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Mobile Beta Testing Bugs & Support (2 Viewing)

Collecting all mobile testing bugs and support here!
Brought sourcebooks, feat...
844 3,652
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Resolved How do I add character to campaign from 'my characters'? >>
by HawaiiSteveO
101 143,988
Resolved Adding Physical Books to DnD Beyond >>
by SohmaAkiSakura
224 90,380
Resolved How to enable content sharing? >>
by GrimRetribution
59 76,781
Resolved Ghostwise Halfling Missing Information in Races Listing >>
by RonLugge
18 58,802
Resolved I have the books but how do I unlock things? >>
by Deathwolf669
25 44,742
Resolved What are the product keys? More importantly, how can I get them? (Some other purchase stuff too) >>
by Kanon_Beyond
5 42,302
Resolved Google Login Not Working? >> (1 Viewing)
by Vii007
24 39,344
Resolved discount code for Critical Role expired? >>
by Jelliphiish
68 33,408
Resolved Adding Xp >>
by Blazzo
14 33,270
Resolved Is a Non-Google Based login Available? >>
by Redheadeded
8 29,588
Resolved Why can't I buy solely the Artificer class? >>
by Dadhavill
44 28,642
Resolved Change your username? >>
by Maglalosus
4 28,570
Resolved Adding home brew content to characters >>
by DrydinXal
44 24,711
Resolved Full list of feats not showing up >>
23 23,197
Resolved Percentile Dice >>
by SaintTiki
14 22,738
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