
A scholarly magic-user capable of manipulating the structures of reality
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
UA Loremaster (Creative Ideas and Uses for it's abilities) >>
by Liam1976
10 5,943
Wizard's Tower. Everything you need for a magical sanctum. >>
by Liam1976
5 11,320
How would you build a Death Knight? >>
by KrisseyCakes
2 8,157
Help with spell book explanation. >>
by clear_seeker
2 1,199
Boom! Zap! Zap! Evoker Wizard or Sorcerer? >>
by Abwyn
7 13,095
Simple question: Spell casting modifiers >>
by MyklK
4 19,961
spell list >>
by Baelthazar1
3 1,006
Arcane Focuss...focuses...foci? Wands! >>
by Gyrnos
26 7,726
Still trying to understand some nuances with magic. Any help is appreciated. >>
by Tyson
10 2,518
Arcane Tradition Question >>
by Trackblock
2 929
High Elf cantrip with wizard class >>
by darkwonders
1 1,552
Arcane Ward, am I reading this correctly? >>
by FullMetalBunny
9 40,394
SKT for wizards -- quick experience notes >>
by Windrunner
1 1,014
I want to be a solo wizard with some healing. >>
by Deleted
14 8,279
Components VS Arcane Focus >>
by Collin_Lightborn
2 2,225
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