanely hard to hit, but it's hard to keep them on their feet when the defense finally fails.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Any time an unfathomably powerful entity sweeps in and offers godlike rewards in return for just a few teensy favors, it’s a scam. Unless it’s me. I’d never lie to you, reader dearest.
It's kinda hard to make a bladesinger tanky. You can make them insanely hard to hit, but it's hard to keep them on their feet when the defense finally fails.
My favorite saying about Bladesingers - "They aren't tanky, they are dodgy."
This. You might miss them a lot, but one critical hit from a tough monster can knock them down in no time flat. If you want tanky, you might have to look somewhere else.
An interesting variation is to start with 1 level of barbarian- 12 Hp, rage ( more on this n a minute) light armor or unarmored defense (10+DB+ConB), martial weapons and weapon mastery. Rage sound ridiculous until you think it thru. You only have 2 rages at L1 so they aren’t really your go to - they are your fallback when you need them. Once raging you can’t caste spells but you take half damage (resistance) from bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage, get advantage on strength checks a +2 rage damage bonus at L1 bonus. If you go to L2 you get advantage n Dex saves and reckless attack which you may never use. Then going wizards- bladesinger the rest of the way still lets you get your L9 spell as well as your spell mastery feature. The nay thing you miss is the epic boon and capstone (signature spells). This does make the PC fairly MAD as you need strength, Dex, con and Intelligence stats but could be worth it.
Alternatively, you could multiclass with an Armorer Artificer for all those fun infusions. Studded Leather Armor +2 (infused), Ring of Protection (replicated), Cloak of Protection (replicated), Bracers of Defense (replicated). This would give you a total of 14+5+5+1+1+2=28AC. All this is obtainable on your own with no help from DM with magic items.
Alternatively, you could multiclass with an Armorer Artificer for all those fun infusions. Studded Leather Armor +2 (infused), Ring of Protection (replicated), Cloak of Protection (replicated), Bracers of Defense (replicated). This would give you a total of 14+5+5+1+1+2=28AC. All this is obtainable on your own with no help from DM with magic items.
Bracers of Defense only work when you’re not wearing armor, but you can get a Repulsion Shield infusion instead which is even better. No you can't never mind.
I built ( white room build) a Goliath barbarian2/bladesinger 18 that never really needed armor. Granted I rolled and got a really good set of rolls but still it shows what is possible.
20, but really. Just 18 as your blowing thru your slots casting shield to get to 20. Barbarian grants you constitution saves and bonus AC ( Dex+con bonuses) for a probable start of AC 14 - 1 better than mage armor alone or 1 less than mage armor + dex. As you level you can improve both Dex and con ( and Intel) to give you boosts to base AC. And you have rage to fall back on if you get hit badly.
I've always viewed mage armor as a trap option that eats up a spellslot I can't really afford to use, for a fairly minimal gain in AC. I prefer to keep myself on my feet relying on position and/or MC for armor if it makes sense for the character.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Any time an unfathomably powerful entity sweeps in and offers godlike rewards in return for just a few teensy favors, it’s a scam. Unless it’s me. I’d never lie to you, reader dearest.
That's part of the problem with bladesingers trying to be tanky. And if they DO get hit, they get smashed hard because they have no hitpoints.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Any time an unfathomably powerful entity sweeps in and offers godlike rewards in return for just a few teensy favors, it’s a scam. Unless it’s me. I’d never lie to you, reader dearest.
Blade Singer they either do not get hit (AC) or they do get hit and get hurt (HP)
Need to look into ways to reduce incoming damage While encouraging enemies to hit them before level 10 (Going Full caster will give a lot of slots to fuel this feature.
It's kinda hard to make a bladesinger tanky. You can make them insanely hard to hit, but it's hard to keep them on their feet when the defense finally fails.
My favorite saying about Bladesingers - "They aren't tanky, they are dodgy."
This. You might miss them a lot, but one critical hit from a tough monster can knock them down in no time flat. If you want tanky, you might have to look somewhere else.
I like to describe my Bladesinger as an egg: hard shell but once you crack it....no bueno.
If I were being forced into gimping a bladesinger by standing in melee, I think I'd HAVE to have dwarf for dwarven toughness, and take tough as an origin feat. And I do mean gimping. What makes a wizard amazing is it's spells. Taking it into melee and swinging your sword, you're just a bad fighter.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Any time an unfathomably powerful entity sweeps in and offers godlike rewards in return for just a few teensy favors, it’s a scam. Unless it’s me. I’d never lie to you, reader dearest.
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I want to try to a absolute tank of a bladesinger. I'm trying not to make it to mad. I love to hear weird options, and opinions on a build like this. Preferabley a multiclass. I'm trying to make the build have decent hitpoints, good crowd control, and high AC.
A couple of things to consider right off the bat:
1. Bladesinging can be used a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and none of its initial benefits scale with your Wizard level. Therefore, you might want to make Wizard an add-on class with only enough levels to get the subclass (2 in 2014 rules, 3 in 2024 rules) and keep most of your levels in something less squishy.
2. However, Bladesinger's key ability does not work if you are wearing medium or heavy armor or using a shield. This means that if you want a high AC, you need to look for things that give you that without actually wearing armor. One way to get this is the Draconic Bloodline subclass for Sorcerer, which under 2014 rules you can get with just one level of Sorcerer. It gives you an unarmored AC that's slightly better than the best non-magical light armor and some extra HP as well.
It's kinda hard to make a bladesinger tanky. You can make them insanely hard to hit, but it's hard to keep them on their feet when the defense finally fails.
Any time an unfathomably powerful entity sweeps in and offers godlike rewards in return for just a few teensy favors, it’s a scam. Unless it’s me. I’d never lie to you, reader dearest.
My favorite saying about Bladesingers - "They aren't tanky, they are dodgy."
This. You might miss them a lot, but one critical hit from a tough monster can knock them down in no time flat. If you want tanky, you might have to look somewhere else.
An interesting variation is to start with 1 level of barbarian- 12 Hp, rage ( more on this n a minute) light armor or unarmored defense (10+DB+ConB), martial weapons and weapon mastery. Rage sound ridiculous until you think it thru. You only have 2 rages at L1 so they aren’t really your go to - they are your fallback when you need them. Once raging you can’t caste spells but you take half damage (resistance) from bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage, get advantage on strength checks a +2 rage damage bonus at L1 bonus. If you go to L2 you get advantage n Dex saves and reckless attack which you may never use. Then going wizards- bladesinger the rest of the way still lets you get your L9 spell as well as your spell mastery feature. The nay thing you miss is the epic boon and capstone (signature spells). This does make the PC fairly MAD as you need strength, Dex, con and Intelligence stats but could be worth it.
Wisea$$ DM and Player since 1979.
Alternatively, you could multiclass with an Armorer Artificer for all those fun infusions. Studded Leather Armor +2 (infused), Ring of Protection (replicated), Cloak of Protection (replicated), Bracers of Defense (replicated). This would give you a total of 14+5+5+1+1+2=28AC. All this is obtainable on your own with no help from DM with magic items.
Bracers of Defense only work when you’re not wearing armor
, but you can get a Repulsion Shield infusion instead which is even better. No you can't never mind.Except a blade singer can’t be using a shield
Wisea$$ DM and Player since 1979.
Ehhhhh you're right, that won't work. Not sure there's any other item that would have the same benefit as Bracers of Defense but work with armor.
I built ( white room build) a Goliath barbarian2/bladesinger 18 that never really needed armor. Granted I rolled and got a really good set of rolls but still it shows what is possible.
Wisea$$ DM and Player since 1979.
Mage armor, Dex and shield spell is what? 20-22 ac?
20, but really. Just 18 as your blowing thru your slots casting shield to get to 20. Barbarian grants you constitution saves and bonus AC ( Dex+con bonuses) for a probable start of AC 14 - 1 better than mage armor alone or 1 less than mage armor + dex. As you level you can improve both Dex and con ( and Intel) to give you boosts to base AC. And you have rage to fall back on if you get hit badly.
Wisea$$ DM and Player since 1979.
I've always viewed mage armor as a trap option that eats up a spellslot I can't really afford to use, for a fairly minimal gain in AC. I prefer to keep myself on my feet relying on position and/or MC for armor if it makes sense for the character.
Any time an unfathomably powerful entity sweeps in and offers godlike rewards in return for just a few teensy favors, it’s a scam. Unless it’s me. I’d never lie to you, reader dearest.
Blade Singing lets INT add to AC
Blade Singing lets INT add to Con save to maintain spells.
As stated earlier this is INT based not level based and used PB times per Long Rest.
TO tank you want to get hit instead of Teammates and Prevent party from getting hit or taking damage.
Level 6 Blade singing gives Extra attack with ability to replace one of those attacks with a cantrip. (Any cantrip you know so good for Multiclass)
At level 10 Can spend a spell Slot to reduce damage by 5 x Spell Slot - Only to self / will not help team
At level 14 add Int to weapon attack damage while Blade Song active - Help self not party.
Will need to think HOW you want to tank for party. IF AC too high enemy may stop targeting you.
That's part of the problem with bladesingers trying to be tanky. And if they DO get hit, they get smashed hard because they have no hitpoints.
Any time an unfathomably powerful entity sweeps in and offers godlike rewards in return for just a few teensy favors, it’s a scam. Unless it’s me. I’d never lie to you, reader dearest.
Blade Singer they either do not get hit (AC) or they do get hit and get hurt (HP)
Need to look into ways to reduce incoming damage While encouraging enemies to hit them before level 10 (Going Full caster will give a lot of slots to fuel this feature.
But what to do before then?
I like to describe my Bladesinger as an egg: hard shell but once you crack it....no bueno.
If I were being forced into gimping a bladesinger by standing in melee, I think I'd HAVE to have dwarf for dwarven toughness, and take tough as an origin feat. And I do mean gimping. What makes a wizard amazing is it's spells. Taking it into melee and swinging your sword, you're just a bad fighter.
Any time an unfathomably powerful entity sweeps in and offers godlike rewards in return for just a few teensy favors, it’s a scam. Unless it’s me. I’d never lie to you, reader dearest.