Hi. Created today a new character for a player joining our 2014 Legacy Rules Campaign. Character was a Wizard. He got an instant levelup to Level 3 (the level of the other players). In the Level 3 option to choose a School of Magic were only Conjuration, Transmustation, Enchantment oder Necromancy visible. The other 4 schools are not there anymore. Known or new bug? Can you help? Thanks.
Hi. Created today a new character for a player joining our 2014 Legacy Rules Campaign. Character was a Wizard. He got an instant levelup to Level 3 (the level of the other players). In the Level 3 option to choose a School of Magic were only Conjuration, Transmustation, Enchantment oder Necromancy visible. The other 4 schools are not there anymore. Known or new bug? Can you help? Thanks.
When selecting class, scroll down further in the class section past the “core” classes to the “legacy” classes and use those
core classes are not compatible in dndbeyond with the other options unless you purchased the new editions