I am not able to access the Monster Manual 2024. I have a Master Subscription and one of my players is sharing it in my campaign. My titles are synced and everything else is working fine.
Does the player who preordered it also have a Master Tier subscription? They'll need one in order to get early access to the book or to share it.
Have synced entitlements, can access the book on app and on web, but cannot share it in my campaign (master tier) as it does not show in the list of sourcebooks. Anyone else get this?
18 of the links above go to 2014 stat blocks, seem to be free rules 2014 in the most but should still be linked to 2024 right? only 3 go to 2024 stat blocks.
18 of the links above go to 2014 stat blocks, seem to be free rules 2014 in the most but should still be linked to 2024 right? only 3 go to 2024 stat blocks.
I am not sure if this is the right spot for this, but since I downloaded the 2024 Monster Manuel on my phone in the app. I have not been able to look at any of the classes from the 2024 PHB. I just get the error "We couldn't load data for this item."
What's up with the Wraith? It's life drain used to trigger a saving throw and the maximum HP were restored after a long rest. Now there is no saving throw (pretty big buff to the creature) and it doesn't say if/when you get your maximum HP back (crazy big buff if this isn't a mistake). You could technically have a Level 20 barbarian running around with 1 HP maximum.
The 2024 Green Naga stat block when viewed within the initiative tracker in MAPS has hyper links to various spells. All of these spells link to the 2014 version of those spells. They should link to the 2024 version in the 2024 Free Rules (or 2024 PHB) instead.
Now that the monster manual is out can you all go back and finish fixing the players handbook. It still has issues that aren't fixed and some that we were told you were working on that aren't fixed.
Bugbears appear to be missing the "long-limbed" trait to explain the 5 extra feet of reach in their attack descriptions. If you are giving them the benefit of that trait based on their racial profile from an earlier edition, please spell it out.
Otherwise, it looks like you gave a medium-sized monster a 10-foot reach as a typo.
Many monster, such as the Guard 2024 don't list their Gear in maps or encounter builder. In encounter builder 2024 monsters. In the encounter builder the size is listed as Undefined rather than medium or bigger.
Does the player who preordered it also have a Master Tier subscription? They'll need one in order to get early access to the book or to share it.
Have synced entitlements, can access the book on app and on web, but cannot share it in my campaign (master tier) as it does not show in the list of sourcebooks. Anyone else get this?
Life's hard - get a helmet!
18 of the links above go to 2014 stat blocks, seem to be free rules 2014 in the most but should still be linked to 2024 right?
only 3 go to 2024 stat blocks.
Life's hard - get a helmet!
I've fixed the links.
The art for Kobolds in the 2024 Monster Manual has an error where the red kobold's right foot is duplicated.
Link to the Issue
I am not sure if this is the right spot for this, but since I downloaded the 2024 Monster Manuel on my phone in the app. I have not been able to look at any of the classes from the 2024 PHB. I just get the error "We couldn't load data for this item."
What's up with the Wraith? It's life drain used to trigger a saving throw and the maximum HP were restored after a long rest. Now there is no saving throw (pretty big buff to the creature) and it doesn't say if/when you get your maximum HP back (crazy big buff if this isn't a mistake). You could technically have a Level 20 barbarian running around with 1 HP maximum.
The 2024 Green Naga stat block when viewed within the initiative tracker in MAPS has hyper links to various spells. All of these spells link to the 2014 version of those spells. They should link to the 2024 version in the 2024 Free Rules (or 2024 PHB) instead.
Kobold picture has an error in the left foot - image clipping.
(if there is a spare kobold foot going then I would like to request it, to add to my collection).
Now that the monster manual is out can you all go back and finish fixing the players handbook. It still has issues that aren't fixed and some that we were told you were working on that aren't fixed.
Maps is very annoying to use now, trying to figure out which is 2014 vs 2024, we need a filter system.
I have subscription Master via Google. But It will not let me get the 2014 MM.
Kua-toa monitor and kua-toa whip are flipped around
the monitor for some reason has the whip attack
the whip doesn't have a whip attack, but the pincer staff that is shown in the monitor statblock
Bugbears appear to be missing the "long-limbed" trait to explain the 5 extra feet of reach in their attack descriptions. If you are giving them the benefit of that trait based on their racial profile from an earlier edition, please spell it out.
Otherwise, it looks like you gave a medium-sized monster a 10-foot reach as a typo.
Pushing 10+ hours now with no access on a pre-order.
When I try to look at my subscription from the subscription tab, I get this:

For clarity, I am unable to access across multiple devices, multiple browsers, etc.
In the Android app, the first monster for each letter is not mentioned in the Table of contents. For example: Ochre Jelly and Pegasus are missing.
(in the app's table of contents, which is a different place from the book's ToC.)
master tier subscription and every time I try to access the MM I get redirected to the marketplace to purchase it.
I have access to everything else I need except the MM.
In the mobile app on an iPad Air (13in), iOS 18.1.1, the Vampire Familiar stat block explanations are coming out weird and out of place.
On iPhone 13 pro it comes out just fine, just like on the web version.
Many monster, such as the Guard 2024 don't list their Gear in maps or encounter builder. In encounter builder 2024 monsters. In the encounter builder the size is listed as Undefined rather than medium or bigger.
I had access yesterday and just lost it - takes me to the preorder page even though I already have the book purchased.