I’m on DDB version 2.60.1 and all of the new 2024 classes and subclasses show the class/subclass features in the compendium but none of the ones I just checked have any verbiage in the text to indicate what level those come online, so I have to constantly lose my place reading to flip to the class progression table to see the levels they gain features and then for subclass features I have to guess which ones come on line at a given level.
On DnDBeyond.Com all the feature names are preceded by the level, such as “Level 1: Spellcasting” or “Level 2: Danger Sense”, but in the app they just say “Spellcasting” or “Danger Sense” with no level indicator.
The 2014 versions have verbiage such as “At level 5 you gain the…”, and so it doesn’t matter so much that the title doesn’t have that info.
Side note: I apologize if this has been brought up and for not providing screenshots. The mobile website doesn’t give me an option to embed images and I could not find the forum search.
I agree. This seems like a huge oversight to the usability of these class feature pages. Having to scroll back and forth to check what levels you're supposed to get features at is a huge pain.
This is still a problem and is very frustrating. At least for core class features you can reference the chart, but for subclass features it's total guesswork to figure out if you get a feature at the next "subclass feature" milestone or if it was supposed to be unlocked at the same level as another.
This is a SIGNIFICANT oversight - WotC should fix this post-haste. The Druid Class for Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) - D&D Beyond (dndbeyond.com) <-- Examples -- Quite literally the only reference available to level is the Quick Reference table in the Druid level charts that says 'Subclass Feature' -- It doesn't specify which subclass feature, however.
Some of them you can't even tell flipping back and forth... for instance, Way of Mercy monk has several more features than there are levels at which to gain them, so presumably you're getting multiple features at one or more of the levels (and, of course, I can look back at the old pre-2024 Way of Mercy monk and see that you get Hand of Healing, Hand of Harm, and the bonus proficiencies at level 3), but if I'm tossing this to a new player and saying "Level up your character", I don't see how they do that correctly without me helping them.
bumping because THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED, both for website and app. for classes at least you have the table, but with subclasses you are left in the dark to guess, or even more embarrassing for WotC, using 2014 classes/subclasses as a guide for the new stuff? really?? how hard is it to add " #th level [CLASS/SUBCLASS] feature " below every name?
I’m on DDB version 2.60.1 and all of the new 2024 classes and subclasses show the class/subclass features in the compendium but none of the ones I just checked have any verbiage in the text to indicate what level those come online, so I have to constantly lose my place reading to flip to the class progression table to see the levels they gain features and then for subclass features I have to guess which ones come on line at a given level.
On DnDBeyond.Com all the feature names are preceded by the level, such as “Level 1: Spellcasting” or “Level 2: Danger Sense”, but in the app they just say “Spellcasting” or “Danger Sense” with no level indicator.
The 2014 versions have verbiage such as “At level 5 you gain the…”, and so it doesn’t matter so much that the title doesn’t have that info.
Side note:
I apologize if this has been brought up and for not providing screenshots. The mobile website doesn’t give me an option to embed images and I could not find the forum search.
I agree. This seems like a huge oversight to the usability of these class feature pages. Having to scroll back and forth to check what levels you're supposed to get features at is a huge pain.
This is still a problem and is very frustrating. At least for core class features you can reference the chart, but for subclass features it's total guesswork to figure out if you get a feature at the next "subclass feature" milestone or if it was supposed to be unlocked at the same level as another.
Yeah, I just noticed this too.
Makes that functionality entirely not usable. Hopefully this gets fixed quickly.
Still waiting on the fix... Please, WotC. Your book is an accessibility nightmare for new players.
This is a SIGNIFICANT oversight - WotC should fix this post-haste. The Druid Class for Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) - D&D Beyond (dndbeyond.com) <-- Examples -- Quite literally the only reference available to level is the Quick Reference table in the Druid level charts that says 'Subclass Feature' -- It doesn't specify which subclass feature, however.
Some of them you can't even tell flipping back and forth... for instance, Way of Mercy monk has several more features than there are levels at which to gain them, so presumably you're getting multiple features at one or more of the levels (and, of course, I can look back at the old pre-2024 Way of Mercy monk and see that you get Hand of Healing, Hand of Harm, and the bonus proficiencies at level 3), but if I'm tossing this to a new player and saying "Level up your character", I don't see how they do that correctly without me helping them.
bumping because THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED, both for website and app. for classes at least you have the table, but with subclasses you are left in the dark to guess, or even more embarrassing for WotC, using 2014 classes/subclasses as a guide for the new stuff? really?? how hard is it to add " #th level [CLASS/SUBCLASS] feature " below every name?
Wow! Reported September 7th, 2024 and still no news or corrections as of January 29th, 2025? Re-Wow! This is not an app logic breaking enhancement.