but i want my players to be able to unassigned the character they claimed... so another player on a different session can then use it?
Do you mean different session as in a different game/campaign? or do you mean Player A is going to be missing for a session of a campaign both they and Player B is in, and you want Player B to be able to control/use Player A's character?
actually, in either case what I would recommend is that the player make a copy of the character you want them to unassign, add the copy to the campaign in question, and unassign it.
To copy the character, they just need to go to Collections>My Character, locate the "card" for their character and click on the "copy" button. The one limitation with this is that if they do not have a subscription they are limited to 6 characters: If they already have 6, I don't think they will be able to make a copy.
The reason I suggest the copy for either scenario is that way they (and you) are not dependent on the "borrowing" player to "return" the character.
Thank you so much, we were struggling figuring out how to make this work as the players were not finding the unassigned screen unless they "joined" the campaign with another character, but once we solved that the method you describe is exactly what we are doing -- im even using the same "copy" idea for my "unassigned" pre-mades just in case a player forgets to unassign and then misses a session -- its not quite a western march style but we do have a few players that only pop in -- and they are very comfortable with the others running their characters while they are away.
As stated previously in the thread, you need to add the character to a campaign, mark it as unassigned, and invite your sister to that campaign. She'll then be able to claim the unassigned character, which moves it to her account.
I will add be careful if you have the player unassign the character and noone claims it... it still technically exists with the last player who claimed it and if they delete the character it is gone. to protect against this, after a player unassigns it, have the DM claim the character... the dm can then unassign it for future use, but this way the dm once again owns the character -- this is important if you have "guest" players for example.
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Do you mean different session as in a different game/campaign? or do you mean Player A is going to be missing for a session of a campaign both they and Player B is in, and you want Player B to be able to control/use Player A's character?
actually, in either case what I would recommend is that the player make a copy of the character you want them to unassign, add the copy to the campaign in question, and unassign it.
To copy the character, they just need to go to Collections>My Character, locate the "card" for their character and click on the "copy" button. The one limitation with this is that if they do not have a subscription they are limited to 6 characters: If they already have 6, I don't think they will be able to make a copy.
The reason I suggest the copy for either scenario is that way they (and you) are not dependent on the "borrowing" player to "return" the character.
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Thank you so much, we were struggling figuring out how to make this work as the players were not finding the unassigned screen unless they "joined" the campaign with another character, but once we solved that the method you describe is exactly what we are doing -- im even using the same "copy" idea for my "unassigned" pre-mades just in case a player forgets to unassign and then misses a session -- its not quite a western march style but we do have a few players that only pop in -- and they are very comfortable with the others running their characters while they are away.
So what’s the answer I’ve done the same for my sister
As stated previously in the thread, you need to add the character to a campaign, mark it as unassigned, and invite your sister to that campaign. She'll then be able to claim the unassigned character, which moves it to her account.
I will add be careful if you have the player unassign the character and noone claims it... it still technically exists with the last player who claimed it and if they delete the character it is gone. to protect against this, after a player unassigns it, have the DM claim the character... the dm can then unassign it for future use, but this way the dm once again owns the character -- this is important if you have "guest" players for example.