Missing 2024 version: Potion of Animal Friendship Potion of Invisibility Potion of Mind Reading Potion of Poison Potion of Speed Potion of Water Breathing Rod of the Pact Keeper Spell scroll (Level 2) and higher Wand of Magic Missiles
Links for several of the downloadable tracker sheet PDFs instead direct to a page not found screen. Are links bad or are not all of these available yet?
I'm trying to add Oathbow to a newly created character. The character is proficient in longbow. The manage/add magic items in the character's inventory does not find "Oathbow", nor is the item presented in a full listing of items via the "load more" functionality.
Artificer Infusion: Replicate Magic Item, is missing 'Wand of secrets' and 'Rope of climbing' from 'Replicate Magic Item' list.
They are available using Legacy 2014 rules, but both items are still present in 2024DMG and should be visible in the drop down without fallback to Legacy rules!
Artificer Infusion: Replicate Magic Item, is missing 'Wand of secrets' and 'Rope of climbing' from 'Replicate Magic Item' list.
They are available using Legacy 2014 rules, but both items are still present in 2024DMG and should be visible in the drop down without fallback to Legacy rules!
The 2024 DMG can't be downloaded in the Android app. I can access it just fine on the website, but it's not an available option in my "library" in the app. It should be "shared with me" like the 2024 PHB is through my wife's Master tier subscription.
Artificer Infusion: Replicate Magic Item, is missing 'Wand of secrets' and 'Rope of climbing' from 'Replicate Magic Item' list.
They are available using Legacy 2014 rules, but both items are still present in 2024DMG and should be visible in the drop down without fallback to Legacy rules!
The 2024 DMG can't be downloaded in the Android app. I can access it just fine on the website, but it's not an available option in my "library" in the app. It should be "shared with me" like the 2024 PHB is through my wife's Master tier subscription.
On the DND Free rules for the dungeon master guide. A bunch of the links are broken. You get 403 Forbidden. You can still navigate to the content if you click next to change chapters. But the subchapter buttons are broken. Example: https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/dnd/free-rules/treasure#TheNextDawn
Just chiming in that there doesn't seem to be a digital version of the poster map initially previewed. There is a map that highlights western, central, northern & eastern (and old Keoland) but not one without the red borders... Was this intentional?
Just chiming in that there doesn't seem to be a digital version of the poster map initially previewed. There is a map that highlights western, central, northern & eastern (and old Keoland) but not one without the red borders... Was this intentional?
No there is a poster map, and it has more place names on it.
I bought both physical and digital 2024 core books. I've found items in the DMG that link to the market place to purchase "old" books. good thing I have the physical copy.
Bead of refreshments-On D&DB it's wants me to buy Xanathar's guide
Candle of the deep On D&DB it's wants me to buy Xanathar's guide
Cloak of billowing On D&DB it's wants me to buy Xanathar's guide
I also see this problem with the following:
Dread Helm & Walloping Ammunition.
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When are all of the 2024 DMG magic items going to be available for our character sheets?
I did not pay extra for DM tier to be your beta tester. I paid for early access to a completed, ready to use product.
Item problems in the character sheet
Necklace of Fireballls - No charges
Missing 2024 version:
Potion of Animal Friendship
Potion of Invisibility
Potion of Mind Reading
Potion of Poison
Potion of Speed
Potion of Water Breathing
Rod of the Pact Keeper
Spell scroll (Level 2) and higher
Wand of Magic Missiles
Links for several of the downloadable tracker sheet PDFs instead direct to a page not found screen. Are links bad or are not all of these available yet?
Why are the Death Domain and Oathbreaker subclasses labeled " Legacy " even though there isn't a new version of them ?
Almost assuredly because they are in the 2014 DMG, same as stuff from Volo's Guide and Mordenkainen's Tome when MotMv came out.
I'm trying to add Oathbow to a newly created character. The character is proficient in longbow. The manage/add magic items in the character's inventory does not find "Oathbow", nor is the item presented in a full listing of items via the "load more" functionality.
Any update for missing existing magic items from 2024dmg for artificier replicate list?
Jesus Christ alive, dude. You absolutely cannot be serious. They can't get the 2024 stuff right yet, and you want 2014 updates? LOL!
Periapt of Health is listed as Common on Beyond when it is Uncommon in the 2024 book.
The 2024 DMG can't be downloaded in the Android app. I can access it just fine on the website, but it's not an available option in my "library" in the app. It should be "shared with me" like the 2024 PHB is through my wife's Master tier subscription.
What? I want 2024 dmg stuff to work without using Legacy toggle. Learn to understand what you read.
I have the same issue.
Multiple 'Downloadable PDF' buttons (Travel Planner, NPC Tracker, Settlement Tracker, etc.) take you to a 404 error.
Small typo to report!
The Book of Vile Darkness has a mistake under its' granted spells.
The heading currently reads 'Spells. While holding the book and holding it, you can cast the following spells (save DC 18) from it:'
I imagine this was meant to be 'Spells. While attuned to the book and holding it, you can cast the following spells (save DC 18) from it:'
Downloaded for me but I own the book.
On the DND Free rules for the dungeon master guide. A bunch of the links are broken. You get 403 Forbidden. You can still navigate to the content if you click next to change chapters. But the subchapter buttons are broken. Example: https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/dnd/free-rules/treasure#TheNextDawn
The attunement requirements for the Dwarven Thrower didn't get updated to the 2024 version.
2014: "(requires attunement by a Dwarf)"
2024: "(Requires Attunement by a Dwarf or a Creature Attuned to a Belt of Dwarvenkind)"
Just chiming in that there doesn't seem to be a digital version of the poster map initially previewed. There is a map that highlights western, central, northern & eastern (and old Keoland) but not one without the red borders... Was this intentional?
No there is a poster map, and it has more place names on it.
I also see this problem with the following:
Dread Helm & Walloping Ammunition.