Thanks. Sillvva. I checked my emails and I definitely didn't get it. I checked my entitlements and there was a message reading that they were not in sync so I clicked the button to sync them...I guess I'll see if I get an email this Thursday with the reward.
Yeah, I didn't get that email. I don't know if Gmail blocked it.
For the two of you, I am informed that their records show the email having been sent to you. They are also wondering if it did indeed get filtered as spam. Customer support is notified, but given the current high volume of support requests it may be a while before they can get to it.
Appreciate the response Sillvva, thank you. My entitlements are synced, and I can see the PHB preorder bonuses at the bottom, but no Dragon book listed.
I also double checked my spam folder, but there's nothing in there. It may have been in there, and gotten auto deleted after a few days, which would really stink. Is is possible for the email to get sent out again? Or is there an alternative way other than email?
It seems there was an issue with your email. It was not sent out. The team is investigating. Keep an eye out for it on upcoming Thursdays.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
How I'm posting based on text formatting: Mod Hat On - Mod Hat Off
Can you check on mine? If it helps, here's the list of licenses in my account. I have the three book preordered but i only have the preorder bonus for the PHB
If it went to my email it would have gone to spam, And this was ordered way back on July 19th. I've had a support ticket in for 27 days so really ANY kind of update would be appreciated.
Thanks for responding on this, Sillvva. I also have a customer service ticket for this issue, but the ticket is being ignored. I didn't receive an email, and don't see anything in my spam folder. I want to make sure that the customer service people eventually see that whatever they've done so far isn't working for some reason, and hopefully my particular flavor of the problem gets resolved.
It seems there was an issue with your email. It was not sent out. The team is investigating. Keep an eye out for it on upcoming Thursdays.
Could you possibly check for me as well? I am in the same boat. I never received an email on September 3, and I checked my spam folder. Slight hitch: I used a different email address for the store account.
There is a high volume of CS tickets at this time, so it is take a lot longer than normal to respond. I've received confirmation that CS is providing a book link and product key when they get to those tickets.
I will say, that despite the long wait time, putting in a support ticket is your best course of action. Us moderators adding too many support threads can and will just slow things down even more for the support team.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
How I'm posting based on text formatting: Mod Hat On - Mod Hat Off
Thanks. I already opened a ticket. One thing I fail to understand, though. By now it is pretty obvious that some systematical errors have happened. They affect lots of people. Still, each and every one of us has to go through a support process that is clogged with tickets at this point. Why is nobody taking care of the handling errors in a systematical manner? With database querries it should be pretty easy to catch the mails that got stuck in queues or books that haven't been sent out properly. Reading through the forums, it is pretty easy to categorize what is happening. And I would expect someone at WotC/Beyond/Scalefast to take action to remedy the errors in a speedy and bulk fashion.
But this doesn't seem to be happening. That is baffling.
Honestly my guess is that they're so massively and systematically understaffed as a group that their choices are: put devs to work fixing all the 2024 DDB bugs that have come up, or have them write support help queries. And the support staff must have ticket queue numbers that are absolutely demoralizing to look at. I don't blame anyone on the front lines of DDB. I put the blame squarely on whatever bean counters got a yearly bonus for optimizing layoffs to create this mess.
Something must be wrong then. I don't see the email in my spam which is cleared after 30 days, and don't see it anywhere else. I have no issues getting emails from DnD Beyond because I have plenty of others regarding subscriptions, order confirmations, etc.
I already have a support ticket open which I'll wait on. I do appreciate your assistance even though you couldn't fix my problem. It makes me feel a little better to have some human contact about the issue since I haven't heard anything else.
Something must be wrong then. I don't see the email in my spam which is cleared after 30 days, and don't see it anywhere else. I have no issues getting emails from DnD Beyond because I have plenty of others regarding subscriptions, order confirmations, etc.
I already have a support ticket open which I'll wait on. I do appreciate your assistance even though you couldn't fix my problem. It makes me feel a little better to have some human contact about the issue since I haven't heard anything else.
Agreed. I submitted my ticket on September 4 with all the info that I thought would be important (order date, order number, email address used). I received a reply that had some blanket information 5 days later from a named employee (presumably a real rep), asking for the same info that I had already provided. I provided it again, bolding and highlighting it this time; I also had been checking the spam folder repeatedly and ensuring that my entitlements were synced, etc. Six days after that I got the "bulk reply" asking for the same info I had already provided twice. For the third time, I provided the information requested and now it's been another two weeks with no reply.
Honestly my guess is that they're so massively and systematically understaffed as a group that their choices are: put devs to work fixing all the 2024 DDB bugs that have come up, or have them write support help queries. And the support staff must have ticket queue numbers that are absolutely demoralizing to look at. I don't blame anyone on the front lines of DDB. I put the blame squarely on whatever bean counters got a yearly bonus for optimizing layoffs to create this mess.
Don‘t misunderstand me here. I am definitely not blaming an individual staff member of the support team. Especially not those who are wading through the tickets. I blame their bosses for not recognizing a systematic issue and taking decisive action. Instead, the support staff is being let down almost as much as the customers are.
Also, some of the issues seem to be with Scalefast and not Beyond.
Lastly, the software developers supporting DDB should be a separate entity from the IT department that keeps things like the support desk and infrastructure running. At least that‘s what I expect from a large professionally run IT company.
Something is really wrong. I'm having the same issue but while investigating the problem seems to be getting worse. My account now has no history of my $200 preorder purchases or entitlements, or order history. I have the confirmation of purchase email and have received my digital and physical PHB but not appearing in licenses. Seems like there is an issue on the back end and licenses went away so it didnt trigger the email for bonuses. Now im nervous I wont be getting my DMG or Monster Manuel.
I got the DMG stuff too - does Monster Manual have a 'preorder' next to it like the PHB or DMG in your list? Mine doesn't, it just says "Monster Manual" I wonder if that's what's breaking the flow. TBH I just want the black and gold dice
Something is really wrong. I'm having the same issue but while investigating the problem seems to be getting worse. My account now has no history of my $200 preorder purchases or entitlements, or order history. I have the confirmation of purchase email and have received my digital and physical PHB but not appearing in licenses. Seems like there is an issue on the back end and licenses went away so it didnt trigger the email for bonuses. Now im nervous I wont be getting my DMG or Monster Manuel.
I had the same thing happen to me when I checked the other day. Try changing the filters on the new order history page to show greater than 3 months of data.
I have checked everyday since preorder and never got it in spam or mailbox, on day 25 of opening ticket. Got the class dice and even got the DMG dice but still waiting on that email for gold dice and artbook, I understand being busy but 25 days of silence is starting to feel abit like calling into the void.
I am glad to hear they are being sent out in waves and the is potentially still some hope I may get my email with the link.
I submitted a ticket today as I also have not received the email. My spam clears every 30 days, so today is the last day that I can look at emails from September 3rd. I have confirmed once more that it is not there, nor in my regular inbox.
For the two of you, I am informed that their records show the email having been sent to you. They are also wondering if it did indeed get filtered as spam. Customer support is notified, but given the current high volume of support requests it may be a while before they can get to it.
It seems there was an issue with your email. It was not sent out. The team is investigating. Keep an eye out for it on upcoming Thursdays.
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Can you check on mine? If it helps, here's the list of licenses in my account. I have the three book preordered but i only have the preorder bonus for the PHB
If it went to my email it would have gone to spam, And this was ordered way back on July 19th. I've had a support ticket in for 27 days so really ANY kind of update would be appreciated.
Thanks for responding on this, Sillvva. I also have a customer service ticket for this issue, but the ticket is being ignored. I didn't receive an email, and don't see anything in my spam folder. I want to make sure that the customer service people eventually see that whatever they've done so far isn't working for some reason, and hopefully my particular flavor of the problem gets resolved.
Could you possibly check for me as well? I am in the same boat. I never received an email on September 3, and I checked my spam folder. Slight hitch: I used a different email address for the store account.
There is a high volume of CS tickets at this time, so it is take a lot longer than normal to respond. I've received confirmation that CS is providing a book link and product key when they get to those tickets.
I will say, that despite the long wait time, putting in a support ticket is your best course of action. Us moderators adding too many support threads can and will just slow things down even more for the support team.
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DDB Guides & FAQs, Class Guides, Character Builds, Game Guides, Useful Websites, and WOTC Resources
Thanks. I already opened a ticket. One thing I fail to understand, though. By now it is pretty obvious that some systematical errors have happened. They affect lots of people. Still, each and every one of us has to go through a support process that is clogged with tickets at this point. Why is nobody taking care of the handling errors in a systematical manner? With database querries it should be pretty easy to catch the mails that got stuck in queues or books that haven't been sent out properly. Reading through the forums, it is pretty easy to categorize what is happening. And I would expect someone at WotC/Beyond/Scalefast to take action to remedy the errors in a speedy and bulk fashion.
But this doesn't seem to be happening. That is baffling.
Honestly my guess is that they're so massively and systematically understaffed as a group that their choices are: put devs to work fixing all the 2024 DDB bugs that have come up, or have them write support help queries. And the support staff must have ticket queue numbers that are absolutely demoralizing to look at. I don't blame anyone on the front lines of DDB. I put the blame squarely on whatever bean counters got a yearly bonus for optimizing layoffs to create this mess.
Something must be wrong then. I don't see the email in my spam which is cleared after 30 days, and don't see it anywhere else. I have no issues getting emails from DnD Beyond because I have plenty of others regarding subscriptions, order confirmations, etc.
I already have a support ticket open which I'll wait on. I do appreciate your assistance even though you couldn't fix my problem. It makes me feel a little better to have some human contact about the issue since I haven't heard anything else.
Agreed. I submitted my ticket on September 4 with all the info that I thought would be important (order date, order number, email address used). I received a reply that had some blanket information 5 days later from a named employee (presumably a real rep), asking for the same info that I had already provided. I provided it again, bolding and highlighting it this time; I also had been checking the spam folder repeatedly and ensuring that my entitlements were synced, etc. Six days after that I got the "bulk reply" asking for the same info I had already provided twice. For the third time, I provided the information requested and now it's been another two weeks with no reply.
Don‘t misunderstand me here. I am definitely not blaming an individual staff member of the support team. Especially not those who are wading through the tickets. I blame their bosses for not recognizing a systematic issue and taking decisive action. Instead, the support staff is being let down almost as much as the customers are.
Also, some of the issues seem to be with Scalefast and not Beyond.
Lastly, the software developers supporting DDB should be a separate entity from the IT department that keeps things like the support desk and infrastructure running. At least that‘s what I expect from a large professionally run IT company.
Something is really wrong. I'm having the same issue but while investigating the problem seems to be getting worse. My account now has no history of my $200 preorder purchases or entitlements, or order history. I have the confirmation of purchase email and have received my digital and physical PHB but not appearing in licenses. Seems like there is an issue on the back end and licenses went away so it didnt trigger the email for bonuses. Now im nervous I wont be getting my DMG or Monster Manuel.
I have also checked my emails and junk mail. I have not received my perks. My bundle is showing in my orders on Aug 31, 2024.
Oddly enough the DMG preorder stuff was just added to my account it seems, and the PHB stuff is there as well. So just the book is missing for me.
I got the DMG stuff too - does Monster Manual have a 'preorder' next to it like the PHB or DMG in your list? Mine doesn't, it just says "Monster Manual" I wonder if that's what's breaking the flow. TBH I just want the black and gold dice
I had the same thing happen to me when I checked the other day. Try changing the filters on the new order history page to show greater than 3 months of data.
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I have checked everyday since preorder and never got it in spam or mailbox, on day 25 of opening ticket. Got the class dice and even got the DMG dice but still waiting on that email for gold dice and artbook, I understand being busy but 25 days of silence is starting to feel abit like calling into the void.
I am glad to hear they are being sent out in waves and the is potentially still some hope I may get my email with the link.
At this point I'm fed up. I made a report to the BBB.
I submitted a ticket today as I also have not received the email. My spam clears every 30 days, so today is the last day that I can look at emails from September 3rd. I have confirmed once more that it is not there, nor in my regular inbox.
Thank you to Silvva for trying to help.
Mine is the same as yours. Double checked my spam and no email yet, so guess I didn't luck out with this Thursday's batch.
I put together a general Customer Service tracking thread so we can try and help each other out, and join us + the preorder denied people who are also struggling tracking when we'll get replies. See this thread: