I have 12/6 I only wanted to keep three. I don't even have the potion to delete my characters, but when I access the account on my mobile app it only shows I have the three characters I wanted to keep. I don't know what to do.
I have 12/6 I only wanted to keep three. I don't even have the potion to delete my characters, but when I access the account on my mobile app it only shows I have the three characters I wanted to keep. I don't know what to do.
Submit a support ticket. Please submit only one ticket, even if it takes a bit for someone to get back to you. They are sometimes swamped, and part of that is often people submitting multiple tickets for the same issue.
I have 12/6 I only wanted to keep three. I don't even have the potion to delete my characters, but when I access the account on my mobile app it only shows I have the three characters I wanted to keep. I don't know what to do.
Submit a support ticket. Please submit only one ticket, even if it takes a bit for someone to get back to you. They are sometimes swamped, and part of that is often people submitting multiple tickets for the same issue.
Trying to Decide if DDB is for you? A few helpful threads: A Buyer's Guide to DDB; What I/We Bought and Why; How some DMs use DDB; A Newer Thread on Using DDB to Play
Helpful threads on other topics: Homebrew FAQ by IamSposta; Accessing Content by ConalTheGreat;
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