I noticed my cleric, and druid players in my campaign both have Aid as being always prepared. I did notice that on the 2024 free version it lists the classes twice for what classes the spell belongs to. So i'm wondering if that has something to do with the issue. If someone could fix that.
I have the same problem, but slightly different on a Cleric character. Chose Life Domain at Level 3, and now I have Aid prepared twice. I don't see a straightforward way in the UI to unprepare an "Always Prepared" spell so might be stuck now until a bug fix.
I have the same problem, but slightly different on a Cleric character. Chose Life Domain at Level 3, and now I have Aid prepared twice. I don't see a straightforward way in the UI to unprepare an "Always Prepared" spell so might be stuck now until a bug fix.
Yes, I've got a peace cleric PC in my Witchlight campaign who gets aid via his domain bonus spells, so it shows up twice for him as well.
Meanwhile, the bard PCs in my campaigns have it showing up as always prepared in their list of available spells, but there's also a "learn" button, and if it's not clicked, then it doesn't show up on the Spells tab on their character sheet (whereas it does for the cleric and druid PCs).
Same for me; my 2014 druid now has aid 'always prepared' and so does the 2024 version I was building.
Annoyingly, all the other 'always prepared' spells (moon druid, so moonbeam etc etc) appear in the spells-I-can-cast area but are not marked as 'always prepared' in the manage spells bit.
Same for me; my 2014 druid now has aid 'always prepared' and so does the 2024 version I was building.
Annoyingly, all the other 'always prepared' spells (moon druid, so moonbeam etc etc) appear in the spells-I-can-cast area but are not marked as 'always prepared' in the manage spells bit.
I can confirm it too that it harms PhB14 and PHB24.
Andi n case PHB14 Aid is not a on the Druid Spelllist. If creating a druid char and switch the level to 3 you got Level 2 Spells and then "Aid" is always prepared. (See Screenshots) That happened on on all offical druid circles and without no choosen druid circle, so bug is active in every case for druids level>=3 !!! Other classes should have a similar misbehaviour, but I have not tested it.
It's weird how my Cleric has the spell twice (always prepared 2024 plus willingly prepared 2014), but my Bard only sees "always prepared 2024" in their spell management list but not their actual spell list. Both are 2014 characters, but the spell is usually not allowed for bards.
I renamed the Cleric's spell into "(do not use)" for now, but I'd rather have a proper fix soon...
Happening here too; My 2014 Circle of the Land Druid just leveled up to 3 and Aid appeared on the spell list as "Always Prepared". Definitely seems to be a bug, since this is not a feature noted in the PHB2024 handbook, where Aid looks like a normal 2nd level spell.
I noticed my cleric, and druid players in my campaign both have Aid as being always prepared. I did notice that on the 2024 free version it lists the classes twice for what classes the spell belongs to. So i'm wondering if that has something to do with the issue. If someone could fix that.
It's also showing up as always prepared for bards. Definitely a bug of some kind.
I have the same problem, but slightly different on a Cleric character. Chose Life Domain at Level 3, and now I have Aid prepared twice.
I don't see a straightforward way in the UI to unprepare an "Always Prepared" spell so might be stuck now until a bug fix.
Yes, I've got a peace cleric PC in my Witchlight campaign who gets aid via his domain bonus spells, so it shows up twice for him as well.
Meanwhile, the bard PCs in my campaigns have it showing up as always prepared in their list of available spells, but there's also a "learn" button, and if it's not clicked, then it doesn't show up on the Spells tab on their character sheet (whereas it does for the cleric and druid PCs).
Yeah I just checked today and my tempest cleric lvl7 now has aid always prepared for some reason
Same for me; my 2014 druid now has aid 'always prepared' and so does the 2024 version I was building.
Annoyingly, all the other 'always prepared' spells (moon druid, so moonbeam etc etc) appear in the spells-I-can-cast area but are not marked as 'always prepared' in the manage spells bit.
I can confirm it too that it harms PhB14 and PHB24.

Andi n case PHB14 Aid is not a on the Druid Spelllist.
If creating a druid char and switch the level to 3 you got Level 2 Spells and then "Aid" is always prepared. (See Screenshots)
That happened on on all offical druid circles and without no choosen druid circle, so bug is active in every case for druids level>=3 !!!
Other classes should have a similar misbehaviour, but I have not tested it.
Yes. I had same thing on a 2014 Bard I was working on the other day where I did a double take to find Aid spell had shown up as always prepared.
My Cleric of Light Domain has this issue as well. Aid showing as always prepared with no way to remove or deselect.
If you were going to prepare Aid anyway, you may just need to purposefully have one less spell prepared knowing that Aid fill that slot.
I also have this bug on my Druid. It appears to be linked to the Circle of Stars subclass for me.
That's what I'm having to do. Not the worst thing, but annoying, especially if I decide to move on from it.
Same here. And I don't want it, I need to use different spells.
is this bug going to be fixed?
It's weird how my Cleric has the spell twice (always prepared 2024 plus willingly prepared 2014), but my Bard only sees "always prepared 2024" in their spell management list but not their actual spell list. Both are 2014 characters, but the spell is usually not allowed for bards.
I renamed the Cleric's spell into "(do not use)" for now, but I'd rather have a proper fix soon...
Happening for me too; I have a 2014 trickery cleric who has Aid always prepared.
Happening here too; My 2014 Circle of the Land Druid just leveled up to 3 and Aid appeared on the spell list as "Always Prepared". Definitely seems to be a bug, since this is not a feature noted in the PHB2024 handbook, where Aid looks like a normal 2nd level spell.
Happening to my bard too.
When I go to select spells, Aid is "always prepared" -- and yet Aid does not appear in my list of spells on my sheet.
It just takes up an available learned spell, such that my 8th level bard has 10 spells, rather than 11 spells, to cast.
Hopefully this will get fixed during the upcoming maintenance shutdown.
Do you know when that is happening?