
A scholarly magic-user capable of manipulating the structures of reality
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Ritual & Concentration Tags >>
by eldergod0515
3 1,736
Teleportation >>
by HyunRi
6 1,424
Sheogoraths Secret Society >>
by Mako_The_Conjurer
5 1,186
Multiclassing Illusionist Wizard >>
by Sand
4 3,690
I Wish... >>
by ThemDave
4 15,530
Teleportation Circle known destinations >>
by GiantBong
4 3,849
Drawing Spells >>
by Esria
5 3,267
Question about hypnotic gaze >>
by Deleted
1 2,797
Making my first High-Elf Wizard, and I have no idea what I'm doing as usual! :P >>
by EntityDJI
1 15,581
Maximum undead? >>
by Arenabait
1 1,330
Wizard's Tower. Everything you need for a magical sanctum. >>
by Liam1976
5 11,340
Help with spell book explanation. >>
by clear_seeker
2 1,199
How would you build a Death Knight? >>
by KrisseyCakes
2 8,182
Favorite type of Spells >>
by Docs1231
8 1,311
Simple question: Spell casting modifiers >>
by MyklK
4 20,157
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