Button hidden on landing page, whitespace under black call-to-action bar
An element is extending beyond the container of the max-width (in safari) as the
<div class="mask"></div>
has a -20px positioning of the left and right while the mobile media query for
.single-column #content
uses an !important overridden style forcing 10px of padding horizontally. The extra 10px of offset on each side forces the page to scroll horizontally.
On Android / Chrome the monsters types filter list scrolls only if you start the scroll on a monster type icon, not on the whitespace in between (where it tries to scroll the whole page).
Button hidden on landing page, whitespace under black call-to-action bar
An element is extending beyond the container of the max-width (in safari) as the
has a -20px positioning of the left and right while the mobile media query for
uses an !important overridden style forcing 10px of padding horizontally. The extra 10px of offset on each side forces the page to scroll horizontally.
Also, your code blocks render in the form post wysiwyg but not in the actual posts
On Android / Chrome the monsters types filter list scrolls only if you start the scroll on a monster type icon, not on the whitespace in between (where it tries to scroll the whole page).
Noticed after I posted this that there is a thread for this issue.