
A scholarly magic-user capable of manipulating the structures of reality
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Conjuration Wizard - Minor Conjuration. >>
by Collin_Lightborn
4 4,940
Wizard Equivalent of Cunning Action - Disengage >>
by RawnNiven
4 1,822
Tactical Wit question. >>
by CaptainMark
6 8,888
Dragon's Breath Question >>
by Thucydides
7 4,438
Arcane Ward - how does it work with Abjuration reaction spells? >>
by Bovinobard
7 8,377
Arcane Ward, am I reading this correctly? >>
by FullMetalBunny
9 40,396
Bladesinger Attack Modifier >>
by Krahnin
5 3,910
Dragonborn Wizard Build Help >>
by Stylinator8
1 7,852
How would you build Sparrowhawk from A Wizard of Earthseaa >>
by Liam1976
0 663
Absorb Elements RAW >>
by MyklK
3 648
Wizard necromancer is it worth putting a single level into death domain Paladin for reaper? >>
by NRed
10 6,269
How important is proficiency in Constitution saves? >>
by pwhimp
7 5,286
Divination Wizard that hit level 11. What are some good 6th level spells? >>
by darkwonders
4 4,330
Question about Wizard Spell Preparation >>
by rafaeladson
6 3,707
Bladesinger >>
by Noobiwan
62 112,290
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