quick question, I bought the player's hand book digital bundle for 19.99 in the marker place. For some reason the Arcane trickster in rogue subclass is still not available ( level 3 + of course.
It sounds like you purchased the Compendium Only version of the Player's Handbook, which is $19.99 -- the full book is $29.99. This gives you the digital version of the book to browse on D&D Beyond or the D&D Beyond app. When you visit the Player's Handbook on the Marketplace you should see the full book at a now reduced cost (the full cost minus what you paid), as D&D Beyond automatically credits you for other purchases. Completing the book by purchasing the character builder content there will give you full access to everything in the Player's Handbook in the character builder.
Alternatively, if you scroll farther down on that page you'll see options to buy builder content individually. You could purchase just the Arcane Trickster for $1.99, which will again reduce the cost of completing the Player's Handbook for you.
I bought just the arcane trickster without buying the handbook, but I am still unable to add it to my rogue. Do I need to buy the handbook in order to do so? Or is there another way I can add this to my character?
I am looking for where to buy the arcane trickster online and dont see it in their DnD marketplace. They seem to only have rulebooks, adventures and campaign settings and not much else.
Can you post the link? And or also describe in the menu where to find it?
I am looking for where to buy the arcane trickster online and dont see it in their DnD marketplace. They seem to only have rulebooks, adventures and campaign settings and not much else.
Can you post the link? And or also describe in the menu where to find it?
Arcane Trickster exists in the PHB (2014) for the legacy version of Rogue and PHB (2024) for the current version of Rogue.
I purchased the digital copy of the PHB 2014 and as the DM do not see the Arcane Trickster as an option at level 3 for the characters in the campaign. Content sharing is on and the full digital book was purchased for 29.99. Closed off and relogged and the options still are not there.
I purchased the digital copy of the PHB 2014 and as the DM do not see the Arcane Trickster as an option at level 3 for the characters in the campaign. Content sharing is on and the full digital book was purchased for 29.99. Closed off and relogged and the options still are not there.
Any thoughts??
Likely you've selected the 2024 version of the Rogue class without having access to the 2024 Player's Handbook.
You'll need to make sure that "2014 Rules" is enabled on the Home tab of the character builder, then go to the Class tab and select the 2014 version of the Rogue class instead. You may need to scroll down to find it.
quick question, I bought the player's hand book digital bundle for 19.99 in the marker place. For some reason the Arcane trickster in rogue subclass is still not available ( level 3 + of course.
logged of, double check the purchase was done.
Any Idea?
Hello NarTareldor,
It sounds like you purchased the Compendium Only version of the Player's Handbook, which is $19.99 -- the full book is $29.99. This gives you the digital version of the book to browse on D&D Beyond or the D&D Beyond app. When you visit the Player's Handbook on the Marketplace you should see the full book at a now reduced cost (the full cost minus what you paid), as D&D Beyond automatically credits you for other purchases. Completing the book by purchasing the character builder content there will give you full access to everything in the Player's Handbook in the character builder.
Alternatively, if you scroll farther down on that page you'll see options to buy builder content individually. You could purchase just the Arcane Trickster for $1.99, which will again reduce the cost of completing the Player's Handbook for you.
Hope that helps!
Thanks! now I know.
I bought just the arcane trickster without buying the handbook, but I am still unable to add it to my rogue. Do I need to buy the handbook in order to do so? Or is there another way I can add this to my character?
Is your rogue 3rd level? If so you should be able to select the subclass is the character builder (edit your character and go to the class tab)
Pun-loving nerd | Faith Elisabeth Lilley | She/Her/Hers | Profile art by Becca Golins
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"We got this, no problem! I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!"🔊
Ah! Im not third level. Thats the ticket. Thanks!
I was pulling my hair out trying to figure this out! THANK YOU!
I am looking for where to buy the arcane trickster online and dont see it in their DnD marketplace. They seem to only have rulebooks, adventures and campaign settings and not much else.
Can you post the link? And or also describe in the menu where to find it?
Arcane Trickster exists in the PHB (2014) for the legacy version of Rogue and PHB (2024) for the current version of Rogue.
I purchased the digital copy of the PHB 2014 and as the DM do not see the Arcane Trickster as an option at level 3 for the characters in the campaign. Content sharing is on and the full digital book was purchased for 29.99. Closed off and relogged and the options still are not there.
Any thoughts??
Likely you've selected the 2024 version of the Rogue class without having access to the 2024 Player's Handbook.
You'll need to make sure that "2014 Rules" is enabled on the Home tab of the character builder, then go to the Class tab and select the 2014 version of the Rogue class instead. You may need to scroll down to find it.
Yeah, that was it. Thanks