Playing in a campaign currently and any time we get into an encounter our manual initiative rolls do not show up. Our DM has to auto-roll every time... any solutions on how to fix this?
The DM might have created the encounters before the current party became what it is now, high might be causing the issue. They should edit the encounter, deselect the campaign by picking anything else under the dropdown and save it, then deselect the campaign and resave it and that should fix it. If it doesn’t then post again.
i have noticed that it only auto-fills if my players use the web version of Beyond if they roll in the app it doesn't auto-fill but shows the in roll history
We have a couple of us in our campaign who don't have initiative working properly. Everything else rolls normally and goesthrough to Rol20, except initiative which only rolls in DNDBeyond and doesn't go through. Also don't have the red extension box coming up next to initiative on the character sheet.
Roll20 and any browser extensions like Beyond20 are not supported by DnDBeyond or WoTC in any way. You should contact the developer of the extension/plugin with errors or bugs.
The DM might have created the encounters before the current party became what it is now, high might be causing the issue. They should edit the encounter, deselect the campaign by picking anything else under the dropdown and save it, then deselect the campaign and resave it and that should fix it. If it doesn’t then post again.
Found out this was my issue as DM. I would create the encounter, and the PC's were selected as preset, so it wouldn't pick up their rolls, but the campaign game log still was. Changed encounter builder to current campaign and solved issue. <3 Much Love.
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Playing in a campaign currently and any time we get into an encounter our manual initiative rolls do not show up. Our DM has to auto-roll every time... any solutions on how to fix this?
Yes, you have to wait until after the DM starts the encounter before rolling initiative.
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We definitely wait until then, our last campaign worked fine. It's been happening since we started our current campaign about a month ago.
The DM might have created the encounters before the current party became what it is now, high might be causing the issue. They should edit the encounter, deselect the campaign by picking anything else under the dropdown and save it, then deselect the campaign and resave it and that should fix it. If it doesn’t then post again.
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
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i have noticed that it only auto-fills if my players use the web version of Beyond if they roll in the app it doesn't auto-fill but shows the in roll history
We have a couple of us in our campaign who don't have initiative working properly. Everything else rolls normally and goesthrough to Rol20, except initiative which only rolls in DNDBeyond and doesn't go through. Also don't have the red extension box coming up next to initiative on the character sheet.
I'm using chrome and my mate is using firefox....
Roll20 and any browser extensions like Beyond20 are not supported by DnDBeyond or WoTC in any way. You should contact the developer of the extension/plugin with errors or bugs.
I am having the same problem. Half of my players sync and the other half do not. We are playing on Wednesday. I'll see if I can verify this.
Any fixes to this? Looks like the app version does not work with encounters initiative....
Found out this was my issue as DM. I would create the encounter, and the PC's were selected as preset, so it wouldn't pick up their rolls, but the campaign game log still was. Changed encounter builder to current campaign and solved issue. <3 Much Love.