Just some characters I was toying with for an Spelljammer campaign idea.
The Druid Pirate Raberta (Orc, Circle of Stars)
"'Balance?' Pfah! The 'balance' you see is just the tiny timeslice in aeons of plants and animals fighting tooth and nail, root and branch to carve out their place! You can fight for the niche of you and and yours in this cauldron of competition and conflict, or you can be boiled under!"
Deppie, Plasmoid Abberant Mind Sorcerer and coffee afficionado.
"Our eyes would be up here, if we had eyes. Is that less disturbing for you? Please, expound."
Pibara, Lizardfolk Monk, Way of the Astral Self.
"Of course I'm not going to eat you, does this look like a wedding? I'm just going to beat you and your friends to death. Seriously, what is wrong with people?"
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🎵I'm on top of the world, looking down on creation, wreaking death and devastation with my mind.
As the power that I've found erupts freely from the ground, I will cackle from the top of the world.🎵
First up; Dace Andor, Mercykiller and Spelljammer captain. Originally he was a warlock (NWN 2, 3.5 era), but I've remade him in 5e as an Artificer. Cannot remember if I posted him before or not...anyhow, he's been tweaked since. Acompanying him is 1200x4B0, a corrupted and mutated/ augmented modrone that stands in as his Steel Defender.
Next up: Back to our Krynn table. An elder witch of the Raven Queen cult my hexblade is a part of:
The Hexblade (soon to be remade Celestial pact) in his final form (Many updates later):
His adoptive sister/ fellow cavalier and warrior witch of the coven:
This is Kasfan, my Vulstus fighter. I homebrewed the stats for the race after seeing the 'Fox' option on Heroforge.
Tank, submarine, plane, and D&D nerd. I'm just here for the forum games and maybe some D&D every once in a while.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.-John 3:16
Redid my Erogthian Cavaliers. ((EDIT: updated the non-officer variant, as I made further tweaks since posting)).

Eizen tsaruval (hexblade cavalier of Ergoth) riding his new griffon:

His squire, Peter:
His wife, Aushra (Dragon blooded sorceress):
Darret Highwater (Shadow of the Dragon Queen):
Lord Soth riding a Death Dragon:
Dragon Army warlock knight riding a black dragonnel:
Dragon Army red dragonnel rider:

Kansaldi Fire Eyes riding Ignia (Shadow of the Dragon Queen):
House Tsaruval Raven Winged Hussar:
Marko Tan:
These are SOoooOooOOOOOooooOOOO!!! INSPIRING!!!!!
Thank you for sharing!
Just some characters I was toying with for an Spelljammer campaign idea.
The Druid Pirate Raberta (Orc, Circle of Stars)
"'Balance?' Pfah! The 'balance' you see is just the tiny timeslice in aeons of plants and animals fighting tooth and nail, root and branch to carve out their place! You can fight for the niche of you and and yours in this cauldron of competition and conflict, or you can be boiled under!"
Deppie, Plasmoid Abberant Mind Sorcerer and coffee afficionado.
"Our eyes would be up here, if we had eyes. Is that less disturbing for you? Please, expound."
Pibara, Lizardfolk Monk, Way of the Astral Self.
"Of course I'm not going to eat you, does this look like a wedding? I'm just going to beat you and your friends to death. Seriously, what is wrong with people?"
🎵I'm on top of the world, looking down on creation, wreaking death and devastation with my mind.
As the power that I've found erupts freely from the ground, I will cackle from the top of the world.🎵
Could probably have done some fancier kitbashing or layering with the shoulder pads and gloves, but I'm pretty happy with the rest.
Reference image:
Medium humanoid (human), lawful neutral
can't figure out to delete
Updates to older ones, and some newer ones!

First up; Dace Andor, Mercykiller and Spelljammer captain. Originally he was a warlock (NWN 2, 3.5 era), but I've remade him in 5e as an Artificer. Cannot remember if I posted him before or not...anyhow, he's been tweaked since. Acompanying him is 1200x4B0, a corrupted and mutated/ augmented modrone that stands in as his Steel Defender.
Next up: Back to our Krynn table. An elder witch of the Raven Queen cult my hexblade is a part of:
The Hexblade (soon to be remade Celestial pact) in his final form (Many updates later):

His adoptive sister/ fellow cavalier and warrior witch of the coven:
Other NPC hexblades in the cult: