Here is how I would convert the 2014 Conjuration Wizard into 2024 rules:
- Conjuration Savant - change it the way the others have been
- Minor Conjuration - I think this feature is fine the way it is. Maybe also give the Summon Beast spell, since wizards don't get that.
- Benign Transposition - this, I feel, is also fine as is. In combat, it might be disappointing, as Misty Step is a bonus action, but out of combat this feels pretty solid. Perhaps also allow you to teleport a willing creature you are touching? And also allow this to recharge on a short rest?
- Focused Conjuration - ok, here is where we start making changes. How I would do it is have it so that if you cast a spell that summons a creature, the spell doesn't require concentration (although, the spell does end if you cast another summoning spell).
- Durable Summons - double the hitpoints of creatures summoned with spells that provide a statblock in the spell text. Other creatures you summon with spells or magic get 30 temporary hitpoints.
- Benign Transposition you already get back when you cast another conjuration spell which you can ritual cast so i dont think this needs changing
Focused Conjuration your version is kind of a boost but not many play conjuration so i would allow it
Durable summons your change may be a little too powerful considering most subclasses have one feature that isnt great i feel all of conjurations are good
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Here is how I would convert the 2014 Conjuration Wizard into 2024 rules:
- Conjuration Savant - change it the way the others have been
- Minor Conjuration - I think this feature is fine the way it is. Maybe also give the Summon Beast spell, since wizards don't get that.
- Benign Transposition - this, I feel, is also fine as is. In combat, it might be disappointing, as Misty Step is a bonus action, but out of combat this feels pretty solid. Perhaps also allow you to teleport a willing creature you are touching? And also allow this to recharge on a short rest?
- Focused Conjuration - ok, here is where we start making changes. How I would do it is have it so that if you cast a spell that summons a creature, the spell doesn't require concentration (although, the spell does end if you cast another summoning spell).
- Durable Summons - double the hitpoints of creatures summoned with spells that provide a statblock in the spell text. Other creatures you summon with spells or magic get 30 temporary hitpoints.
I agree with you for the most part however
- Benign Transposition you already get back when you cast another conjuration spell which you can ritual cast so i dont think this needs changing
Focused Conjuration your version is kind of a boost but not many play conjuration so i would allow it
Durable summons your change may be a little too powerful considering most subclasses have one feature that isnt great i feel all of conjurations are good