In regards to the D&D Beyond online content. None of the new 2024 content list level requirement next to abilities. I understand there is a table that list basic class abilities at the top of the website. Annoying that I have to keep going back and forth just to reference levels. It just isn't in the description like it was in the 2014 PHB or listed next to the name like it is in the Physical 2024 PHB. Its extremely confusing when you get down to subclasses for every class, because none of the subclasses are listed by name. Again, the level you get subclasses is listed in the table at the top, but without a name. I see that I get a feature at level 3, and then 3 more as I level. But half of the subclasses don't have 4 abilities. They have 5. A few have 6. It doesn't specify what level you get abilities. It is making the content unusable on your site, since I keep having to reference external information to find the right information. Please correct this discrepancy for myself and your audience. Thank you for your time.
Nothing but examples follow.
Fighter Table, Subclass at 3, Subclass Feature 7, 10, 15, 18. 5 total features! Nice.
Battlemaster 5 total features! Yeah! It sucked I had to keep scrolling up to the top to see what level I got them at. But the information is there. I mean, its not there. No maneuver's are listed.
Champion 6 total features! Which ones do I get when? One of them I get twice.
Eldritch Knight 6 again.
Psionic 5. Good. I don't care so much about having to look up at the table, because I can still figure out what level things are.
Thinking of a character that just hits things with a stick is making my brain hurt. Let me go find a magic user.
Sorcerer. Subclass at 3, Subclass feature 6, 14 and 18. Nice. Only 4. This should be easier.
Aberrant has 6 features. I can assume I get the spell casting, so maybe 5?
Clockwork only has 5, but then the spells would definitely be. Okay. I have a grasp of this.
Draconic only has 5. Okay, lets assume we get the spells, but the spells are listed under the HP bonus. Assume you get that at the subclass then.
Wild Magic only has 5. I'm done. I'm literally not having any fun. This is suppose to be exiting and new and compel me to keep looking for more information. Is there a report feature? Nothing under contact. Bugs and support? Why would it be under a forum? Sure. Why not. Here you go. I am going to bed. Thank you very much for all your hard work. I do appreciate it. Please make it better.
+1 to this feedback. The layout and formatting of the 2024 class pages is a real mess, with the tables not resizing properly, no links from the class features in the progression tables to the actual descriptions, and as you say the confusing lack of any mention of levels in the descriptions. It's baffling to me how this is a big regression from the 2014 class pages, which were more or less fine.
Gotta agree. Why the heck would you give aberrant mind sorcerer 6 subclass features, but only let them gain subclass features four times? What? Am I supposed to just pick which ones I want? are we supposed to assume that the last two features just don't exist? Help a girl out here, the digital copies don't explain anything on this and I don't have a physical copy. Cmon, WotC
it says "A Druid subclass is a specialization that grants you features at certain Druid levels, as specified in the subclass. Druids form loose associations, which they call circles."
Aa specified in the subclass...and then doesn't specify in the subclass.
Seriously? I mean, really. I haven't checked all the other classes and their subclasses but I'm guessing from the other comments that this is pretty much a problem beyond Druid. How could this possibly have been published like this?
Did no one think to try it out by making a character with their newly minted book beyond a level in which they'd have to subclass? If they had, they'd have come across this problem before it was published...and before we all shelled out money for it.
it says "A Druid subclass is a specialization that grants you features at certain Druid levels, as specified in the subclass. Druids form loose associations, which they call circles."
Aa specified in the subclass...and then doesn't specify in the subclass.
Seriously? I mean, really. I haven't checked all the other classes and their subclasses but I'm guessing from the other comments that this is pretty much a problem beyond Druid. How could this possibly have been published like this?
Did no one think to try it out by making a character with their newly minted book beyond a level in which they'd have to subclass? If they had, they'd have come across this problem before it was published...and before we all shelled out money for it.
In fairness, the actual book (both physical and digital) does list the levels for the subclass features. The class page on D&D Beyond does not, which is definitely something they should correct.
+1 for good feedback. I just got the 2024 digital stuff and noticed the levels are missing from the classes (at least the first few I looked at). Please fix. Thanks.
These were added to the website a few months ago, but seem to still be missing in the mobile app. I've passed that on to the devs for review. If there's anywhere else they're missing, please let us know where.
In regards to the D&D Beyond online content. None of the new 2024 content list level requirement next to abilities. I understand there is a table that list basic class abilities at the top of the website. Annoying that I have to keep going back and forth just to reference levels. It just isn't in the description like it was in the 2014 PHB or listed next to the name like it is in the Physical 2024 PHB. Its extremely confusing when you get down to subclasses for every class, because none of the subclasses are listed by name. Again, the level you get subclasses is listed in the table at the top, but without a name. I see that I get a feature at level 3, and then 3 more as I level. But half of the subclasses don't have 4 abilities. They have 5. A few have 6. It doesn't specify what level you get abilities. It is making the content unusable on your site, since I keep having to reference external information to find the right information. Please correct this discrepancy for myself and your audience. Thank you for your time.
Nothing but examples follow.
Fighter Table, Subclass at 3, Subclass Feature 7, 10, 15, 18. 5 total features! Nice.
Battlemaster 5 total features! Yeah! It sucked I had to keep scrolling up to the top to see what level I got them at. But the information is there. I mean, its not there. No maneuver's are listed.
Champion 6 total features! Which ones do I get when? One of them I get twice.
Eldritch Knight 6 again.
Psionic 5. Good. I don't care so much about having to look up at the table, because I can still figure out what level things are.
Thinking of a character that just hits things with a stick is making my brain hurt. Let me go find a magic user.
Sorcerer. Subclass at 3, Subclass feature 6, 14 and 18. Nice. Only 4. This should be easier.
Aberrant has 6 features. I can assume I get the spell casting, so maybe 5?
Clockwork only has 5, but then the spells would definitely be. Okay. I have a grasp of this.
Draconic only has 5. Okay, lets assume we get the spells, but the spells are listed under the HP bonus. Assume you get that at the subclass then.
Wild Magic only has 5. I'm done. I'm literally not having any fun. This is suppose to be exiting and new and compel me to keep looking for more information. Is there a report feature? Nothing under contact. Bugs and support? Why would it be under a forum? Sure. Why not. Here you go. I am going to bed. Thank you very much for all your hard work. I do appreciate it. Please make it better.
+1 to this feedback. The layout and formatting of the 2024 class pages is a real mess, with the tables not resizing properly, no links from the class features in the progression tables to the actual descriptions, and as you say the confusing lack of any mention of levels in the descriptions. It's baffling to me how this is a big regression from the 2014 class pages, which were more or less fine.
Seems like the level requirements for all class abilities seem to be missing. Guess I am glad I have the dead tree version to keep me honest!
Gotta agree. Why the heck would you give aberrant mind sorcerer 6 subclass features, but only let them gain subclass features four times? What? Am I supposed to just pick which ones I want? are we supposed to assume that the last two features just don't exist? Help a girl out here, the digital copies don't explain anything on this and I don't have a physical copy. Cmon, WotC
I just noticed this for my 2024 Moon Druid.
it says "A Druid subclass is a specialization that grants you features at certain Druid levels, as specified in the subclass. Druids form loose associations, which they call circles."
Aa specified in the subclass...and then doesn't specify in the subclass.
Seriously? I mean, really. I haven't checked all the other classes and their subclasses but I'm guessing from the other comments that this is pretty much a problem beyond Druid. How could this possibly have been published like this?
Did no one think to try it out by making a character with their newly minted book beyond a level in which they'd have to subclass? If they had, they'd have come across this problem before it was published...and before we all shelled out money for it.
In fairness, the actual book (both physical and digital) does list the levels for the subclass features. The class page on D&D Beyond does not, which is definitely something they should correct.
A third of an year has passed with this still being an unfixed issue
+1 for good feedback. I just got the 2024 digital stuff and noticed the levels are missing from the classes (at least the first few I looked at). Please fix. Thanks.
These were added to the website a few months ago, but seem to still be missing in the mobile app. I've passed that on to the devs for review. If there's anywhere else they're missing, please let us know where.
I know this is in absolutely no way your fault, but man, it is bizarre that that's two different things that need to get updated separately.