Really disappointed in this system, just started playing , was going to use this system to track and get involved but cannot even enter my generated character as it has an outlawed background that exists in my player handbook but not on here.
Feel I wasted all that time and research to find a good site to use. Can anyone recommend a good site for someone new to record and develop character and ease into DnD.
I'm sad to hear you feel that way.
The background isn't outlawed at all - it's available to be unlocked via the marketplace.
Really disappointed in this system, just started playing , was going to use this system to track and get involved but cannot even enter my generated character as it has an outlawed background that exists in my player handbook but not on here.
Feel I wasted all that time and research to find a good site to use. Can anyone recommend a good site for someone new to record and develop character and ease into DnD.
You can always homebrew the background here for free.
Any site that includes material from the Players Handbook (or other books) that is not in the SRD* (or Basic Rules or Elemental Evil Players Companion) and does not charge you for it is doing so illegally. That material is the Intellectual Property of Wizards of the Coast (WOTC), and must be licensed from them for a fee. A number of sites that broke the law in this way have been shut down or forced to limit themselves to SRD material. So if you find such a site, know it may suffer such a fate...
*SRD=System Reference Document, it contains DnD Rules, Classes, etc that WOTC has made available for players, DMs, and third party companies to use for free. It is only a small fraction of what is in the PHB, DMG, and MM.
As I understand things, once the full version of the site is released, we will need to purchase the Players Handbook (PHB) and etc. to be able to utilize the full aspect of character creation. If I already own the PHB, Xanathar's Guide to Everything and etc. what is driving me to use this site? I find no need to purchase the information twice.
As I understand things, once the full version of the site is released, we will need to purchase the Players Handbook (PHB) and etc. to be able to utilize the full aspect of character creation. If I already own the PHB, Xanathar's Guide to Everything and etc. what is driving me to use this site? I find no need to purchase the information twice.
The full version of the site is already live. You can buy things from the Marketplace.
Whether or not the site is useful to your games, it is up to you, but D&D Beyond has the following things to offer:
1) Digital Compendium of all official sourcebook (this feature is already in the alpha test for the mobile app).
As I understand things, once the full version of the site is released, we will need to purchase the Players Handbook (PHB) and etc. to be able to utilize the full aspect of character creation. If I already own the PHB, Xanathar's Guide to Everything and etc. what is driving me to use this site? I find no need to purchase the information twice.
The full version of the site is already live. You can buy things from the Marketplace.
Whether or not the site is useful to your games, it is up to you, but D&D Beyond has the following things to offer:
1) Digital Compendium of all official sourcebook (this feature is already in the alpha test for the mobile app).
As I understand things, once the full version of the site is released, we will need to purchase the Players Handbook (PHB) and etc. to be able to utilize the full aspect of character creation. If I already own the PHB, Xanathar's Guide to Everything and etc. what is driving me to use this site? I find no need to purchase the information twice.
The full version of the site is already live. You can buy things from the Marketplace.
Whether or not the site is useful to your games, it is up to you, but D&D Beyond has the following things to offer:
1) Digital Compendium of all official sourcebook (this feature is already in the alpha test for the mobile app).
I'd say that the main reason to use D&D Beyond is because it's a fully integrated digital reference tool. The most useful thing for me is being able to find any ability, spell, monster, feature, or rule really quickly, regardless of which book it's in, and then see what it does via the tooltips. :)
I'd say that the main reason to use D&D Beyond is because it's a fully integrated digital reference tool. The most useful thing for me is being able to find any ability, spell, monster, feature, or rule really quickly, regardless of which book it's in, and then see what it does via the tooltips. :)
I do not disagree with you. I just have a hard time paying for the information twice. If they open up all of the character's and/or character development options that would help too :)
...If they open up all of the character's and/or character development options that would help too :)
Do you mean homebrew options? Outside of classes and subclasses, this is already the case for most character options. Homebrew subclasses are planned. Homebrew classes are not. (But it's my hope that any new full classes would be included in a free resource by WOTC, albeit likely only with one subclass)
No, I mean the character development options. For example, when creating a barbarian, the only primal path option available is Path of the Berserker. There are five other path options in the player's handbook (PHB) and a couple more available in Xanathar's Guide. I cannot fully create the character I am currently playing in a campaign with because the path he chose was that of the Totem Warrior.
If were to offer all character creation options available, at least in the PHB, it would make creation a bit more enticing. Even using the information within I still require the written material I own in order to fully interact in campaigns. I am rethinking being a paying member of this site because of this issue. I am not telling everyone to cancel their membership, everyone is free to make their own choices. I am simply stating what my thoughts are for my own actions.
No, I mean the character development options. For example, when creating a barbarian, the only primal path option available is Path of the Berserker. There are five other path options in the player's handbook (PHB) and a couple more available in Xanathar's Guide. I cannot fully create the character I am currently playing in a campaign with because the path he chose was that of the Totem Warrior.
If were to offer all character creation options available, at least in the PHB, it would make creation a bit more enticing. Even using the information within I still require the written material I own in order to fully interact in campaigns. I am rethinking being a paying member of this site because of this issue. I am not telling everyone to cancel their membership, everyone is free to make their own choices. I am simply stating what my thoughts are for my own actions.
The feature/subclass/race you are referring to is not part of the D&D 5th edition SRD and will need to be unlocked from the marketplace before you can use it on D&D Beyond.
Ah, so purchase the information a second time, lol. I'll probably buy a few things in that case. I find it hard to let go of the written materials I have for this awesome adventure we call Dungeons and Dragons.
I've purchased the PHB on DNDBeyond as well as the Master Tier subscription. I am editing the character sheet of one of the players in my campaign and none of the non SRD backgrounds are showing up. She wants to use the Outland background for her Wood-Elf Druid and I was under the impression that if I purchased the PHB and had the Master Tier subscription that all PHB content would be available to all players in my campaign.
Is this not the case or am I doing something wrong?
I've purchased the PHB on DNDBeyond as well as the Master Tier subscription. I am editing the character sheet of one of the players in my campaign and none of the non SRD backgrounds are showing up. She wants to use the Outland background for her Wood-Elf Druid and I was under the impression that if I purchased the PHB and had the Master Tier subscription that all PHB content would be available to all players in my campaign.
Is this not the case or am I doing something wrong?
You have to enable the content sharing on the campaign page, on the top left.
Ah, so purchase the information a second time, lol. I'll probably buy a few things in that case. I find it hard to let go of the written materials I have for this awesome adventure we call Dungeons and Dragons.
It's definitely a bit of a struggle. Many of us owned all the books and it stings a bit to have to repurchase the content. For myself, I see it as an investment in the tools here, and worth the price for the ease of use I now have. I started off just buying rules content and slowly adding more things over time. I still haven't repurchased many of the adventures since I can still run them from the books. I just keep chipping away at the backlog of content as I have extra money to spend. For the newest books, Xanathars and now Modenkainen, I've only bought them digitally here. No hardcopy.
So, reading through this thread it doesn't appear as though there's a way to verify my purchase of a hardcopy PHB in the marketplace to unlock content, correct?
Will this functionality be available in the future?
So, reading through this thread it doesn't appear as though there's a way to verify my purchase of a hardcopy PHB in the marketplace to unlock content, correct?
Will this functionality be available in the future?
Probably not, Wotc and dndbeyond(curse) are different separate company, You buyed book from wizards and now you can buy digital content on a different format from dndbeyond.
Compare it like that: You have buy a paper manga, then if you want the anime of the manga (with the same story), you'll have to buy the bluray of that anime. There is no way to get the anime bluray free because you buyed the paper manga.
That's about the size of it. I received a copy of the Xanathars before I knew about the website. I am a bit old school and like having pencil and paper in front of me but, as new books come out, I am sure I will purchase them here and, eventually, bite the bullet and purchase the PHB and etc. here as well.
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Pun-loving nerd | Faith Elisabeth Lilley | She/Her/Hers | Profile art by Becca Golins
If you need help with homebrew, please post on the homebrew forums, where multiple staff and moderators can read your post and help you!
"We got this, no problem! I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!"🔊
Trying to Decide if DDB is for you? A few helpful threads: A Buyer's Guide to DDB; What I/We Bought and Why; How some DMs use DDB; A Newer Thread on Using DDB to Play
Helpful threads on other topics: Homebrew FAQ by IamSposta; Accessing Content by ConalTheGreat;
Check your entitlements here. | Support Ticket LInk
As I understand things, once the full version of the site is released, we will need to purchase the Players Handbook (PHB) and etc. to be able to utilize the full aspect of character creation. If I already own the PHB, Xanathar's Guide to Everything and etc. what is driving me to use this site? I find no need to purchase the information twice.
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" -- allegedly Benjamin Franklin
Tooltips (Help/aid)
I'd say that the main reason to use D&D Beyond is because it's a fully integrated digital reference tool. The most useful thing for me is being able to find any ability, spell, monster, feature, or rule really quickly, regardless of which book it's in, and then see what it does via the tooltips. :)
Pun-loving nerd | Faith Elisabeth Lilley | She/Her/Hers | Profile art by Becca Golins
If you need help with homebrew, please post on the homebrew forums, where multiple staff and moderators can read your post and help you!
"We got this, no problem! I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!"🔊
Trying to Decide if DDB is for you? A few helpful threads: A Buyer's Guide to DDB; What I/We Bought and Why; How some DMs use DDB; A Newer Thread on Using DDB to Play
Helpful threads on other topics: Homebrew FAQ by IamSposta; Accessing Content by ConalTheGreat;
Check your entitlements here. | Support Ticket LInk
No, I mean the character development options. For example, when creating a barbarian, the only primal path option available is Path of the Berserker. There are five other path options in the player's handbook (PHB) and a couple more available in Xanathar's Guide. I cannot fully create the character I am currently playing in a campaign with because the path he chose was that of the Totem Warrior.
If were to offer all character creation options available, at least in the PHB, it would make creation a bit more enticing. Even using the information within I still require the written material I own in order to fully interact in campaigns. I am rethinking being a paying member of this site because of this issue. I am not telling everyone to cancel their membership, everyone is free to make their own choices. I am simply stating what my thoughts are for my own actions.
The feature/subclass/race you are referring to is not part of the D&D 5th edition SRD and will need to be unlocked from the marketplace before you can use it on D&D Beyond.
D&D Beyond can be used for free and contains information from the following "free to use" sources published by Wizards of the Coast: D&D 5th edition SRD, D&D 5th edition Basic Rules, and Elemental Evil Companion.
Content from other sources, such as the Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, or Monster Manual, will need to be purchased from the Marketplace or accessed via another user sharing content with you via their Master Tier Subscription.
Ah, so purchase the information a second time, lol. I'll probably buy a few things in that case. I find it hard to let go of the written materials I have for this awesome adventure we call Dungeons and Dragons.
I've purchased the PHB on DNDBeyond as well as the Master Tier subscription. I am editing the character sheet of one of the players in my campaign and none of the non SRD backgrounds are showing up. She wants to use the Outland background for her Wood-Elf Druid and I was under the impression that if I purchased the PHB and had the Master Tier subscription that all PHB content would be available to all players in my campaign.
Is this not the case or am I doing something wrong?
That worked, thanks!
So, reading through this thread it doesn't appear as though there's a way to verify my purchase of a hardcopy PHB in the marketplace to unlock content, correct?
Will this functionality be available in the future?
Currently DM : The Sunless Citadel with bloodthirsty players.
That's about the size of it. I received a copy of the Xanathars before I knew about the website. I am a bit old school and like having pencil and paper in front of me but, as new books come out, I am sure I will purchase them here and, eventually, bite the bullet and purchase the PHB and etc. here as well.