Can we get an update on when this site-breaking issue is going to be rectified? Totally unacceptable that we are still in this position. Subscription remains cancelled until resolved, and will NEVER touch the 2024 product range.
Take a breath. None of your purchased content has been removed and no one is forcing you to do anything.
You just need to use the right version of the class. Make sure you have "2014 Rules" and "Expanded Rules" checked on the Home tab of the character builder, and change your class to the 2014 version.
This isn't helpful. Please stop trying to gaslight people into thinking a site-breaking issue for non-2024 players is anything otherwise.
Take a breath. None of your purchased content has been removed and no one is forcing you to do anything.
You just need to use the right version of the class. Make sure you have "2014 Rules" and "Expanded Rules" checked on the Home tab of the character builder, and change your class to the 2014 version.
This isn't helpful. Please stop trying to gaslight people into thinking a site-breaking issue for non-2024 players is anything otherwise.
While D&D Beyond has certainly made a horrible mess of this rollout from start to finish, I would not call this specific thing a "site-breaking issue" since, as I said, no one's purchased content has actually been removed and no one is being forced to do anything. Telling people that is not "gaslighting", and neither is helping them to learn how to use the tool properly.
If you want to cancel your subscription and not purchase the new products, go ahead. That's your choice. Please don't assume everyone who doesn't make the same choice you did is acting maliciously.
While the site may not be "broken" it has most certainly gone from a tool so useful for running 5e it was very much worth the subscription and re-purchasing the many books I already owned. People have a right to be upset that their favorite tool is less useful at the thing they paid for, and don't need to be told to calm down when they complain about it.
I cannot recommend using DNDBeyond in it's current state, and would honestly dissuade using it until it is fixed. It was all about ease of use, not whether it was possible to play the game. It's now irritating and frustrating by tiny increments all over the site because of this half-baked rollout. It also killed any interest I had in checking out the 2024 versions of the rules.
I didn't mind the subscription. I'd pay a bigger subscription just to have access to a version of DNDBeyond from before this rollout ever happened. But at the very least, I hope they'll address growing concerns: about peoples purchases and libraries becoming bloated with unwanted books and products, search features pointing to the wrong versions of rules, and the inability to flat out toggle off 2024 rules so that playing the version that many people want to play, is that much easier to do.
Y'know, like the version many people had paid for, for the better part of a decade.
I'm going to comb through the EU regulations and see if this site may have violated them in this flubbed rollout. It's still usable, but if it's being maliciously compliant, us non-US countries have a tendency to side with the consumers and not the corporations. It might be worth it and hit them with a suit if that is the case. Money is what makes big corporations like Hasbro listen, not us moaning about it, and everyone knows Hasbro wants to go fully digital so they won't nuke this site (If they do, then they would be in clear violation of EU consumer rights and regulations, and would be open to a host of issues).
Take a breath. None of your purchased content has been removed and no one is forcing you to do anything.
You just need to use the right version of the class. Make sure you have "2014 Rules" and "Expanded Rules" checked on the Home tab of the character builder, and change your class to the 2014 version.
This isn't helpful. Please stop trying to gaslight people into thinking a site-breaking issue for non-2024 players is anything otherwise.
While D&D Beyond has certainly made a horrible mess of this rollout from start to finish, I would not call this specific thing a "site-breaking issue" since, as I said, no one's purchased content has actually been removed and no one is being forced to do anything. Telling people that is not "gaslighting", and neither is helping them to learn how to use the tool properly.
If you want to cancel your subscription and not purchase the new products, go ahead. That's your choice. Please don't assume everyone who doesn't make the same choice you did is acting maliciously.
Demonstrably incorrect, we are literally being forced to have 2024 content at the character sheet level, naming conventions, rule descriptions, weapon details, etc., just to list a few. If the site supports 5e, then it should continue to support 5e in its original form, not this horrific mess of two different sets of rules, the most recent of which are inferior in my opinion and so of course I would have no desire to have them forced upon me.
Now they've updated all my Homebrew content with confusing 2024 rules content.. and no way for me to back out their changes.
Don't need private homebrew shield with Utilize 2024 rules. Don't need by 3 year old public, approved Bardiche now having Topple that I can't remove.
Why not try to fix some of this rather than making it worse?
Ugh, hadn't noticed any impacts to homebrew as of yet, but that's another unnecessary annoyance. Thanks for the heads up, will have to review my own content... but starting to lose any hope they'll rectify any of this.
I'm going to comb through the EU regulations and see if this site may have violated them in this flubbed rollout. It's still usable, but if it's being maliciously compliant, us non-US countries have a tendency to side with the consumers and not the corporations. It might be worth it and hit them with a suit if that is the case. Money is what makes big corporations like Hasbro listen, not us moaning about it, and everyone knows Hasbro wants to go fully digital so they won't nuke this site (If they do, then they would be in clear violation of EU consumer rights and regulations, and would be open to a host of issues).
How this goes, as far as I've encountered in the past for other things is:
You paid for books and you still have complete access to the source books. The 2014 Core Rules are still available with no 2014 elements. So they haven't violated it there.
You pay a subscription which can be cancelled if you're unhappy with the product. Your monthly payment expires each month, so if you keep paying, it's tacit approval.
You don't pay for the character sheets, except for the subscription's ability to add more. Which you can stop paying.
So basically, as long as they don't remove your access to the permanently purchased products, you are not entitled to force them to fix a service you don't like. However, you are entitled to cancel said service, and in the long run that's the thing that will hurt their bottom line the most.
I'm going to comb through the EU regulations and see if this site may have violated them in this flubbed rollout. It's still usable, but if it's being maliciously compliant, us non-US countries have a tendency to side with the consumers and not the corporations. It might be worth it and hit them with a suit if that is the case. Money is what makes big corporations like Hasbro listen, not us moaning about it, and everyone knows Hasbro wants to go fully digital so they won't nuke this site (If they do, then they would be in clear violation of EU consumer rights and regulations, and would be open to a host of issues).
How this goes, as far as I've encountered in the past for other things is:
You paid for books and you still have complete access to the source books. The 2014 Core Rules are still available with no 2014 elements. So they haven't violated it there.
You pay a subscription which can be cancelled if you're unhappy with the product. Your monthly payment expires each month, so if you keep paying, it's tacit approval.
You don't pay for the character sheets, except for the subscription's ability to add more. Which you can stop paying.
So basically, as long as they don't remove your access to the permanently purchased products, you are not entitled to force them to fix a service you don't like. However, you are entitled to cancel said service, and in the long run that's the thing that will hurt their bottom line the most.
I noticed the same thing, but thank you for wording it waaaay better than I could hope to. I'll keep buying used 5e books and move back to pen and paper. There's way I'm shelling out money for this site when it's not useful for me to use.
I'm going to comb through the EU regulations and see if this site may have violated them in this flubbed rollout. It's still usable, but if it's being maliciously compliant, us non-US countries have a tendency to side with the consumers and not the corporations. It might be worth it and hit them with a suit if that is the case. Money is what makes big corporations like Hasbro listen, not us moaning about it, and everyone knows Hasbro wants to go fully digital so they won't nuke this site (If they do, then they would be in clear violation of EU consumer rights and regulations, and would be open to a host of issues).
How this goes, as far as I've encountered in the past for other things is:
You paid for books and you still have complete access to the source books. The 2014 Core Rules are still available with no 2014 elements. So they haven't violated it there.
You pay a subscription which can be cancelled if you're unhappy with the product. Your monthly payment expires each month, so if you keep paying, it's tacit approval.
You don't pay for the character sheets, except for the subscription's ability to add more. Which you can stop paying.
So basically, as long as they don't remove your access to the permanently purchased products, you are not entitled to force them to fix a service you don't like. However, you are entitled to cancel said service, and in the long run that's the thing that will hurt their bottom line the most.
I noticed the same thing, but thank you for wording it waaaay better than I could hope to. I'll keep buying used 5e books and move back to pen and paper. There's way I'm shelling out money for this site when it's not useful for me to use.
Honestly, if all DnDBeyond was, was a digital reference site, I'd still buy the official books. The character creator is nice, and I'm moving my games to 5.24 anyway, but the digital reference library is more valuable to me than even buying the PDFs. If they ever tried to take it away after our purchases (without offering the PDFs as they closed down) I'd be one of those driving a class action suit.
Until them I'm mostly ok with the new version, I just wish they'd fully support the homebrew for it.
I have a few small issues with the 2024 rules that could easily just be house ruled to resolve for the games I run.
But the biggest issue I have is the power creep in the new versions of classes. Most are just mechanically ”improved”, which makes old versions “bad choices.” If this hadn’t been the case I’dve happily ran games with both 2014/2024 versions.
I’d also would have been more likely to just adopt an entirely new edition, as I have many times since AD&D.
But for whatever reason rollout is a mess and this feels bad. Engineering 101 should’ve been to preserve the products functionality and with the 2024 rollout this was just not done. A last minute change to the rollout prevented it being even worse, and that the plan of having to add back 5e as “homebrew” destroyed any confidence I have in whatever they plan to do with 2024.
The fact that it was ever on the chopping block is too far, and “fixed/prevented” or not I’m genuinely not over that fact.
The lack of response is only ever more upsetting, so my subscription is still cancelled.
But I loved how the site used to run and be, and if that functionality is restored I’d sign back up. I paid for convenience. Every week I’m only more disappointed that a separate 5th edition resource isn’t available. It used to exist. Just make a “5e 2014 only” tier and version, and call it a day. Monk wouldn’t still be broken, item descriptions wouldn’t reference things from that aren’t relevant. Duplicate spells wouldn’t be an issue. And rules would reference the actual rules used and not be shoved at the bottom like an afterthought.
But until then, the moment I find a replacement resource to organize 5e games with my players, I’m gone.
I have a few small issues with the 2024 rules that could easily just be house ruled to resolve for the games I run.
But the biggest issue I have is the power creep in the new versions of classes. Most are just mechanically ”improved”, which makes old versions “bad choices.” If this hadn’t been the case I’dve happily ran games with both 2014/2024 versions.
I’d also would have been more likely to just adopt an entirely new edition, as I have many times since AD&D.
But for whatever reason rollout is a mess and this feels bad. Engineering 101 should’ve been to preserve the products functionality and with the 2024 rollout this was just not done. A last minute change to the rollout prevented it being even worse, and that the plan of having to add back 5e as “homebrew” destroyed any confidence I have in whatever they plan to do with 2024.
The fact that it was ever on the chopping block is too far, and “fixed/prevented” or not I’m genuinely not over that fact.
The lack of response is only ever more upsetting, so my subscription is still cancelled.
But I loved how the site used to run and be, and if that functionality is restored I’d sign back up. I paid for convenience. Every week I’m only more disappointed that a separate 5th edition resource isn’t available. It used to exist. Just make a “5e 2014 only” tier and version, and call it a day. Monk wouldn’t still be broken, item descriptions wouldn’t reference things from that aren’t relevant. Duplicate spells wouldn’t be an issue. And rules would reference the actual rules used and not be shoved at the bottom like an afterthought.
But until then, the moment I find a replacement resource to organize 5e games with my players, I’m gone.
I completely agree with all you've said. And the lack of response I feel is very telling. It just shows they really don't care about their customers. I'll still use it, at least for now, because it's very helpful for our crazy neurodivergent group. I'm still looking for good alternatives, but I've not found any as of yet. And there's always just using our physical books and paper. D&D Beyond, as useful and convenient as it was before they broke it, was always a convenience. It's not needed to run a game and we've played for years before it was even a thing.
It looks like beyond deleted my post on this subject - apparently my direct and coarse comments hurt someone's feelings. But, hey, at least I know someone other than fellow players viewed my comments.
I just want everyone to know I share your frustration, and Beyond should just fix these problems or tell us to shut up and take it.
You paid for books and you still have complete access to the source books.
While the access is theoretically there, they have been broken (or at least severely reduced in functionality) because all the cross-links now go to the 2024 versions instead of the appropriate versions for the content I own, and a lot of the selling points for why we bought the content here (such as the character builder) have been ****** or in some cases outright broken.
This a severe degradation in functionality compared to what I originally paid for, and like so many others, I'm both pissed and in shock that they could mess it all up this badly. This is something we should be taking up with consumer protection agencies in each of our jurisdictions.
Cancelled my sub. When you go to cancel they try to gaslight you even more by saying all the 2014 content is still there and unchanged, which is clearly a lie, and TBH just made me angry and want to cancel even more! What an absolute joke. Wish I could refund all the content I own here.
You paid for books and you still have complete access to the source books.
While the access is theoretically there, they have been broken (or at least severely reduced in functionality) because all the cross-links now go to the 2024 versions instead of the appropriate versions for the content I own, and a lot of the selling points for why we bought the content here (such as the character builder) have been ****** or in some cases outright broken.
This a severe degradation in functionality compared to what I originally paid for, and like so many others, I'm both pissed and in shock that they could mess it all up this badly. This is something we should be taking up with consumer protection agencies in each of our jurisdictions.
As mentioned above, 'functionality' is not what you paid for. The book is unchanged, in that it still contains the complete text you paid for. If you don't like the *functionality* of the site, you can stop subscribing and use it purely as a digitial copy of a paper book.
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Can we get an update on when this site-breaking issue is going to be rectified? Totally unacceptable that we are still in this position. Subscription remains cancelled until resolved, and will NEVER touch the 2024 product range.
This isn't helpful. Please stop trying to gaslight people into thinking a site-breaking issue for non-2024 players is anything otherwise.
While D&D Beyond has certainly made a horrible mess of this rollout from start to finish, I would not call this specific thing a "site-breaking issue" since, as I said, no one's purchased content has actually been removed and no one is being forced to do anything. Telling people that is not "gaslighting", and neither is helping them to learn how to use the tool properly.
If you want to cancel your subscription and not purchase the new products, go ahead. That's your choice. Please don't assume everyone who doesn't make the same choice you did is acting maliciously.
While the site may not be "broken" it has most certainly gone from a tool so useful for running 5e it was very much worth the subscription and re-purchasing the many books I already owned. People have a right to be upset that their favorite tool is less useful at the thing they paid for, and don't need to be told to calm down when they complain about it.
I cannot recommend using DNDBeyond in it's current state, and would honestly dissuade using it until it is fixed. It was all about ease of use, not whether it was possible to play the game. It's now irritating and frustrating by tiny increments all over the site because of this half-baked rollout. It also killed any interest I had in checking out the 2024 versions of the rules.
I didn't mind the subscription. I'd pay a bigger subscription just to have access to a version of DNDBeyond from before this rollout ever happened. But at the very least, I hope they'll address growing concerns: about peoples purchases and libraries becoming bloated with unwanted books and products, search features pointing to the wrong versions of rules, and the inability to flat out toggle off 2024 rules so that playing the version that many people want to play, is that much easier to do.
Y'know, like the version many people had paid for, for the better part of a decade.
2024I'm going to comb through the EU regulations and see if this site may have violated them in this flubbed rollout. It's still usable, but if it's being maliciously compliant, us non-US countries have a tendency to side with the consumers and not the corporations. It might be worth it and hit them with a suit if that is the case. Money is what makes big corporations like Hasbro listen, not us moaning about it, and everyone knows Hasbro wants to go fully digital so they won't nuke this site (If they do, then they would be in clear violation of EU consumer rights and regulations, and would be open to a host of issues).
Demonstrably incorrect, we are literally being forced to have 2024 content at the character sheet level, naming conventions, rule descriptions, weapon details, etc., just to list a few. If the site supports 5e, then it should continue to support 5e in its original form, not this horrific mess of two different sets of rules, the most recent of which are inferior in my opinion and so of course I would have no desire to have them forced upon me.
Now they've updated all my Homebrew content with confusing 2024 rules content.. and no way for me to back out their changes.
Don't need private homebrew shield with Utilize 2024 rules. Don't need by 3 year old public, approved Bardiche now having Topple that I can't remove.
Why not try to fix some of this rather than making it worse?
Ugh, hadn't noticed any impacts to homebrew as of yet, but that's another unnecessary annoyance. Thanks for the heads up, will have to review my own content... but starting to lose any hope they'll rectify any of this.
How this goes, as far as I've encountered in the past for other things is:
So basically, as long as they don't remove your access to the permanently purchased products, you are not entitled to force them to fix a service you don't like. However, you are entitled to cancel said service, and in the long run that's the thing that will hurt their bottom line the most.
I noticed the same thing, but thank you for wording it waaaay better than I could hope to. I'll keep buying used 5e books and move back to pen and paper. There's way I'm shelling out money for this site when it's not useful for me to use.
Please can we get this toggle. How is this so hard?
Honestly, if all DnDBeyond was, was a digital reference site, I'd still buy the official books. The character creator is nice, and I'm moving my games to 5.24 anyway, but the digital reference library is more valuable to me than even buying the PDFs. If they ever tried to take it away after our purchases (without offering the PDFs as they closed down) I'd be one of those driving a class action suit.
Until them I'm mostly ok with the new version, I just wish they'd fully support the homebrew for it.
I have a few small issues with the 2024 rules that could easily just be house ruled to resolve for the games I run.
But the biggest issue I have is the power creep in the new versions of classes. Most are just mechanically ”improved”, which makes old versions “bad choices.” If this hadn’t been the case I’dve happily ran games with both 2014/2024 versions.
I’d also would have been more likely to just adopt an entirely new edition, as I have many times since AD&D.
But for whatever reason rollout is a mess and this feels bad. Engineering 101 should’ve been to preserve the products functionality and with the 2024 rollout this was just not done. A last minute change to the rollout prevented it being even worse, and that the plan of having to add back 5e as “homebrew” destroyed any confidence I have in whatever they plan to do with 2024.
The fact that it was ever on the chopping block is too far, and “fixed/prevented” or not I’m genuinely not over that fact.
The lack of response is only ever more upsetting, so my subscription is still cancelled.
But I loved how the site used to run and be, and if that functionality is restored I’d sign back up. I paid for convenience. Every week I’m only more disappointed that a separate 5th edition resource isn’t available. It used to exist. Just make a “5e 2014 only” tier and version, and call it a day. Monk wouldn’t still be broken, item descriptions wouldn’t reference things from that aren’t relevant. Duplicate spells wouldn’t be an issue. And rules would reference the actual rules used and not be shoved at the bottom like an afterthought.
But until then, the moment I find a replacement resource to organize 5e games with my players, I’m gone.
2024I completely agree with all you've said. And the lack of response I feel is very telling. It just shows they really don't care about their customers. I'll still use it, at least for now, because it's very helpful for our crazy neurodivergent group. I'm still looking for good alternatives, but I've not found any as of yet. And there's always just using our physical books and paper. D&D Beyond, as useful and convenient as it was before they broke it, was always a convenience. It's not needed to run a game and we've played for years before it was even a thing.
We don't need WotC; they need us.
It looks like beyond deleted my post on this subject - apparently my direct and coarse comments hurt someone's feelings. But, hey, at least I know someone other than fellow players viewed my comments.
I just want everyone to know I share your frustration, and Beyond should just fix these problems or tell us to shut up and take it.
While the access is theoretically there, they have been broken (or at least severely reduced in functionality) because all the cross-links now go to the 2024 versions instead of the appropriate versions for the content I own, and a lot of the selling points for why we bought the content here (such as the character builder) have been ****** or in some cases outright broken.
This a severe degradation in functionality compared to what I originally paid for, and like so many others, I'm both pissed and in shock that they could mess it all up this badly. This is something we should be taking up with consumer protection agencies in each of our jurisdictions.
Cancelled my sub. When you go to cancel they try to gaslight you even more by saying all the 2014 content is still there and unchanged, which is clearly a lie, and TBH just made me angry and want to cancel even more! What an absolute joke. Wish I could refund all the content I own here.
HUZZAH !!!!!
It would be one thing if they said, "yeah, yeah, we know, we know - very sorry - we're working on it as fast as we can. Please be patient."
But instead, they're saying: "these aren't the droid's you're looking for."
The emperor is buck naked - he's not wearing clothes at all, no matter what they say.
This is their program - they know precisely what is wrong with it!
Be ashamed, Beyond.
As mentioned above, 'functionality' is not what you paid for. The book is unchanged, in that it still contains the complete text you paid for. If you don't like the *functionality* of the site, you can stop subscribing and use it purely as a digitial copy of a paper book.