Welcome to the Support Thread for TASHA’S CAULDRON of EVERYTHING
If you find any issues with the content from the sourcebook, or using it on a D&D Beyond character, please search the thread (Search form) before posting in this thread.
Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything offers many new subclasses, updates for the Artificer, as well as optional features for all of the classes from the Player's Handbook. You can now customize the origin for your character, to change around proficiencies and ability score bonuses. To top it off, there's new feats, spells, magic items and more!
Please bear with us as we get everything deployed! Any questions on this thread along the lines of, "When is <feature x> going live?" will be deleted, as will questions that are already answered in this post. We need to be able to spot and respond to reports of issues. Many thanks for your understanding.
Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything is part of the core setting for Dungeons & Dragons, so there isn't a toggle switch in the character builder to enable/disable the content. It does however provide two significant sets of optional rules: customizing your origin, and optional class features. Both of these can be enabled/disabled on a per character basis, as well as allowing you to choose which of the options you want!
When you make your D&D character, you have an array of options in the Player’s Handbook and other books, to create the sort of adventurer you want. The "Customizing your Origin" rules add to those options, making it possible to realize even more character concepts.
These options are accessible using the menu in the character builder (see the image below)and include changing: Ability Score Increases, Languages, and Proficiencies.
The Custom Lineage option shown in the sidebar of the chapter are supported using the Custom Lineage Race in the Character Builder.
ISSUE - stacking Ability Scores. We are aware that our current implementation of swapping ASI (Ability Score Increases) doesn't enforce the restriction that each ASI cannot be places in an Ability Score that already has an increase (see quoted rule below). We are planning to work on addressing this.
Take any ability score increase you gain in your race or subrace and apply it to an ability score of your choice. If you gain more than one increase, you can’t apply those increases to the same ability score, and you can’t increase a score above 20.
Every class, other than Artificer, has gained new OCF (Optional Class Features). These are enabled individually in the character builder, so you can select which ones you wish to add to your character, or in the case of some cleric & ranger features, replace existing features.
ARTIFICER INFUSIONS - this sourcebook introduces a number of changes to Artificer infusions, from the infusions that were presented in the Eberron sourcebook.
ARMORER - both Thunder Gauntlets and Lightning Launcher grant attacks that allow you to use INT instead of STR or DEX for the attack. We've therefore added both to the character sheet. If you wish to hide one of them, as it's not relevant to your character, click on the attack, then in the sidebar choose Customize and uncheck "Display as Attack"
ARMORER - Armor Modifications. We don't yet have a system to allow the separate infusion of individual armor pieces.
Circle of Stars - Star Map. This should grant a number of uses equal to your proficiency bonus. We don't currently have the facility to implement this within our tools. This is on the list for development.Fixed!
Fighting Style - Superior Technique. Not functional. We don't currently have a sensible way of implementing the selection of maneuvers that wouldn't cause characters to become broken in the future. We're working on a solution for this known issue.
Fighting Style - Thrown Weapon Fighting. Displays information on the character sheet, but does not automatically increase damage on throwing weapons. If you take this fighting style for a character, please use the character sheet and select valid weapons, customizing them to add the +2 damage. We are working on a solution for this known issue.This is now supported.
Optional Class Feature - Dedicated Weapon. If you have activated this optional feature for your Monk character, you can now select which of your weapons is your dedicated weapon. Just click on the attack for the weapon on the character sheet, then in the sidebar, check the box for dedicated weapon.
Fighting Style - Thrown Weapon Fighting. See info above for Fighter.This is now supported.
Aberrant Mind - Psionic Spells. We don't currently have a method to allow swapping these spells out. We are looking at solutions for this. "Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the same level. The new spell must be a divination or an enchantment spell from the sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell list."
Clockwork Soul - Clockwork Spell. See Psionic Spells above.
OPTIONAL SPELLS. Gate & Weird spells are not showing as being available for the Mystic Arcanum feature.
THE GENIE - Expanded Spell List. Currently we are adding all of the spells in this feature to the spell list of your Genie warlock - please reference the rules for which spells you are allowed to select for your chosen genie patron. This is due to a limitation in the tools that prevents us from being able to specifically set the spells based on your choice of genie kind. It's something that is on the list for resolution however.
THE GENIE - Mystic Arcanum. Wish is not available for the Mystic Arcanum feature.
FATHOMLESS - Tentacle of the Deeps. If the attack is set to display for this feature it incorrectly adds your characters CHA bonus to the damage roll.
Tasha brings a whole slew of new feats to customize your characters!
Eldritch Adept, Fighting Initiate and Metamagic Adept - These feats allow partial selection of features from a class/subclass. Fully functional and set-up so that they respect selections from the class/subclass as well (no accidental duplicates).
Fey Touched, Shadow Touched, Telekinetic and Telepathic -These feats have been separated into 3 feats each to cover the different Statistics Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. Please select the one appropriate to your character.These feats are now supported as single feats!
Telekinetic - we don't currently have a way to grant extra range to the mage hand cantrip. The feat notes in on your character sheet that it grants this.
There are several items that have been broken down into Child items, please use the respective version you have acquired.
Tattoos - The Wondrous Item subtype of (Tattoo) is currently missing. This is the first time that Wondrous Items have had a subtype. We are working to add this.Fixed!
All-Purpose Tool, Amulet of the Devout, Arcane Grimoire, Bloodwell Vial, Rhythm-Maker’s Drum, Moon Sickle - These items currently grant their bonus to all spells, rather than just ones for the specified class. We will work on the required modifier to resolve this.These magic items have been fixed to only grant bonuses to their respective classes.
Baba Yaga’s Mortar and Pestle - This mighty artifact has been broken down into three entries to properly represent the item.
When acquired the player will need to add all three parts to their character sheet. Its attunement requirement is logged on the main Baba Yaga’s Mortar and Pestle, with Baba Yaga's Mortar and Baba Yaga's Pestle providing additional functionality to best represent this powerful item on the sheet.
Mighty Servant of Leuk-o. The monster stat block for this has some issues. Specifically, this creature doesn't have a CR (challenge rating), which is not something our monster system was designed to support. This further causes the Proficiency Bonus to be calculated incorrectly. We're aware of the issue and looking at ways to resolve.Fixed!
Group Patrons
The Group Patrons presented in chapter 2, give a great way of adding flavor to an adventuring party, as well as some interesting opportunities and features. Any benefits gained from a Group Patron can be tracked in the notes section of the character sheet, or the DM can make notes on the campaign page to detail the patron and any information the players may need. Also note that we do have plans for the future, to build a more comprehensive system to handle campaigns, including group patronage.
We don't currently have feature support for the sidekicks rules, as presented in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything. We will be building a proper system to handle sidekicks in a flexible manner.
Scaling Statblocks
Several of the new features and spells present Monster Statblocks which scale with your character. This includes spells that summon other creatures. The system to handle these creatures is still under development but we have included inline stat blocks wherever possible to help you reference the stats you need.
These issues were resolved by the scheduled 2nd part of the launch deployment.
MOST NEW SUBCLASSES. Where these subclasses had a feature that could be used "a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus" this was not displaying the correct number of uses.
OPTIONAL CLASS FEATURES. These were enabled by the scheduled deployment - see the post above for instructions.
CUSTOMIZING YOUR ORIGIN. This was enabled by the scheduled deployment - see the post above for instructions.
Wednesday 18th November
ARTIFICER/BARD/CLERIC/DRUID/PALADIN/RANGER/SORCERER/WARLOCK/WIZARD - New spells. Some new spells were showing twice for caster classes, when they activated the optional spells feature. Fixed.
CLERIC - Blessed Strikes. Was appearing as an option twice in the builder. This has been resolved, but for now it means it doesn't show on the cleric class page. We will resolve this fully in due course.
RANGER - Primal Awareness. Was adding instead of replacing Primeval Awareness. Fixed.
RANGER - Fey Wanderer Magic. The spells weren't being added correctly. Fixed.
RANGER - Swarmkeeper Magic. The spells weren't being added correctly. Fixed.
SORCERER - Additional Spells. Referred to Bard. Fixed.
SORCERER - Aberrant Mind: Psionic Spells. The additional spells weren't being added to the character sheet correctly. Fixed.
SORCERER - Clockwork Soul: Clockwork Magic. The additional spells weren't being added to the character sheet correctly. Fixed.
HUMAN - Racial ASI. Removed the option to redistribute ASI for human, as they have +1 to all ability scores.
KOBOLD - Racial ASI. Removed the accidental option to redistribute a -2 to ability score that the Kobold no longer has.
ORC - Racial ASI. Removed the accidental option to redistribute a -1 to ability score that the Orc no longer has.
VALENAR HIGH ELF - Double-Bladed Scimitar. It wasn't possible to replace the DBS correctly. Fixed (and other races that switch out martial weapons should also be able to select the Double-Bladed Scimitar if they wish).
Thursday 19th November
Fewer issues resolved and in your hands today and I'd like to explain some reasoning. Wednesday, we focussed on resolving as many serious issues as we could. Today, we finished that up, but a lot of work has been undertaken on more complex issues. Please be assured that the D&D Beyond team are continuing to work on this. 😊
CUSTOMIZING ORIGINS - Swapping out a Martial Weapon. It wasn't possible to select net on the list of weapons to gain proficiency. Fixed. I am sure there is a net gain joke here somewhere....
Eldritch Knights and Arcane Trickster Spell Lists - Seems like this pair had been extra studious and had added a couple of redundent copies of some spells to their books. We have reprimanded them and cut the extras out.
RANGER - Primal Companion. We've added the optional feature for the Beast Master, to replace Ranger's Companion with Primal Companion, including the statblock.
Friday 20th November
ROGUE - Soulknife. We've added another bonus action "Psionic Power: Recovery" to the character sheet for Psionic Power, to indicate the ability to recover a single Psionic Energy die.
FIGHTER - Psi Warrior. We've added another bonus action "Psionic Power: Recovery" to the character sheet for Psionic Power, to indicate the ability to recover a single Psionic Energy die.
SORCERER - Optional Metamagic Options. These were incorrectly displaying as a 2nd level Optional Class Feature, even though the metamagic options themselves are 3rd level. All fixed up.
Monday 23rd November
MONK - Way of the Astral Self. Due to a conflict with ability scores, the action to display the attacks with the Arms of the Astral Self wasn't showing. We've split this out into two actions: Arms of the Astral Self (WIS) and Arms of the Astral Self (STR/DEX). You probably only want one of these showing as an attack action for your character, so click the one you don't want, then in the sidebar, click customize and uncheck "Display as attack"
FEAT - Artificer Initiate. Hadn't been configured with a charge or reset condition on the 1st-level spell, meaning it appeared to be "at will" - this has been corrected.
FEAT - Telekinetic (Cha) & Telekinetic (Wis). Both were displaying a save DC based on INT in their snippet. This has been corrected.
OPTIONAL CLASS FEATURES - Tool Proficiencies. We've added both Vehicles (Ground) and Vehicles (Water) as valid proficiencies to select where you're allowed to select a tool.
Monday 30th November
WARLOCK - Fathomless. Tentacle of the Deeps now correctly increases to 2d8 damage at 10th level. It still has the issue where the CHA mod is adding. This is still on the list of issues to resolve.
Tuesday 1st December
RANGER - Deft Explorer. The additional bonuses received at 6th and 10th levels (Roving & Tireless) now correctly add to the character at those levels. If you don't see this on your character sheet, you may need to change the Ranger level of your character to update it (you can change it back afterwards).
RACES (variant) - Origin Customization. There was an issue where any variant race would be offered customisation options for the original race, as well as the variant. That's all fixed up now.
Wednesday 2nd December
LOXODON. Fixed an issue where the origin customization gave you the option to replace the Loxodon trunk with a proficiency. I mean, I can see them being stealthier for sure with no trunk, I guess?
HUMAN - Mark of Handling. Origin Customisation was incorrectly granting too many increases.
HUMAN - Mark of Making. Origin Customisation was incorrectly granting too many increases.
Friday 4th December
DWARF - Mark of Warding. Origin Customisation was incorrectly granting too many increases.
GNOME - Mark of Scribing. Origin Customisation was incorrectly allowing replacement of "Gifted Scribe" with two proficiencies or tools.
HALF-ELF - Mark of Detection. Origin Customisation was incorrectly granting too many increases.
FEAT - Fey Touched. Wasn't allowing Tasha's Hideous Laughter to be selected (although hideous laughter was there). Now resolved.
Monday 7th December
MINOTAUR. Resolved an issue where the Customize your Origin system mistakenly allowed replacing the "Imposing Presence" trait with two proficiencies.
CLERIC - Peace Domain. The spell aura of purity was missing from the domain spells and has now been added.
Tuesday 8th December
RANGER - Favored Enemy / Favored Foe. We've overhauled the way the Favored Enemy feature of the Ranger class is configured. More details can be found in the change log. As Favored Enemy is now set-up as a single feature, rather than multiple, the Favored Foe OCF (Optional Class Feature) correctly replaces it when selected in the character builder.
Wednesday 9th December
RANGER - Primal Companion. Fixed the entitlements issue, which means you can now select it, choose your companion and see the information on the character sheet!
Tuesday 15th December
ARTIFICER - Infusions.
The Replicate Magic Item Infusion has been updated to include Common Magical Items and the Helm of Awareness can now be infused correctly onto a Helmet.
Infusions are no longer behind the Eberron Toggle.
Infusion choices in builder only display a source prefix if all sources are from toggleable source categories
OPTIONAL FEATURES (CLASS AND RACE). These features now respect the Hide-in-Builder field.
Friday 18th December
OPTIONAL CLASS FEATURES - Snippet level scaling. Snippet level scaling data for optional class features now work as intended.
Thursday 7th January
Support for Monk Dedicated Weapon. You may now select a weapon you are proficient with to use as a dedicated monk weapon if you have that optional feature turned on.
Monday 11th January
Infusion Limits. The Character sheet now Correctly limits infusions to max infusion limit: When choosing an item for infusion in the equipment section we now disable the Choose button if you are already at your max infusion limit. An Override Infusion Limit Button has been placed above if this limit needs to be bypassed.
Tuesday 26th January
Custom Lineage. The Custom Lineage Rules (Originally presented on Page 8) are now Live within the Character Builder.
Thursday 4th February
Eldritch Adept, Metamagic Adept and Fighting Initiate These feats are now supported and will respect your choices from the relevant class features.
Friday 5th February
Martial Adept The Martial Adept feat now includes TCoE Maneuvers and respects the choices from class features.
Friday 12th February
Customized Origins - Half-Elves. Both Wood Half-Elf and High Half-Elf required some kinda complex logic to deal with providing the correct options for replacing their Elven Weapon Training racial feature, which was in itself an optional feature for the Half-Elf. This has been completed and tested. You can now create a character that is a Wood Half-Elf, then select the Origin Customization, followed by choosing "Elven Weapon Training" then selecting the weapons/tools you would like instead of the standard longsword, shortsword, longbow, shortbow.
Is it intentional that I didn’t gain access to all spells magic items can cast? Some magic items such as the Crook of Rao for example are able to cast spells I had not previously purchased such as Aura of Life. Now that I own the magic item, I still do not own all the spells it can cast. Is this intentional or should I own the spells on dndbeyond and it just hasn’t granted me access to them properly?
Is it intentional that I didn’t gain access to all spells magic items can cast? Some magic items such as the Crook of Rao for example are able to cast spells I had not previously purchased such as Aura of Life. Now that I own the magic item, I still do not own all the spells it can cast. Is this intentional or should I own the spells on dndbeyond and it just hasn’t granted me access to them properly?
You''re correct - those magic items do not grant ownership of the spells.
The Psi Warrior Psi dice is wrong, it only gives out 2 dice when it should be 2x prof mod
New features which work based on proficiency bonus will be properly available tomorrow morning, you can check the full release notes in this thread for more information!
Chapter 4: Dungeon Master's Tools > Environmental Hazards > Primal Fruit underneath the picture for that hazard it says "Insert Caption Here".
Otherwise it's a good book so far. I'm not a fan of the direction the art-style went in but the content is sound. A bit annoyed there aren't other subclasses than I already have yet I'm glad to have more feats and spells!
I'm not seeing anything about it in the OP (please forgive me if I'm just missing it), but I can't find creature entries for the new ranger companions, the Wildfire druid's wildfire spirit, etc. I'd like to be able to add these as extras to the relevant sheets.
Are there any plans to allow the Puzzle's to be hidden from my players? I intend to share the book, but it would be nice to hide that section from them.
Just updating my character to use the new version of the clockwork soul in Tasha’s Cauldron. As of now, the bonus spells you get from the bloodline aren’t showing up on my character sheet. It’s not the biggest issue in the world as it’s pretty easy to look over to the sorcerer page and reference them there, but it would be nice to have everything (literally) on the same page.
Also regarding Armorer Artificer subclass, is there supposed to be a way to indicate a set of armor as your Arcane Armor? And how is one meant to apply Infusions to the sub-components (helmet, boots, special weapon) of the Arcane Armor after getting the Armor Modifications feature at level 9?
Are there any plans to allow the Puzzle's to be hidden from my players? I intend to share the book, but it would be nice to hide that section from them.
That isn’t how content sharing works, sadly. If you share the content, they get all or nothing. Tell your player to stay out of it and if you catch them cheating have them make a DC 30 INT save for failing to follow the rules, taking 100000d1 on a failed save, twice as much on a successful one.
do i really need to buy SCAD (or a similar sourcebook) to have access to the reprinted spells here (like booming blade)? i paid $60 for this book to get a lot of the reprints from other sourcebooks i wasn't interested in purchasing. it seems a bit silly to not give me access to them, even though I can see the spell's entire statblock from within the book, just not in the tooltips.
i ask because i'm not sure if this is going to be patched in tomorrow.
On the feat that gives you a fighting style it does not let you select a fighting style.
The team knows about this issue and is working on it. As listed in the OP:
Fighting Initiate - The systems to support these feats are currently in development, we have provided placeholder feats so they can be selected for now.
do i really need to buy SCAD (or a similar sourcebook) to have access to the reprinted spells here (like booming blade)? i paid $60 for this book to get a lot of the reprints from other sourcebooks i wasn't interested in purchasing. it seems a bit silly to not give me access to them, even though I can see the spell's entire statblock from within the book, just not in the tooltips.
i ask because i'm not sure if this is going to be patched in tomorrow.
Spells that are printed in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything will become available to you, the updates are happening now and we will post when they are finished. Thanks for you patience.
It will take some extra time before Tasha's Cauldron of Everything is available on the mobile app. We will make an announcement when that update is available!
I am unable to prepare booming blade or green flame on an artificer, i have turned off eberron content to see if it affected it and still no cigar. Little help please
Welcome to the Support Thread for TASHA’S CAULDRON of EVERYTHING
If you find any issues with the content from the sourcebook, or using it on a D&D Beyond character, please search the thread (Search form) before posting in this thread.
Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything offers many new subclasses, updates for the Artificer, as well as optional features for all of the classes from the Player's Handbook. You can now customize the origin for your character, to change around proficiencies and ability score bonuses. To top it off, there's new feats, spells, magic items and more!
Please bear with us as we get everything deployed! Any questions on this thread along the lines of, "When is <feature x> going live?" will be deleted, as will questions that are already answered in this post. We need to be able to spot and respond to reports of issues. Many thanks for your understanding.
Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything is part of the core setting for Dungeons & Dragons, so there isn't a toggle switch in the character builder to enable/disable the content. It does however provide two significant sets of optional rules: customizing your origin, and optional class features. Both of these can be enabled/disabled on a per character basis, as well as allowing you to choose which of the options you want!
When you make your D&D character, you have an array of options in the Player’s Handbook and other books, to create the sort of adventurer you want. The "Customizing your Origin" rules add to those options, making it possible to realize even more character concepts.
These options are accessible using the menu in the character builder (see the image below)and include changing: Ability Score Increases, Languages, and Proficiencies.
The Custom Lineage option shown in the sidebar of the chapter are supported using the Custom Lineage Race in the Character Builder.
ISSUE - stacking Ability Scores. We are aware that our current implementation of swapping ASI (Ability Score Increases) doesn't enforce the restriction that each ASI cannot be places in an Ability Score that already has an increase (see quoted rule below). We are planning to work on addressing this.
Every class, other than Artificer, has gained new OCF (Optional Class Features). These are enabled individually in the character builder, so you can select which ones you wish to add to your character, or in the case of some cleric & ranger features, replace existing features.
Circle of Stars - Star Map. This should grant a number of uses equal to your proficiency bonus. We don't currently have the facility to implement this within our tools. This is on the list for development.Fixed!FIGHTER
Fighting Style - Thrown Weapon Fighting. Displays information on the character sheet, but does not automatically increase damage on throwing weapons. If you take this fighting style for a character, please use the character sheet and select valid weapons, customizing them to add the +2 damage. We are working on a solution for this known issue.This is now supported.MONK
Fighting Style - Thrown Weapon Fighting. See info above for Fighter.This is now supported.SORCERER
Tasha brings a whole slew of new feats to customize your characters!
These feats have been separated into 3 feats each to cover the different Statistics Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. Please select the one appropriate to your character.These feats are now supported as single feats!CHARACTER OPTIONS: MAGIC ITEMS
Tattoos - The Wondrous Item subtype of (Tattoo) is currently missing. This is the first time that Wondrous Items have had a subtype. We are working to add this.Fixed!All-Purpose Tool, Amulet of the Devout, Arcane Grimoire, Bloodwell Vial, Rhythm-Maker’s Drum, Moon Sickle - These items currently grant their bonus to all spells, rather than just ones for the specified class. We will work on the required modifier to resolve this.These magic items have been fixed to only grant bonuses to their respective classes.Mighty Servant of Leuk-o. The monster stat block for this has some issues. Specifically, this creature doesn't have a CR (challenge rating), which is not something our monster system was designed to support. This further causes the Proficiency Bonus to be calculated incorrectly. We're aware of the issue and looking at ways to resolve.Fixed!SUPPORT FOR ADDITIONAL RULES CONTENT
Group Patrons
The Group Patrons presented in chapter 2, give a great way of adding flavor to an adventuring party, as well as some interesting opportunities and features. Any benefits gained from a Group Patron can be tracked in the notes section of the character sheet, or the DM can make notes on the campaign page to detail the patron and any information the players may need. Also note that we do have plans for the future, to build a more comprehensive system to handle campaigns, including group patronage.
We don't currently have feature support for the sidekicks rules, as presented in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything. We will be building a proper system to handle sidekicks in a flexible manner.
Scaling Statblocks
Several of the new features and spells present Monster Statblocks which scale with your character. This includes spells that summon other creatures. The system to handle these creatures is still under development but we have included inline stat blocks wherever possible to help you reference the stats you need.
Wizards of the Coast prior to this release have also released an Errata which brings several of these updates to the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide and Eberron: Rising From The Last War.
Those changes are detailed in this thread.
Pun-loving nerd | Faith Elisabeth Lilley | She/Her/Hers | Profile art by Becca Golins
If you need help with homebrew, please post on the homebrew forums, where multiple staff and moderators can read your post and help you!
"We got this, no problem! I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!"🔊
Tasha's Cauldron of Issue Resolution
Tuesday 17th November
These issues were resolved by the scheduled 2nd part of the launch deployment.
Wednesday 18th November
Thursday 19th November
Fewer issues resolved and in your hands today and I'd like to explain some reasoning. Wednesday, we focussed on resolving as many serious issues as we could. Today, we finished that up, but a lot of work has been undertaken on more complex issues. Please be assured that the D&D Beyond team are continuing to work on this. 😊
Friday 20th November
Monday 23rd November
Monday 30th November
Tuesday 1st December
Wednesday 2nd December
Friday 4th December
Monday 7th December
Tuesday 8th December
Wednesday 9th December
Tuesday 15th December
Friday 18th December
Thursday 7th January
Monday 11th January
Tuesday 26th January
Thursday 4th February
Friday 5th February
Friday 12th February
Pun-loving nerd | Faith Elisabeth Lilley | She/Her/Hers | Profile art by Becca Golins
If you need help with homebrew, please post on the homebrew forums, where multiple staff and moderators can read your post and help you!
"We got this, no problem! I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!"🔊
The aberrant mind bonus spells aren't adding to the character sheet.
Is it intentional that I didn’t gain access to all spells magic items can cast? Some magic items such as the Crook of Rao for example are able to cast spells I had not previously purchased such as Aura of Life. Now that I own the magic item, I still do not own all the spells it can cast. Is this intentional or should I own the spells on dndbeyond and it just hasn’t granted me access to them properly?
You''re correct - those magic items do not grant ownership of the spells.
Pun-loving nerd | Faith Elisabeth Lilley | She/Her/Hers | Profile art by Becca Golins
If you need help with homebrew, please post on the homebrew forums, where multiple staff and moderators can read your post and help you!
"We got this, no problem! I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!"🔊
artificer is in ERtfLW and tasha's only erratas it, so if you buy ERtfLW you get the Tasha version of artificer
New features which work based on proficiency bonus will be properly available tomorrow morning, you can check the full release notes in this thread for more information!
Chapter 4: Dungeon Master's Tools > Environmental Hazards > Primal Fruit underneath the picture for that hazard it says "Insert Caption Here".
Otherwise it's a good book so far. I'm not a fan of the direction the art-style went in but the content is sound. A bit annoyed there aren't other subclasses than I already have yet I'm glad to have more feats and spells!
-This is fixed-
Some Spells that got reprinted in Tashas dont show their Pop because I dont own the Book they where printed first.
Example Booming Blade in the Tasha Book:
I'm not seeing anything about it in the OP (please forgive me if I'm just missing it), but I can't find creature entries for the new ranger companions, the Wildfire druid's wildfire spirit, etc. I'd like to be able to add these as extras to the relevant sheets.
Are there any plans to allow the Puzzle's to be hidden from my players? I intend to share the book, but it would be nice to hide that section from them.
Just updating my character to use the new version of the clockwork soul in Tasha’s Cauldron. As of now, the bonus spells you get from the bloodline aren’t showing up on my character sheet. It’s not the biggest issue in the world as it’s pretty easy to look over to the sorcerer page and reference them there, but it would be nice to have everything (literally) on the same page.
Thanks for your time!
Also regarding Armorer Artificer subclass, is there supposed to be a way to indicate a set of armor as your Arcane Armor? And how is one meant to apply Infusions to the sub-components (helmet, boots, special weapon) of the Arcane Armor after getting the Armor Modifications feature at level 9?
That isn’t how content sharing works, sadly. If you share the content, they get all or nothing. Tell your player to stay out of it and if you catch them cheating have them make a DC 30 INT save for failing to follow the rules, taking 100000d1 on a failed save, twice as much on a successful one.
do i really need to buy SCAD (or a similar sourcebook) to have access to the reprinted spells here (like booming blade)? i paid $60 for this book to get a lot of the reprints from other sourcebooks i wasn't interested in purchasing. it seems a bit silly to not give me access to them, even though I can see the spell's entire statblock from within the book, just not in the tooltips.
i ask because i'm not sure if this is going to be patched in tomorrow.
The team knows about this issue and is working on it. As listed in the OP:
Fighting Initiate - The systems to support these feats are currently in development, we have provided placeholder feats so they can be selected for now.
Find me on Twitter: @OboeLauren
Spells that are printed in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything will become available to you, the updates are happening now and we will post when they are finished. Thanks for you patience.
Find me on Twitter: @OboeLauren
Is the book available on the app?
It will take some extra time before Tasha's Cauldron of Everything is available on the mobile app. We will make an announcement when that update is available!
Find me on Twitter: @OboeLauren
I am unable to prepare booming blade or green flame on an artificer, i have turned off eberron content to see if it affected it and still no cigar. Little help please