Couldn't find this anywhere in this thread but it looks like the Paladin spellcasting feature is incorrect: when managing spells, there is an "add spells" list and a "known spells list" but there should be a "known spells" list and "prepared spells" list.
I suspect may be why paladin subclass spells aren't automatically prepared at the momen as well.
As the new classes are backwards compatible - we’ve ensured that all the previous subclasses from books published by Wizards of the Coast work without any issues for the 2024 classes.
Path of the Giant Barbarian, Arcane Archer Fighter, and Phantom Rogue don't appear under the 2024 classes.
Phantom and Arcane Archer aren't listed as supported but there doesn't appear to be any explanation like with the Chronurgist/Graviturgist/Echo Knight which despite being published by WotC seem to be categorized as partnered content. Is there an ETA on when these two will be re-implemented?
More confusingly, Giant Barbarian IS listed as supported but doesn't show up. My entitlements are in sync and I own the subclass, but regardless of any of the toggles only appears on the 2014 Barbarian and not the 2024 Barbarian.
Path of the Giant appears in Extended Rules in the dropdown for me. Not bugged like the other two. Make sure you have Extended Rules on for the character, since you already said you own the book and entitlements are synced.
Note about all CR content: Despite being printed by WotC, this was still through a partnership. Note in the credits:
The world of Exandria, its groups of individuals, its elements, its distinctive characters, and its locations are the sole property of Critical Role.
This is why it seems to be a licensing issue.
It's definitely bugged. My guess is all classes bought standalone don't appear to anyone who purchased them.
Is there going to be some kind of fix for artificer or old species like earth genasi that only have legacy spells tied to them. Like an option to choose the new stuff would be nice!
When I build a ranger, it doesn't let me choose a fighting style feat. I can choose between having a feat and the druidic spellcasting option, but I can't specify which fighter feat I want added on.
+1 for this; trickery domain is still not an option for my cleric despite having full access to the book otherwise.
So you see Life, Light, and War under Core Rules then? That's unusual. Might want to start with syncing entitlements in your profile. Not sure beyond that.
When I build a ranger, it doesn't let me choose a fighting style feat. I can choose between having a feat and the druidic spellcasting option, but I can't specify which fighter feat I want added on.
Can confirm. Feat can be manually added so it's not a complete break in function, but it should be there.
A few weeks ago I bought the full set of 2024 core rulebooks (digital and physical). and I received the PHB a few hours ago but I can't view the book online nor does it show me more than 4 classes even though I have the physical book with me.
The Strixhaven and Ravnica backgrounds only add the 2014 Legacy Versions of spells to your spell list, and not the 2024 versions of them. They are also buggy on if they add even those to a 2024 class at all. I had to add and remove the Witherbloom Background 4 times, before it started showing the Legacy Spells at all on my 2024 Wizard
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"Not getting cut into bloody littles slices, That's the key to a sound plan."
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters? provide feedback here!
I bought the players handbook 2024, but I can't find where to read it and I didn't get spells like "Wrathfull Smite" which should come with the book on my paladin character. Or did I miss something?
Edit: I click on sources and on the players handbook 2024, but when I try to read something it says I have to buy it, and I've already purchased it.
Hold Person spell appears to not be scaling in number of targets from either Fiendish Legacy trait or Druid base class. All levels of the spell above 2nd say "Targets: +0".
This is true for any class, I think it's just a problem with the spell itself. Creating a homebrew copy of the spell shows that the value in At Higher Levels is set to 0 where I believe it should be 1
Couldn't find this anywhere in this thread but it looks like the Paladin spellcasting feature is incorrect: when managing spells, there is an "add spells" list and a "known spells list" but there should be a "known spells" list and "prepared spells" list.
I suspect may be why paladin subclass spells aren't automatically prepared at the momen as well.
This has been mentioned before but:
20th level Graviturgy Wizard:
It's definitely bugged. My guess is all classes bought standalone don't appear to anyone who purchased them.
What about Trickery Cleric? It's also not there.
The Actor(Legacy) background is missing from the character creation.
Trickery Cleric was updated and will only show up if you have the 2024 PHB accessible on your account. Old version can still be used with 2014 Cleric.
Is there going to be some kind of fix for artificer or old species like earth genasi that only have legacy spells tied to them. Like an option to choose the new stuff would be nice!
+1 for this; trickery domain is still not an option for my cleric despite having full access to the book otherwise.
Ranger fighting style dropdown null so I tried manually adding Archery feat - but do not see damage increased for longbowedit: user error 😅
When I build a ranger, it doesn't let me choose a fighting style feat. I can choose between having a feat and the druidic spellcasting option, but I can't specify which fighter feat I want added on.
Magic initiate 1st lvl spell can not be upcast. Did they forget to add scaling for upcasting?
When death comes for you, make that bastard work for it.
Ranger fighting style dropdown null so I tried manually adding Archery feat - but do not see damage increased for longbow
The archery fighting style/feat adds accuracy or to the "to hit" not damage.
So you see Life, Light, and War under Core Rules then? That's unusual. Might want to start with syncing entitlements in your profile. Not sure beyond that.
Can confirm. Feat can be manually added so it's not a complete break in function, but it should be there.
Not the first time that's been the case with a feat. Fey Touched and Shadow Touched in Tasha's worked the same way.
A few weeks ago I bought the full set of 2024 core rulebooks (digital and physical). and I received the PHB a few hours ago but I can't view the book online nor does it show me more than 4 classes even though I have the physical book with me.
The Strixhaven and Ravnica backgrounds only add the 2014 Legacy Versions of spells to your spell list, and not the 2024 versions of them.
They are also buggy on if they add even those to a 2024 class at all. I had to add and remove the Witherbloom Background 4 times, before it started showing the Legacy Spells at all on my 2024 Wizard
"Not getting cut into bloody littles slices, That's the key to a sound plan."
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters? provide feedback here!
I bought the players handbook 2024, but I can't find where to read it and I didn't get spells like "Wrathfull Smite" which should come with the book on my paladin character.
Or did I miss something?
Edit: I click on sources and on the players handbook 2024, but when I try to read something it says I have to buy it, and I've already purchased it.
This is true for any class, I think it's just a problem with the spell itself. Creating a homebrew copy of the spell shows that the value in At Higher Levels is set to 0 where I believe it should be 1
I bought the physical and digital, unable to view the digital....