where is the way of mercy monk? its a subclass in TCoE but its not in the list of subclasses in monks for me... its listed as being in the book but now that i have the book its still not there?
where is the way of mercy monk? its a subclass in TCoE but its not in the list of subclasses in monks for me... its listed as being in the book but now that i have the book its still not there?
Are you making a 2024 core rules monk or a 2014 legacy monk? if it's a 2024 monk, then it would be the warrior of mercy from the new player's handbook, if you have it. if you meant to make a 2014 monk, you have to scroll down past the "core rules" classes and down to the "legacy" classes. also you will need to enable legacy content. the way of mercy from tasha's should show up normally for a 2014 legacy monk class as long as expanded content is enabled.
where is the way of mercy monk? its a subclass in TCoE but its not in the list of subclasses in monks for me... its listed as being in the book but now that i have the book its still not there?
Are you making a 2024 core rules monk or a 2014 legacy monk? if it's a 2024 monk, then it would be the warrior of mercy from the new player's handbook, if you have it. if you meant to make a 2014 monk, you have to scroll down past the "core rules" classes and down to the "legacy" classes. also you will need to enable legacy content. the way of mercy from tasha's should show up normally for a 2014 legacy monk class as long as expanded content is enabled.
I'm having the same issue, but with a 2014 Monk and Expanded rules enabled. None of the "Expanded Rules" content is available in terms of subclasses or feats. Licenses are synced, my whole group with content sharing is having the same problem for all of the non-core content. Disappointing to see a lot of people in this thread seemingly having similar problems but no response from D&DBeyond.
I just want to remind people that this thread is for people to mention issues they think they've noticed, not discussion or debate of said issues. If you want to discuss a potential issue, please take it to a new thread.
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So if you’re making a 2024 core rules monk and own Tasha’s but haven’t purchased 2024 PHB, you can’t use the Mercy subclass from Tasha’s that you paid for? Is this a bug or a “feature”?
So if you’re making a 2024 core rules monk and own Tasha’s but haven’t purchased 2024 PHB, you can’t use the Mercy subclass from Tasha’s that you paid for? Is this a bug or a “feature”?
I'm pretty certain that it is intentional. the warrior of mercy subclass in the 2024 phb supersedes the way of mercy subclass from tasha's for the 2024 version monk.
Aberrant Mind - Psionic Spells. We don't currently have a method to allow swapping these spells out. We are looking at solutions for this. "Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the same level. The new spell must be a divination or an enchantment spell from the sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell list."
Clockwork Soul - Clockwork Spell. See Psionic Spells above.
It has now been 4 years and Beyond has still not fixed these issues. If you are taking our money for digital books and having us pay for monthly subscriptions to use the platform could you please spend a couple of those dollars to fix the problems you created? Hasbro is certainly putting enough money into figuring out how to best milk players. Could you at least make what you have work?
I did all that and the source book for Tasha’s does not show up as an option. It shows I own it from the marketplace but there is no option to use Tasha’s origin book.
After some testing, I've found that the Fey Touched and Shadow Touched feats do not allow you to select any homebrew spells of the appropriate level and spell schools, while the 2024 versions do. Additionally, Elevated Sight from Humblewood Campaign Setting and Elf Shot from Book of Ebon Tides are incorrectly omitted from the list of spells for Fey Touched (but Gift of Alacrity from Wildemount can be selected). Shadow Touched doesn't allow you to select Blade of Blood and Bone, Cloak of Shadow, or Doom of Poor Fortune.
I own Tasha's, but I'm not seeing the Aberrant Mind subclass appear on my list of sorcerer subclasses. Everything is updated, entitlements are in sync. I've owned Tasha's for a few years and am just now getting around to trying this subclass, so I don't know how long it has been missing from the available choices. Is there something else I should be doing?
I own Tasha's, but I'm not seeing the Aberrant Mind subclass appear on my list of sorcerer subclasses. Everything is updated, entitlements are in sync. I've owned Tasha's for a few years and am just now getting around to trying this subclass, so I don't know how long it has been missing from the available choices. Is there something else I should be doing?
The TCOE version of Aberrant Mind can be used only by selecting the 2014 Sorcerer class. If you've selected the 2024 Sorcerer class, you'll need the 2024 PHB and its version of that subclass.
The TCOE version of Aberrant Mind can be used only by selecting the 2014 Sorcerer class. If you've selected the 2024 Sorcerer class, you'll need the 2024 PHB and its version of that subclass.
I have purchased this as a digital copy on dnd beyond app. According to the marketplace, i own Tasha's. I cannot access any information in the optional class feature for the ranger, despite owning the content and having optional class features turned on. Can you help me so i can access this information for my character.
I have purchased this as a digital copy on dnd beyond app. According to the marketplace, i own Tasha's. I cannot access any information in the optional class feature for the ranger, despite owning the content and having optional class features turned on. Can you help me so i can access this information for my character.
Thank you
Tasha is not compatible with 2024 classes so be certain you are using the 2014 version of the class.
When selecting a class the dropdown has categories, there is Core Rules which is 2024 versions and lower down is 2014 Core Rules, which are the 2014 versions - you need the 2014 version to use Tasha's optional class features.
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Click ✨ HERE ✨ For My Youtube Videos featuring Guides, Tips & Tricks for using D&D Beyond. Need help with Homebrew? Check out ✨ thisFAQ/Guide thread ✨ by IamSposta.
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where is the way of mercy monk? its a subclass in TCoE but its not in the list of subclasses in monks for me... its listed as being in the book but now that i have the book its still not there?
Are you making a 2024 core rules monk or a 2014 legacy monk? if it's a 2024 monk, then it would be the warrior of mercy from the new player's handbook, if you have it. if you meant to make a 2014 monk, you have to scroll down past the "core rules" classes and down to the "legacy" classes. also you will need to enable legacy content. the way of mercy from tasha's should show up normally for a 2014 legacy monk class as long as expanded content is enabled.
is there a way to add sidekicks to your character sheet, im not seeing the option. https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/132673232
I'm having the same issue, but with a 2014 Monk and Expanded rules enabled. None of the "Expanded Rules" content is available in terms of subclasses or feats. Licenses are synced, my whole group with content sharing is having the same problem for all of the non-core content. Disappointing to see a lot of people in this thread seemingly having similar problems but no response from D&DBeyond.
I just want to remind people that this thread is for people to mention issues they think they've noticed, not discussion or debate of said issues. If you want to discuss a potential issue, please take it to a new thread.
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So if you’re making a 2024 core rules monk and own Tasha’s but haven’t purchased 2024 PHB, you can’t use the Mercy subclass from Tasha’s that you paid for? Is this a bug or a “feature”?
I'm pretty certain that it is intentional. the warrior of mercy subclass in the 2024 phb supersedes the way of mercy subclass from tasha's for the 2024 version monk.
It has now been 4 years and Beyond has still not fixed these issues. If you are taking our money for digital books and having us pay for monthly subscriptions to use the platform could you please spend a couple of those dollars to fix the problems you created? Hasbro is certainly putting enough money into figuring out how to best milk players. Could you at least make what you have work?
Check under extras>manage extras>sidekick
I did all that and the source book for Tasha’s does not show up as an option. It shows I own it from the marketplace but there is no option to use Tasha’s origin book.
4 years later, still no way to use the updated Steel Defender...
After some testing, I've found that the Fey Touched and Shadow Touched feats do not allow you to select any homebrew spells of the appropriate level and spell schools, while the 2024 versions do. Additionally, Elevated Sight from Humblewood Campaign Setting and Elf Shot from Book of Ebon Tides are incorrectly omitted from the list of spells for Fey Touched (but Gift of Alacrity from Wildemount can be selected). Shadow Touched doesn't allow you to select Blade of Blood and Bone, Cloak of Shadow, or Doom of Poor Fortune.
My Homebrew:
I own Tasha's, but I'm not seeing the Aberrant Mind subclass appear on my list of sorcerer subclasses. Everything is updated, entitlements are in sync. I've owned Tasha's for a few years and am just now getting around to trying this subclass, so I don't know how long it has been missing from the available choices. Is there something else I should be doing?
Did you enable Legacy/2014 content?
The TCOE version of Aberrant Mind can be used only by selecting the 2014 Sorcerer class. If you've selected the 2024 Sorcerer class, you'll need the 2024 PHB and its version of that subclass.
Yes I did. I have all of the options enabled: Homebrew, Expanded Rules, 2014 Core, and Legacy.
Thank you! This was my issue.
I have purchased this as a digital copy on dnd beyond app. According to the marketplace, i own Tasha's. I cannot access any information in the optional class feature for the ranger, despite owning the content and having optional class features turned on. Can you help me so i can access this information for my character.
Thank you
Tasha is not compatible with 2024 classes so be certain you are using the 2014 version of the class.
When selecting a class the dropdown has categories, there is Core Rules which is 2024 versions and lower down is 2014 Core Rules, which are the 2014 versions - you need the 2014 version to use Tasha's optional class features.
Click ✨ HERE ✨ For My Youtube Videos featuring Guides, Tips & Tricks for using D&D Beyond.
Need help with Homebrew? Check out ✨ this FAQ/Guide thread ✨ by IamSposta.