As side from what others have said with issues that they've been having, one thing I have noticed for myself, maybe others have as well. I made a mock character of a Wandering Dwarf with the Champion Calling of level 3. At 2nd level I chose (and had to manually select under the features and traits on I might add) the Common Virtue of Dour-Handed which is only supposed to add +1 to the damage rolls of my strength based weapons as well as increase my strength score by +1. It didn't add a bonus to my strength based weapon damage rolls but added a +1 to my strength based weapon attacks. Additionally it added my strength modifier to those attack rolls a 2nd time over. So my character went from having a +5 to hit (strength score of 17 for +3 modifier and +2 proficiency bonus) to a +11 to hit (strength score increased to 18 for a +4 modifier, +2 proficiency bonus, +1 wrongly added from Virtue and then another +4 added wrongly from strength modifier for a total of +11 to hit). And again, did not add a +1 to weapon damage rolls as it was initially intended to do so.
This is a small bug, but I’ve not seen it posted, so:
For the Scholar Calling (and possibly others), the list of Crafts includes not only the actual Crafts, but entries for Craft Slots and Known Crafts as well. Selecting them displays the same rules text already available in the feature above the Craft selector.
Hello, was using the character builder in D&D beyond to create a few pre-gen characters for a campaign. Unfortunately, under the "Species" tab labeled "Wandering Folk," the character builder does not allow me the option to choose Explore, Hunting, Old Lore, or Travel, new skills introduced specifically in the LoTR book. Please fix this issue.
Hello again, its been close to two weeks since I purchased the product and have no access to it. I have contacted customer service and received zero response there as well.
My group's next campaign is going to be using the LotR system. We were thrilled at the announcement that it was coming to D&D Beyond, because we really like using the tool for our current campaign. However, after attempting to make a test character it is clear that it will be a lot less effort to use pencil and paper for this campaign. This means I will likely drop my DM subscription for the lifetime of this campaign (1+ years). I would rather keep paying for the digital tools if they did the job.
It will be a couple of months before the current campaign wraps. I really hope they announce plans for non-kludge support for this game before then!
I would add that it would be a huge boon to all home brewers and a ton of campaigns if D&D Beyond implemented the tools needed to support LotR. My current purely vanilla game of D&D is an anomaly for our group. Settings with custom skill lists and additional stats (like shadow points) are the norm for us, and having support for that in D&D Beyond would greatly increase its utility for us.
Hi. What is the recommended approach when picking a culture or calling that grants the option of proficiency in one of the new skills?
For example, if you pick the rangers of the north culture you can choose between Explore, Hunting, Old Lore, Perception, Stealth, or Travel. However, the game only grants the option of the core rule skills Perception and Stealth, and I understand that I should instead use the custom skills interface to enable the proficiency myself. Should I then leave the choice unselected? I feel like it might be better to have an "Other/Manual" option in the dropdown just so it's clear that a choice has been made, otherwise if you come back to the character weeks later, you might think that you forgot to choose anything (or maybe that's just me being forgetful :D) and end up with more proficiencies than you're entitled to.
Of course, it would be nice if the new skills Just Worked, but I understand that's not likely to change in the short term.
1. The new skills have to be added as custom skills. Note that any class feature, species trait, feat, or other game element that impacts these new skills is not done automatically and would need to be adjusted manually.
2. This source features a new coinage system. At this time, D&D Beyond cannot support new coinage systems.
3. The source features two new conditions related to the shadow: miserable and anguished. We're currently unable to support new conditions.
4. This source features 6 new patrons that sponsor the adventures of your Company. At this time, D&D Beyond does not support patrons.
I was really looking forward to this until I realised you guys didn't even bother to implement most of the features that the system actually provides. The fan made module on FoundryVTT has better support on it's character sheet than this and it's free! Absolutely not worth $40, I feel sorry for anyone who wastes their money on this. Save yourself the headache and just buy the PDF on DriveThruRPG and use a different system.
I think it's kind of lame that they released a supplement and seem to have no intention of adapting D&D Beyond for it. That's cool and all, but at least be up front about. There should be some notation on the purchase--clearly labeled and stated--that this doesn't talk to D&D Beyond.
Build a female Hobbit Treasure Hunter. She got a leather corslet with the starter pack. It's light armor. She has proficiency with light armor, but even so Disadvantage is shown on the skills and it says "Disadvantage when not proficient with armor worn(Leather Corslet)" .
I believe that's intentional. In the physical book characters who aren't intended to engage in combat only have Int, Wis and Cha scores. Presumably the intention is that if the player characters do engage them in combat they would immediately surrender because they're not fighters.
I believe that's intentional. In the physical book characters who aren't intended to engage in combat only have Int, Wis and Cha scores. Presumably the intention is that if the player characters do engage them in combat they would immediately surrender because they're not fighters.
I might lean to believe that - However, it's odd - if you hover over their name - or click their name (for example, if you have access: ) - you will see fully fleshed out stats that include STR, CON, DEX scores - not just INT, WIS and CHA. It even has an additional skill mentioned (Stealth) and even includes a weapon attack (club) that's not visible in "the book."
I mean, even in the D&D 2024, free rules - we get stats for cats ( - and aside from an angry cat that might claw you if you try to rub it's belly, there's a good chance that most cats would not "fight a D&D party." And yet all their stats are there. :-) Even a rat, with a single HP is there (
Anyone noticed that reading the book from the sources section makes your iOS browser extremely unstable and it auto-reloads like every 45-60 seconds? I can look up things in classes or magic items or monsters etc without any issues. But if I try to read the digital book, it completely bugs out. Is this a known issue?
I believe that's intentional. In the physical book characters who aren't intended to engage in combat only have Int, Wis and Cha scores. Presumably the intention is that if the player characters do engage them in combat they would immediately surrender because they're not fighters.
I might lean to believe that - However, it's odd - if you hover over their name - or click their name (for example, if you have access: ) - you will see fully fleshed out stats that include STR, CON, DEX scores - not just INT, WIS and CHA. It even has an additional skill mentioned (Stealth) and even includes a weapon attack (club) that's not visible in "the book."
I mean, even in the D&D 2024, free rules - we get stats for cats ( - and aside from an angry cat that might claw you if you try to rub it's belly, there's a good chance that most cats would not "fight a D&D party." And yet all their stats are there. :-) Even a rat, with a single HP is there (
"If the Loremaster deems it necessary, nonplayer characters can be given more complete stats, for example to allow the Loremaster to make ability checks for them.
Stats that are directly related to combat are only included if a character can be involved in an armed confrontation."
Anyone noticed that reading the book from the sources section makes your iOS browser extremely unstable and it auto-reloads like every 45-60 seconds? I can look up things in classes or magic items or monsters etc without any issues. But if I try to read the digital book, it completely bugs out. Is this a known issue?
It works for me. What it sounds like is a browser add-in may be messing with it. Try a different browser (with no add-ins installed) and see if it does the same thing.
I believe that's intentional. In the physical book characters who aren't intended to engage in combat only have Int, Wis and Cha scores. Presumably the intention is that if the player characters do engage them in combat they would immediately surrender because they're not fighters.
I might lean to believe that - However, it's odd - if you hover over their name - or click their name (for example, if you have access: ) - you will see fully fleshed out stats that include STR, CON, DEX scores - not just INT, WIS and CHA. It even has an additional skill mentioned (Stealth) and even includes a weapon attack (club) that's not visible in "the book."
I mean, even in the D&D 2024, free rules - we get stats for cats ( - and aside from an angry cat that might claw you if you try to rub it's belly, there's a good chance that most cats would not "fight a D&D party." And yet all their stats are there. :-) Even a rat, with a single HP is there (
"If the Loremaster deems it necessary, nonplayer characters can be given more complete stats, for example to allow the Loremaster to make ability checks for them.
Stats that are directly related to combat are only included if a character can be involved in an armed confrontation."
I bought the physical book - and sure enough, just like on there - not all the stats are given. So it is, as you said, as intended. Just odd that D&D Beyond offers a link that does have all their stats (which is kind of nice).
When Equipping Armor from this book it says you are Not Proficient even if you are Proficient. INCLUDING if you are playing a Race and Class FROM this Book that has the required proficiency.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Not getting cut into bloody littles slices, That's the key to a sound plan."
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters? provide feedback here!
Same as above.
Order No: DDB00581823
It has been almost a week since I purchased this content and made a support ticket and I have yet to hear back as to why it is still not accessible
As side from what others have said with issues that they've been having, one thing I have noticed for myself, maybe others have as well. I made a mock character of a Wandering Dwarf with the Champion Calling of level 3. At 2nd level I chose (and had to manually select under the features and traits on I might add) the Common Virtue of Dour-Handed which is only supposed to add +1 to the damage rolls of my strength based weapons as well as increase my strength score by +1. It didn't add a bonus to my strength based weapon damage rolls but added a +1 to my strength based weapon attacks. Additionally it added my strength modifier to those attack rolls a 2nd time over. So my character went from having a +5 to hit (strength score of 17 for +3 modifier and +2 proficiency bonus) to a +11 to hit (strength score increased to 18 for a +4 modifier, +2 proficiency bonus, +1 wrongly added from Virtue and then another +4 added wrongly from strength modifier for a total of +11 to hit). And again, did not add a +1 to weapon damage rolls as it was initially intended to do so.
This is a small bug, but I’ve not seen it posted, so:
For the Scholar Calling (and possibly others), the list of Crafts includes not only the actual Crafts, but entries for Craft Slots and Known Crafts as well. Selecting them displays the same rules text already available in the feature above the Craft selector.
Hello, was using the character builder in D&D beyond to create a few pre-gen characters for a campaign. Unfortunately, under the "Species" tab labeled "Wandering Folk," the character builder does not allow me the option to choose Explore, Hunting, Old Lore, or Travel, new skills introduced specifically in the LoTR book. Please fix this issue.
Hello again, its been close to two weeks since I purchased the product and have no access to it. I have contacted customer service and received zero response there as well.
I started to compile a list of bugs going through this and gave up because it is basically everything. What an embarrassment of a release.
My group's next campaign is going to be using the LotR system. We were thrilled at the announcement that it was coming to D&D Beyond, because we really like using the tool for our current campaign. However, after attempting to make a test character it is clear that it will be a lot less effort to use pencil and paper for this campaign. This means I will likely drop my DM subscription for the lifetime of this campaign (1+ years). I would rather keep paying for the digital tools if they did the job.
It will be a couple of months before the current campaign wraps. I really hope they announce plans for non-kludge support for this game before then!
I would add that it would be a huge boon to all home brewers and a ton of campaigns if D&D Beyond implemented the tools needed to support LotR. My current purely vanilla game of D&D is an anomaly for our group. Settings with custom skill lists and additional stats (like shadow points) are the norm for us, and having support for that in D&D Beyond would greatly increase its utility for us.
Hi. What is the recommended approach when picking a culture or calling that grants the option of proficiency in one of the new skills?
For example, if you pick the rangers of the north culture you can choose between Explore, Hunting, Old Lore, Perception, Stealth, or Travel. However, the game only grants the option of the core rule skills Perception and Stealth, and I understand that I should instead use the custom skills interface to enable the proficiency myself. Should I then leave the choice unselected? I feel like it might be better to have an "Other/Manual" option in the dropdown just so it's clear that a choice has been made, otherwise if you come back to the character weeks later, you might think that you forgot to choose anything (or maybe that's just me being forgetful :D) and end up with more proficiencies than you're entitled to.
Of course, it would be nice if the new skills Just Worked, but I understand that's not likely to change in the short term.
I think it's kind of lame that they released a supplement and seem to have no intention of adapting D&D Beyond for it. That's cool and all, but at least be up front about. There should be some notation on the purchase--clearly labeled and stated--that this doesn't talk to D&D Beyond.
Build a female Hobbit Treasure Hunter. She got a leather corslet with the starter pack. It's light armor. She has proficiency with light armor, but even so Disadvantage is shown on the skills and it says "Disadvantage when not proficient with armor worn(Leather Corslet)" .
No idea how I missed this thread - but I posted some issues I discovered -
I will copy and paste here:
ISSUE/BUG: Lord of the Rings - Lore Master section - the "Barnabas Butterbur"
On the page - it only has INT, WIS and CHA stats. And they're all - crammed to the left.
But if you click it or hover over it, you can see all the stats.
Just noticed, John Fenry's entry is also broken (showing only Int, Wis, Chr) on the page - but if you hover it will show correctly.
Also: Oswald Breeker, Adelard Took
Check out my publication on DMs Guild:
Check out my comedy web series - Neverending Nights:
Need a character story/background written up? I do it for free (but also take donations!) -
I believe that's intentional. In the physical book characters who aren't intended to engage in combat only have Int, Wis and Cha scores. Presumably the intention is that if the player characters do engage them in combat they would immediately surrender because they're not fighters.
I might lean to believe that - However, it's odd - if you hover over their name - or click their name (for example, if you have access: ) - you will see fully fleshed out stats that include STR, CON, DEX scores - not just INT, WIS and CHA. It even has an additional skill mentioned (Stealth) and even includes a weapon attack (club) that's not visible in "the book."
I mean, even in the D&D 2024, free rules - we get stats for cats ( - and aside from an angry cat that might claw you if you try to rub it's belly, there's a good chance that most cats would not "fight a D&D party." And yet all their stats are there. :-) Even a rat, with a single HP is there (
Check out my publication on DMs Guild:
Check out my comedy web series - Neverending Nights:
Need a character story/background written up? I do it for free (but also take donations!) -
Anyone noticed that reading the book from the sources section makes your iOS browser extremely unstable and it auto-reloads like every 45-60 seconds? I can look up things in classes or magic items or monsters etc without any issues. But if I try to read the digital book, it completely bugs out. Is this a known issue?
The section on NPCs, just before the statblock for Barnabus Butterbur, shows that this was an intentional decision
"If the Loremaster deems it necessary, nonplayer characters can be given more complete stats, for example to allow the Loremaster to make ability checks for them.
Stats that are directly related to combat are only included if a character can be involved in an armed confrontation."
It works for me. What it sounds like is a browser add-in may be messing with it. Try a different browser (with no add-ins installed) and see if it does the same thing.
I bought the physical book - and sure enough, just like on there - not all the stats are given. So it is, as you said, as intended. Just odd that D&D Beyond offers a link that does have all their stats (which is kind of nice).
Check out my publication on DMs Guild:
Check out my comedy web series - Neverending Nights:
Need a character story/background written up? I do it for free (but also take donations!) -
When Equipping Armor from this book it says you are Not Proficient even if you are Proficient. INCLUDING if you are playing a Race and Class FROM this Book that has the required proficiency.
"Not getting cut into bloody littles slices, That's the key to a sound plan."
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters? provide feedback here!
Yes same. Workaround on iPhone is to use Firefox and use text mode.