Not sure if it's been mentioned but just wanted to put this out there since I was just messing around with the 2024 Druid. Short rests don't automatically restore a Wild Shape charge on the DnDbeyond character sheet, it has to be recovered manually. I suspect that other classes with class features that recharge on a short rest probably have a similar issue.
Spells that were incorrectly listed as “At Will” now consume spell slots.
I want to thank The DDB team for all their hard work. This is a major change for you and I for one appreciate all your efforts to fix the bugs.
As for the quoted snippet above: For my Paladin the "AT WILL" maker was there in place of the "USE" Button - which should allow you to use the spell once with out burning a slot. With the bug fix the USE button is there but clicking on it burns a spell slot. It should gray out the button showing I used my one time use (example Find Steed) and not burn a spell slot. There is another entry on the sheet for that says cast. That one does and should burn a spell slot because since I know the spell I can use it again if I am willing to burn a spell slot.
i make a new level 8 cleric with the 2024 player handbook.. to recreated my old level 8 grave domain cleric and i have this magic item Gauntlets of Ogre Power i and attune to it . but it did not put my STR to 19 . my STR is still at 16
you can dis-reguard this issue.. i saw my mistake and fix it
I am still unable to find the new 2024 War Caster feat when creating 2024 characters. I saw that it was mentioned on the Sept 20th update but as I am still facing the issue I wanted to check if it had been resolved yet.
Same thing was happening for me on my Cleric and I believe that it is a known issue. I had to go in on the home page of my cleric and turn off the toggle for it to enforce prerequisites. After that, the 2024 War Caster feat showed up for me. Give that a try when you get a chance.
Errata report (some of us have been posting in another thread but that one doesn't seem to have any visibility to staff):
1) Backgrounds | Sage | print and online. Page 183, Sage equipment doesn't add up to the intended value, which should be 50 gp per option B. A spot check on a couple of other background and classes tallied up fine. For Sage, I get:
Sage Default
Quarterstaff (the regular weapon, not the focus; switching to the focus would leave us 2 sp short instead of 5 gp)
Calligrapher's Supplies
Book (history)
Parchment (x8)
-Easiest fix is to simply change the starting money from 8 to 13 gp.
2) Class | Wizard | print and online. p165 The Wizard can't obviously get a spellbook through starting equipment option B. Adding up the values in option A, the spellbook has a value of 0 gp. There is also no spellbook (blank or otherwise) available for purchase anywhere in the Gear section, and it is definitely not equivalent to the Book listed there (which has a different weight, is filled with contents, etc.). This is also a factor for p167, Copying the Book, as the rules currently provide nothing for a Wizard to copy their book into. I can think of a few potential fixes here. First, list the Spellbook outside of options A or B, so the Wizard gets one regardless of option. Second, the implication of a 0 gp spellbook is that the Wizard is capable of crafting a blank spellbook themselves for no cost as a part of writing down their spells; if so, I would state this explicitly. I would not consider free blank books gained in this way particularly problematic as it's rather expensive to fill the book anyway (despite the claims that doing so is now faster and cheaper than before (is that also errata?):
These next bonus items are not real rules problems and I'd generally like to keep personal opinions out of the errata, but I think they are legitimate mistakes so I'm including them here anyway:
Bonus 1) p220 Tools (as compared to their appearance in XGE) no longer say what they contain or what non-check-requiring things you can do with them. As someone who actually dabbles in calligraphy I know exactly what should be in Calligrapher's Supplies and what I could do with them, but I don't think the contents of, say, Alchemists Supplies are obvious on their own (and the contents of Calligrapher's Supplies would probably have a few surprises for someone who's never used them). It seems reasonable to assume you can write using Calligrapher's Supplies - but per the rules, is it possible to write without separate pen and ink? I would think so, as backgrounds like Sage and Scribe get Calligrapher's Supplies but no pen and ink, but how much ink does it have? When do you run out and have to craft more? I think there's a lot of room for confusion across the board with Tools here as a result of this omission. Easiest fixes would be to port the contents over from XGE and/or be more explicit in what these tools can do for tasks that don't require an ability check.
Bonus 2) p223, p227 it's very strange to see paper showing a market value of twice the value of parchment. Historically this was not the case, as parchment requires animal farming and a significant amount of per-sheet processing whereas paper "at the time" (quotes because this is fantasy, but it's clearly based on Earth history) was usually made from rags that had reached the end of their usefulness. Easiest fix would be to make paper worth less (perhaps 2 cp), or make it a stack of paper rather than a sheet, etc.
Bonus 3) There are still a handful of spells that use diameter instead of radius (Blade Barrier, Prismatic Wall, Symbol, Wall of Fire, Wall of Thorns, etc.), which is 100% guaranteed to be a source of confusion for some players when the vast majority of spells use radius. Easiest fix would be to replace diameters with radii.
Purchased the bundle digital & physical a couple of weeks ago.
Could redeem a code. Did it. Book is 'in library'. When i open it, it refers me to the 'purchase' page again. And yes... I have tried turning it on and off again ;-)
Homebrew subclasses are not appearing as an option in the character builder.
Are these homebrew subclasses you made for the 5.0 classes or the 5.5 classes? A 5.0 subclass will not be added to the 5.5 options so you would have to remake it, using the 5.5 class as the base.
I noticed that in the web version of the '24 PHB, Divine Smite shows only "V" required casting components, but the iOS app version lists requirements as "V, S".
Simple weapons such as daggers and sickles, which Druid and Warlock should be proficient in, are not adding my proficiency bonus, and on top of that they have a negative modifier to damage.
Bug Report: Abjuration Savant feature for the Abjuration subclass is granting the first two spells selected at level 3 as prepared spells. The feature's text says you "add them to your spellbook for free", but not that they are added to your prepared spells.
Purchased the bundle digital & physical a couple of weeks ago.
Could redeem a code. Did it. Book is 'in library'. When i open it, it refers me to the 'purchase' page again. And yes... I have tried turning it on and off again ;-)
Can someone help me out? thanks!
I'm having this problem too. Try to look anything up, I get the page to purchase the book instead. Only I HAVE purchased both the book and Beyond access to it. At least I am supposed to have my physical copy tomorrow, then I'll be able to use one of the two things I paid for.
Due to the updated [ action ] tooltip there's some bugs that were introduced in display where actions previous listed as Use an Object no longer work with Utilize.
Two examples can be found in the haste description and 5.0 Thief Rogue's Fast Hands feature. Where it now shows up as [Tooltip not found].
The way it was done in the PHB itself seems fine where it brings up the Utilize tooltip. These are specific to searching the spell in the spells search or looking at the Thief in the classes link.
Errata : the Player's Handbook 2024 doesn't show the weight of Artisan's Tools in the Equipment chapter, even though it says it does.
"A tool’s description includes the tool’s cost and weight, as well as the following entries..."
Alchemist’s Supplies (50 GP)
Ability: Intelligence
Utilize: Identify a substance (DC 15), or start a fire (DC 15)
Craft: Acid, Alchemist’s Fire, Component Pouch, Oil, Paper, Perfume
Weight is missing. Same for all the Tools, except Musical Instruments.
My Homebrew: Magic Items | Monsters | Spells | Subclasses | My house rules
Currently playing: Penelope - CG Human Bard, College of Whispers (Ravenloft) ; Lora - NG Firbolg Ranger, Fey Wanderer (Critical Role)
Playing D&D since 1st edition. DMs Guild Author: B.A. Morrier (4-5⭐products! Please check them out.) Twitter: @benmorrier he/him
Not sure if it's been mentioned but just wanted to put this out there since I was just messing around with the 2024 Druid. Short rests don't automatically restore a Wild Shape charge on the DnDbeyond character sheet, it has to be recovered manually. I suspect that other classes with class features that recharge on a short rest probably have a similar issue.
I want to thank The DDB team for all their hard work. This is a major change for you and I for one appreciate all your efforts to fix the bugs.
As for the quoted snippet above: For my Paladin the "AT WILL" maker was there in place of the "USE" Button - which should allow you to use the spell once with out burning a slot. With the bug fix the USE button is there but clicking on it burns a spell slot. It should gray out the button showing I used my one time use (example Find Steed) and not burn a spell slot. There is another entry on the sheet for that says cast. That one does and should burn a spell slot because since I know the spell I can use it again if I am willing to burn a spell slot.
i make a new level 8 cleric with the 2024 player handbook.. to recreated my old level 8 grave domain cleric and i have this magic item Gauntlets of Ogre Power i and attune to it . but it did not put my STR to 19 . my STR is still at 16
you can dis-reguard this issue.. i saw my mistake and fix it
I am still unable to find the new 2024 War Caster feat when creating 2024 characters. I saw that it was mentioned on the Sept 20th update but as I am still facing the issue I wanted to check if it had been resolved yet.
Same thing was happening for me on my Cleric and I believe that it is a known issue. I had to go in on the home page of my cleric and turn off the toggle for it to enforce prerequisites. After that, the 2024 War Caster feat showed up for me. Give that a try when you get a chance.
Errata report (some of us have been posting in another thread but that one doesn't seem to have any visibility to staff):
1) Backgrounds | Sage | print and online. Page 183, Sage equipment doesn't add up to the intended value, which should be 50 gp per option B. A spot check on a couple of other background and classes tallied up fine. For Sage, I get:
Homebrew subclasses are not appearing as an option in the character builder.
Purchased the bundle digital & physical a couple of weeks ago.
Could redeem a code. Did it. Book is 'in library'. When i open it, it refers me to the 'purchase' page again. And yes... I have tried turning it on and off again ;-)
Can someone help me out? thanks!
Bug report: When viewing a weapon, clicking a tag, for example the Light property, it links to the old 2014 rules rather than the updated 2024 rules
Are these homebrew subclasses you made for the 5.0 classes or the 5.5 classes? A 5.0 subclass will not be added to the 5.5 options so you would have to remake it, using the 5.5 class as the base.
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 45, 2/3/25, Adiemus
I noticed that in the web version of the '24 PHB, Divine Smite shows only "V" required casting components, but the iOS app version lists requirements as "V, S".
The subclass choices have moved to 3rd level for ALL classes. They are there, at level 3, in the Cleric subclass drop-down.
Agreed. I've tried a bunch of Cleric choices and it doesn't appear.
Simple weapons such as daggers and sickles, which Druid and Warlock should be proficient in, are not adding my proficiency bonus, and on top of that they have a negative modifier to damage.
Bug Report: Abjuration Savant feature for the Abjuration subclass is granting the first two spells selected at level 3 as prepared spells. The feature's text says you "add them to your spellbook for free", but not that they are added to your prepared spells.
I'm having this problem too. Try to look anything up, I get the page to purchase the book instead. Only I HAVE purchased both the book and Beyond access to it. At least I am supposed to have my physical copy tomorrow, then I'll be able to use one of the two things I paid for.
Paladin Fighting Style doesn't actually let you select a specific feat...
Paladin Divine Smite, Find Steed, and Always Prepared subclass spells aren't actually listed as always prepared inside the spell list.
This means that its possible to select spells twice or redundant spells that you already have automatically.
Due to the updated [ action ] tooltip there's some bugs that were introduced in display where actions previous listed as Use an Object no longer work with Utilize.
Two examples can be found in the haste description and 5.0 Thief Rogue's Fast Hands feature. Where it now shows up as [Tooltip not found].
The way it was done in the PHB itself seems fine where it brings up the Utilize tooltip. These are specific to searching the spell in the spells search or looking at the Thief in the classes link.
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 45, 2/3/25, Adiemus