A 2024 Cleric with the "Backwards Compatible Subclass" of Twilight Domain is granting the appropriate domain spells, but it is granting the legacy 2014 versions with no option for the 2024 versions. I suspect this is the case with all of the older domains, but I have not tested this yet. Please either grant the 2024 versions (with the 2024 classes), or give the option for either the 2014 or 2024 versions. (In any case, thanks for all your hard work! I am amazed things are working as well as they are on day one!)
I am actually getting the opposite problem of most people here: I have access to all the classes, subclasses, and feats despite only being hero tier. I don't have acess to the book like normal though.
I'm a Tiefling from the 2024 book and my species trait "Otherworldly Presence" is causing Thaumaturgy to show up in my cantrip list 3 times. It's not like other issues where there's a use and a cast - it's the exact same cantrip replicated 3 times. I'm a Sorcerer who normally can't even pick Thaumaturgy, so it's not replicated from features or species traits, and I did not pick it with any sort of Magic Initiate feat
Hello! I've been messing around with the character creator with the 2024 Player's Handbook. While I do appreciate the updated ruleset, there are a number of issues I've discovered, including but not limited to:
Unable to select the 2024 versions of spells as an Artificer. Additionally, its subclasses only have the legacy version of the spells. (FIXED for the main Artificer! To get the 2024 version of the spells for the subclass, homebrew a version that uses the 2024 spells)
The Infusions only apply to legacy items (i.e. Enhanced Arcane Focus with the legacy versions of the staff, rod, and wand; Replicate Magic Item; Spell-Refueling Ring, Helm of Awareness, etc.). (known)
Other subclasses for the rest of the classes that didn't appear in the 2024 PHB but are selectable only have the legacy version of the spells. The Warlock's only have theirs expand their spell list. (fixed except for the Arcane Domain subclass' Magic Aura, which uses the legacy version. However, the pre-2024 Paladin subclasses do not automatically prepare their spells for the 2024 version of the Paladin)
The Warlock's Pact Blade does not apply their Charisma modifier to weapon attack and damage rolls instead of Strength or Dexterity modifier. (FIXED!)
Feats that let you select features such as Fighting Initiate, Eldritch Adept, and Metamagic Adept are limited to their pre-2024 options. (known)
Backgrounds prior to the release of the 2024 version of the Player's Handbook that give feats only give the legacy version. (known)
Choosing the Divine Soul subclass for the 2024 Sorcerer does not add Cleric spells to the Sorcerer's spell list. (FIXED!)
Certain classes for various feats (Elemental Adept, Fighting Style feats, Spell Sniper, War Caster, etc.) don't seem to meet the prerequisites. (FIXED!)
When Rangers and Paladins choose a Fighting Style at level 2, there is no option. (FIXED!)
Medium Armor Master requires a Dexterity of 16 or higher, despite its prerequisites saying it doesn't. (FIXED!)
When applying the Ability Score Improvement feat, one can raise their ability score above 20.(FIXED!)
When receiving spells from the Paladin subclasses, species, and feats, the button next to the spell says At-Will instead of Use or Cast. (FIXED!)
The Wizard's Signature Spells feature would not let you upcast level 3 spells. Neither does Spell Mastery with Level 1 and 2 spells. (Fixed with Signature Spells; currently, you would need to prepare the selected spells for Spell Mastery to work)
The number of Attacks remain 1 despite classes granting the Extra Attack feature. (FIXED!)
For the 2024 version of the Druid, Cleric, and Wizard, the number of spells they can prepare is still tied to their class level plus their spellcasting modifier. (FIXED!)
The Monk's Warrior of Mercy subclass' Hand of Healing summary has "scalevalue - No level scale data available" instead of its intended value. (FIXED!)
When clicking on Sources at the top, the Player's Handbook (2024) isn't in the Featured section, requiring people to view all sources. (FIXED!)
At times, when using a pre-2024 species with Tasha's Customize Your Origin feature with the 2024 backgrounds, the option to increase your ability scores isn't there. (FIXED!)
The 2024 version of the Warlock is not able to pick options from Xanathar's Guide to Everything and Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, such as Improved Pact Weapon. (known)
Hands of Harm, Healing, and Ultimate Mercy does not add a Monk's Wisdom modifier to the dice on the Actions tab in the character sheet. (known)
While a spell scroll has a link to its 2014 page in the 2024 PHB compendium, the 2024 version of a potion of healing doesn't. Instead, it leads to its marketplace page. (FIXED!)
Bards are still apply half of their proficiency bonus to their Initiative. (FIXED!)
Common Sign Language cannot be selected in the character builder nor on the sheet. (FIXED!)
Rogues can't pick a rare language. Additionally, they can apply Expertise to Thieves' Tools. (FIXED!)
The Gloom Stalker's Umbral Sight feature does not increase the range of a species' darkvision. (FIXED!)
The Champion subclass gives the Fighter a feat instead of just being limited to a fighting style feat. (FIXED!)
The Fighter's Weapon Mastery feature at level 4 is missing on the Character Builder. (FIXED!)
The 2024 version of Cure Wounds is categorized as an evocation spell instead of abjuration. (FIXED!)
The Life Domain subclass is missing Aid in the character builder. Instead, it has two Aids in the spell selector. (FIXED!)
The Ranger subclasses don't add the spells prepared from the list, in addition to the Fey Wanderer using the legacy version of Misty Step and Summon Fey. (FIXED!)
The Goliath has advantage on all skills on the character sheet. (FIXED!)
The Eldritch Knight subclass' spells thinks it's two higher levels (class wise) than it's at. At levels 18 to 20, they can pick an infinite number of spells. (FIXED!)
The Fog of War feature for the Skulker feat is not on the Feats page nor in the character builder and sheet, but it's in the Player's Handbook 2024 compendium. (FIXED!)
The Arcane Trickster subclass for the Rogue know one extra cantrip despite automatically learning Mage Hand. (FIXED!)
Anyone with the Archery fighting style can add 2 to a ranged spell attack. (FIXED!)
The Fey-Touched feat has Misty Step and the level 1 spell at At-Will. (FIXED!)
2024 character who are proficient in martial weapons aren't proficient in the musket and pistol, despite the PHB listing them as martial ranged weapons. (FIXED!)
While the subclass spells (for the most part) are automatically prepared, they're added to the spell list so on the character builder, these certain spells, such as Aid and Zone of Truth, are listed twice. (partially fixed)
There isn't anything for firearm bullets in the 2024 Player's Handbook (no link, nothing). (FIXED!)
The Wizard's Diviner subclass feature Third Eye does not provide options in the character builder and sheet. (FIXED!)
The Polearm Master's bonus action doesn't add the user's proficiency user. Additionally, it uses DEX and adds the modifier to the damage. (FIXED!)
Tavern Brawler's Enhanced Unarmed Strike does not add the user's proficiency bonus to the attack roll. (FIXED!)
The Devil's Sight invocation doesn't grant darkvision on the character sheet. Additionally, Lessons of the First One doesn't grant an origin feat automatically nor is it repeatable. (FIXED for Lessons of the First One!)
Even if I turn off the feats requirement, feats like Interception still can't be picked. (FIXED!)
Picking the Javelin mastery thinks the Shield's also a weapon with the slow property. (FIXED!)
Ritual Caster has you pick six ritual spells regardless of proficiency bonus and the spells aren't added on the spells tab of the character sheet. (known)
The prerequisites for the feats from Xanathar's Guide to Everything is bypassed, even with the restriction enabled. (Fixed, though the 2024 species aren't able to get the feats without disabling the prerequisites)
True Strike does not function like Green-Flame Blade and Booming Blade. (Partially fixed with Beyond20, though it only works automatically with melee weapons)
The Heightened version of Patient Defense uses one Martial Arts die instead of two. While that's reflected accurately on the Actions tab on the character sheet, the Features and Traits isn't. (FIXED!)
In the spells compendium, character sheet, and character builder, the 2024 version of Aura of Vitality's listed as Evocation instead of Abjuration as it's supposed to be. (FIXED!)
The Poisoner feat does not grant proficiency in Poisoner's Kit. (known)
At higher levels than 12, on the character sheet, the Wizard's Arcane Recovery is miscalculated. It goes up to 6 instead of being half the Wizard's level. (FIXED!)
The Wizard's Scholar feature lets you apply expertise to other skills other than what's listed. (known)
Tasha's Cauldron of Everything's version of the Chef feat has checkboxes for tracking usage while 2024 PHB version of that feat has none despite it being exactly the same. (known)
The Gloom Stalker's Dread Ambusher on the Character Sheet doesn't have the Uses checkboxes like Hunter's Mark does. (known)
I will add more should I find more issues. I do appreciate the developers and coders taking their time to fix any bugs and glitches. Better to have the buggy stuff during early access than at full launch.
I am actually getting the opposite problem of most people here: I have access to all the classes, subclasses, and feats despite only being hero tier. I don't have acess to the book like normal though.
It sounds like you are part of a game where the DM owns the book and has the Master Tier, but either isn’t sharing visibility of the book or the book itself isn’t visible because of your tier.
Does unsupported mean it will be or just no plans? Seems weird to have stuff in your PHB 2024 that are unsupported.
Issues I've found with Warlock:
Pack of the Blade does not allow for the selection of using CHA as the modifier. Lesson of the Old Ones doesn't give an origin feat. Subclass Features in the book itself do not list what level they are received at. Multiple Invocations are not showing Lifedrinker Eldritch Smite Devouring Blade.
The Active Character Effect thing is new, but I don't see a way to activate Mage Armor.
Hello! I've been messing around with the character creator with the 2024 Player's Handbook. While I do appreciate the updated ruleset, there are a number of issues I've discovered, including but not limited to:
Unable to select the 2024 versions of spells as an Artificer. Additionally, its subclasses only have the legacy version of the spells.
The Infusions only apply to legacy items (i.e. Enhanced Arcane Focus with the legacy versions of the staff, rod, and wand; Replicate Magic Item; etc.).
The Warlock's Pact Blade does not apply Charisma modifier to weapon damage rolls.
Feats that let you select features such as Fighting Initiate, Eldritch Adept, and Metamagic Adept are limited to their pre-2024 options.
Backgrounds prior to the release of the 2024 version of the Player's Handbook that give feats only give the legacy version. If you select a different background, that feat may persist on the character sheet.
Choosing the Divine Soul subclass for the 2024 Sorcerer does not add Cleric spells to the Sorcerer's spell list.
Certain classes (Ranger, Paladin, and maybe Warlock) for various feats (Elemental Adept, Fighting Style feats, Spell Sniper, War Caster, etc.) doesn't seem to meet the prerequisites. Likewise, Rangers and Paladins cannot choose a Fighting Style at level 2.
Medium Armor Master requires a Dexterity of 16, despite it saying it doesn't.
When applying the Ability Score Improvement feat to a pre-2024 class such as the Artificer, one can raise their ability score above 20.
Selecting spells from the Ritual Caster feat does not display said spells on the character sheet.
When receiving spells from subclasses, species, and feats, the button next to the spell says At-Will instead of Use or Cast.
The number of Attacks remain 1 despite classes that grant the Extra Attack feature.
For the 2024 version of the Druid, Cleric, and Wizard, the number of spells they can prepare is still tied to their class level plus their spellcasting modifier.
The Monk's Warrior of Mercy subclass' Hand of Healing summary has "scalevalue - No level scale data available" instead of its intended value.
When clicking on Sources at the top, the Player's Handbook (2024) isn't in the Featured section, requiring people to view all sources.
At times, when using a pre-2024 species with Tasha's Customize Your Origin feature with the 2024 backgrounds, the option to increase your ability scores isn't there.
The 2024 version of the Warlock is not able to pick options from Xanathar's Guide to Everything and Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, such as Improved Pact Weapon.
etc. I will add more should I find more issues.
I do appreciate the developers and coders taking their time to fix any bugs and glitches. Better to have the buggy stuff during early access than at full launch.
No, they will not. If you have 2014 content enabled, you will still be able to refer to 2014 versions of functions like invocations in your character sheet."
So, how do you intend to implement this? As is, a character with 2024 Warlock cannot use or refer to invocations besides some of the 2024 PHB invocations.
I have found some issues with the cure wounds spell not scaling correctly. Should be 2d8 per level. 1st shows 2d8 (good), but second level shows 3d8, should be 4d8
The Life Cleric Disciple of Life bonus is also not being added in at all.
Not sure if a known issue or not but the 2024 paladin subclasses are not adding the oath spells to my list of prepared spells, however the spells are showing up as options when selecting spells when they aren't on the paladin spell list. when they already are on the paladin spell list I am given the option to prepare them twice, such as with protection from evil and good with the oath of devotion.
new chars:
A. Human shows up under free book 2024 not phb 2024, make it both
b. Partnered content should be unchecked by default please
c. If 2024 sheets have asi/mods side by side then maybe update dndbeyond to left/right as well instead of top/down
d. Some tools and skills were not being filtered out between artisan, wizard and skilled human feat.
A 2024 Cleric with the "Backwards Compatible Subclass" of Twilight Domain is granting the appropriate domain spells, but it is granting the legacy 2014 versions with no option for the 2024 versions. I suspect this is the case with all of the older domains, but I have not tested this yet. Please either grant the 2024 versions (with the 2024 classes), or give the option for either the 2014 or 2024 versions. (In any case, thanks for all your hard work! I am amazed things are working as well as they are on day one!)
I am actually getting the opposite problem of most people here: I have access to all the classes, subclasses, and feats despite only being hero tier. I don't have acess to the book like normal though.
I'm a Tiefling from the 2024 book and my species trait "Otherworldly Presence" is causing Thaumaturgy to show up in my cantrip list 3 times. It's not like other issues where there's a use and a cast - it's the exact same cantrip replicated 3 times. I'm a Sorcerer who normally can't even pick Thaumaturgy, so it's not replicated from features or species traits, and I did not pick it with any sort of Magic Initiate feat
Test's Character Sheet - D&D Beyond (dndbeyond.com)
Hello! I've been messing around with the character creator with the 2024 Player's Handbook. While I do appreciate the updated ruleset, there are a number of issues I've discovered, including but not limited to:
I will add more should I find more issues. I do appreciate the developers and coders taking their time to fix any bugs and glitches. Better to have the buggy stuff during early access than at full launch.
It sounds like you are part of a game where the DM owns the book and has the Master Tier, but either isn’t sharing visibility of the book or the book itself isn’t visible because of your tier.
Savant feature on Abjurer wizard doesn't show all spells available and I have all toggles turned on so im missing third party and legacy spells.
My paladin can’t access the interception fighting style feat?
Does unsupported mean it will be or just no plans? Seems weird to have stuff in your PHB 2024 that are unsupported.
Issues I've found with Warlock:
Pack of the Blade does not allow for the selection of using CHA as the modifier.
Lesson of the Old Ones doesn't give an origin feat.
Subclass Features in the book itself do not list what level they are received at.
Multiple Invocations are not showing
Eldritch Smite
Devouring Blade.
The Active Character Effect thing is new, but I don't see a way to activate Mage Armor.
I've added more notes to my previous post.
"Will functions that consult spells (ex. Warlock invocations) be affected?
No, they will not. If you have 2014 content enabled, you will still be able to refer to 2014 versions of functions like invocations in your character sheet."
So, how do you intend to implement this? As is, a character with 2024 Warlock cannot use or refer to invocations besides some of the 2024 PHB invocations.
Sorcerous Burst can not be displayed as an attack in the character sheet.
Artificer has no options for 2024 spells... please help!
Bug report: I cannot select Feat - ability score increase more than once.
Warcaster isn't appearing as selectable at all anymore.
made a 2024 sorc with divine subclass. took origin acolyte, feat magic initiate, and chose L1 spell healing word.
healing word doesnt show in my spell lists on the char list.
cant choose cleric spells.
Sorcerous burst cantrip does not show an attack roll please fix it when you can
Not sure if a known issue or not but the 2024 paladin subclasses are not adding the oath spells to my list of prepared spells, however the spells are showing up as options when selecting spells when they aren't on the paladin spell list. when they already are on the paladin spell list I am given the option to prepare them twice, such as with protection from evil and good with the oath of devotion.
Where is Eldritch Invocation form Xanathar?