I just took a look at the issue you've been encountering. It looks like you have three published races, and the other race content you have published are subraces or variants. Currently, only full races can be searched for in the Homebrew Race community page. You can directly link to any of your published subraces or variants such as in a forum thread, personal message, or off the website in order to share those works.
Thank you so much for responding! Ive been trying to find out (for over a year), why my players couldn't find my race creations, yet had no trouble with items, feats, etc... That makes complete sense now. since the majority of them are subraces.
Thank you so much for responding! Ive been trying to find out (for over a year), why my players couldn't find my race creations, yet had no trouble with items, feats, etc... That makes complete sense now. since the majority of them are subraces.
Thank you again for the quick response.
- Xanotoz
Keep in mind as well - if you are creating homebrew for your players, you dont need to publish - private homebrew is automatically shared through a campaign.
Hi there Xanotoz!
I just took a look at the issue you've been encountering. It looks like you have three published races, and the other race content you have published are subraces or variants. Currently, only full races can be searched for in the Homebrew Race community page. You can directly link to any of your published subraces or variants such as in a forum thread, personal message, or off the website in order to share those works.
Hello MellieDM,
Thank you so much for responding! Ive been trying to find out (for over a year), why my players couldn't find my race creations, yet had no trouble with items, feats, etc...
That makes complete sense now. since the majority of them are subraces.
Thank you again for the quick response.
- Xanotoz
Keep in mind as well - if you are creating homebrew for your players, you dont need to publish - private homebrew is automatically shared through a campaign.
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Wary the wizard who focuses on homebrew, for he can create nightmares that you wouldn't even dream of
Yeah, I haven't been able to add feats after copying them and making a private version
Do you have homebrew turned on in the home tab of the character builder for affected characters?
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