Bug Report: Legacy Invocation options are not appearing in character options. Gift of the Ever-Living Ones is the one I'm trying to use, and I have legacy, expanded, and core rules enabled.
Bug Report: The Warlock invocation "Lessons of the First Ones" is suposed to be Repeatable. However, after taking it once, it won't allow me to select it for a second time.
I know this has been brought up before, but it is still an issue, so I am posting it again -- two-weapon fighting is not included in the list of fighting styles that I can select, at least for my ranger.
I know this has been brought up before, but it is still an issue, so I am posting it again -- two-weapon fighting is not included in the list of fighting styles that I can select, at least for my ranger.
That's a weird one. It works fine for me (both on a 2014 Ranger and a 2024 Ranger). What options do you see in there?
This was brought up in my errata thread: there's an error with the Flaming Sphere spell. The spell's description indicates it's a Conjuration spell (like it is in the 2014 rules) but its entry in the Druid, Sorcerer, and Wizard spell lists have it down as an Evocation spell. Which one is the right one?
By the way, I have checked and this error is present in both the physical 2024 PHB and the DDB version.
BUG REPORT: The lance weapon does not have the heavy property yet it clearly states in both the 2024 free rules and the 2024 PHB that it should have the heavy property.
Haven't read through the entire thread, but reporting here in case it isn't already posted.
Warlock Celestial subclass not showing all of the added spells as always prepared spells. For example, at lvl 3, only Aid is showing up as always prepared, it does add the spells to the spell list though.
I wonder what your setting is like. I just looked at the Celestial Warlock PC in my campaign and spells are showing correctly. Maybe you are talking about where you pick the spells in the edior? I am looking at it in the "view". It is true that they are not shown in the spell picker in the editor for adding spells, but from what I can tell, spells added by a subclass are never shown in that area.
Here are settings, we are going 2024 only, added Homebrew for custom background.
From the spell selector, only Aid shows as always prepared while Lesser Restoration, also added via subclass does not.
Did some testing with other subclasses, the spells aren't listed in the spell picker as always prepared but do show up on character sheet as subclass spells. Aid showing up correctly as Always Prepared is the outlier, seems they all should be showing up if they can code correctly for one use case.
Light crossbow does not scale with monk martial arts dice all other common weapons do. Will spells that are acquired through magic initiate going to be able to up cast or stuck at 1st level ?
Light crossbow does not scale with monk martial arts dice all other common weapons do. Will spells that are acquired through magic initiate going to be able to up cast or stuck at 1st level ?
The Monk's Martial Arts feature only applies to melee weapons.
Magic Initiate spells should be able to upcast using spell slots of the appropriate level, if you have them.
I own Xanathar's guide to everything but not the new 2024 PH and can use only some of the subclasses from it. Horizon walker for example is available for the character builder but ranger's gloom stalker and barbarian's path of the zealot which are both now in the 2024 PH I can only use under the legacy character creator class and not the 2024 class system. Is the only way to use the legacy classes in the new system if I own them again in 2024 PH?
I own Xanathar's guide to everything but not the new 2024 PH and can use only some of the subclasses from it. Horizon walker for example is available for the character builder but ranger's gloom stalker and barbarian's path of the zealot which are both now in the 2024 PH aren't available. Is my source material not backwards compatible?
I have enabled for sources Homebrew, Expanded Rules, 2014 Core Rules, Legacy, and have ALL selected for partnered content. Our group just decided to start fresh after a 2 year campaign, so I'm at a loss
You're using the 2024 classes, not the 2014. Scroll down further in class selection.
Paladin Oath Spells from previous subclasses are not automatically added to the class and need to be added separately
Bug Report: Legacy Invocation options are not appearing in character options. Gift of the Ever-Living Ones is the one I'm trying to use, and I have legacy, expanded, and core rules enabled.
Bug Report: The Warlock invocation "Lessons of the First Ones" is suposed to be Repeatable. However, after taking it once, it won't allow me to select it for a second time.
Hexblood’s Hex Magic feature adds the legacy version of the spells.
PHB 2024 Bug Report. Selecting College of Valor as a 3rd level bard awards Extra Attack when using the character builder (and it shouldn't).
I know this has been brought up before, but it is still an issue, so I am posting it again -- two-weapon fighting is not included in the list of fighting styles that I can select, at least for my ranger.
That's a weird one. It works fine for me (both on a 2014 Ranger and a 2024 Ranger). What options do you see in there?
This was brought up in my errata thread: there's an error with the Flaming Sphere spell. The spell's description indicates it's a Conjuration spell (like it is in the 2014 rules) but its entry in the Druid, Sorcerer, and Wizard spell lists have it down as an Evocation spell. Which one is the right one?
By the way, I have checked and this error is present in both the physical 2024 PHB and the DDB version.
BUG REPORT: The lance weapon does not have the heavy property yet it clearly states in both the 2024 free rules and the 2024 PHB that it should have the heavy property.
Bug Report - Shield Master feat Interpose Shield does not show up on the character sheet as a reaction.
Haven't read through the entire thread, but reporting here in case it isn't already posted.
Warlock Celestial subclass not showing all of the added spells as always prepared spells. For example, at lvl 3, only Aid is showing up as always prepared, it does add the spells to the spell list though.
I wonder what your setting is like. I just looked at the Celestial Warlock PC in my campaign and spells are showing correctly. Maybe you are talking about where you pick the spells in the edior? I am looking at it in the "view". It is true that they are not shown in the spell picker in the editor for adding spells, but from what I can tell, spells added by a subclass are never shown in that area.
Here are settings, we are going 2024 only, added Homebrew for custom background.
From the spell selector, only Aid shows as always prepared while Lesser Restoration, also added via subclass does not.
Did some testing with other subclasses, the spells aren't listed in the spell picker as always prepared but do show up on character sheet as subclass spells. Aid showing up correctly as Always Prepared is the outlier, seems they all should be showing up if they can code correctly for one use case.
Eldritch invocations are still missing.
It's been months. How is this still not fixed?
Light crossbow does not scale with monk martial arts dice all other common weapons do. Will spells that are acquired through magic initiate going to be able to up cast or stuck at 1st level ?
The Monk's Martial Arts feature only applies to melee weapons.
Magic Initiate spells should be able to upcast using spell slots of the appropriate level, if you have them.
I own Xanathar's guide to everything but not the new 2024 PH and can use only some of the subclasses from it. Horizon walker for example is available for the character builder but ranger's gloom stalker and barbarian's path of the zealot which are both now in the 2024 PH I can only use under the legacy character creator class and not the 2024 class system. Is the only way to use the legacy classes in the new system if I own them again in 2024 PH?
You're using the 2024 classes, not the 2014. Scroll down further in class selection.
The hand crossbow ranks up. Dnd beyond doesn't let the spells up cast unfortunately.
I do see that the hand crossbow's damage die increases with Martial Arts; that's the bug, not that the light crossbow doesn't.