DBB has left us all with a lot of questions about what the future phases and patches of the beta will bring, as well as its release and future - from features, to fixes, to theory. Fortunately the developers have been on the ball, answering hundreds of posts across the forum. Unfortunately, those answers are split between dozens of threads made over several weeks.
And so I present to you a compilation of developer quotes relevant to the service DBB will provide.
Please keep in mind that this thread will typically be updated on a weekly basis, albeit more often when new patches are posted and new beta phases implemented. Some of the categories are largely empty, but expect that to change with each new update.
Feel free to reply here or PM me with any new or missing quotes that cover something not already here.
The beta will have three major phases to focus testing on specific features prior to launch this summer:
Phase 1 - Compendium, Listings, and Forums
Phase 2 - Character Builder and Character Sheet
Phase 3 - Homebrew Integration and Campaign Management
These are major features, but not everything that will be available at launch. Other content and features will also be pushed to beta status as they are ready to test.
We will provide updates as each phase goes live. Also look for more specifics and feature previews all along the way.
We have no plans to "wipe" anything that you create or use during the beta before launch. This is less relevant for Phase One since all the content is reference material, but it applies to later phases.
Where and how can I provide feedback or ask questions?
To share your feedback or ask questions concerning the beta, create a new thread in the Beta Testing & Feedback forum. To report a bug or any other issues, create a thread in the Bugs & Support forum.
Also feel free to let your voice be heard in our other forums.
Is there an app to download? How do I access this on my tablet or phone?
A native mobile app is absolutely in the works for DDB, but at this point for the beta everything is included in the website. The site is mobile responsive, so you should be able to view and use it just fine on a phone or tablet. Just visit the site in your device's browser. If something doesn't look right on your mobile device, that's the kind of feedback we want to hear during the beta so we can make it pretty everywhere. We will definitely share more specifics about the mobile app soon, including how to download it.
Why did you release only a simple compendium and these listing pages first? Where’s the character builder and sheet (and everything else)?
As I’ve said before, this first phase is the tip of the iceberg. Or maybe it’s better to say it’s the base of the iceberg that’s far under the water’s surface. The content and functionality you’re helping test now is the foundation upon which the other features are built.
We have received a huge amount of feedback in the first week and we’ve been able to respond to and address it promptly. If we had waited to release the compendium and listings alongside the character builder and sheet, we would be parsing through feedback on all fronts - which would make it much harder to consume and do something about.
I really can’t give a definitive release date for the rest of the launch features because we won’t release until it’s solid. That said, we are committed to launch this summer. If you do the math, you can see that the summer doesn’t extend out too far.
And finally, this is such a small part of what we plan to deliver for DDB. For launch we'll have the compendium and listings, character management, homebrew, etc., but the future holds encounter and monster builders, combat/ initiative tracker, integrations with other licensed partners, all kinds of cool streaming stuff and the list goes on. I don't want to give the entire list here because the roadmap will be informed and prioritized based on what players want.
As I've said elsewhere, we're in this for the long run.
Over the past few months I noticed 3 bits of information that made me wonder:
1- LC and RC roles no longer supported
2- DCI number overhaul on the backend (this came out as a MtG notice, but technically we use DCI as well for AL)
3- D&D Beyond
So is it safe to say that there is going to be more mainstream support for AL being played online and that D&D Beyond is going to be the official Adventure Log Sheet for it as well? Would be nice to have more organization and "officialness" like PFS with reporting/logging adventures.
We can't talk about how anything will work yet, but I can definitely confirm that we intend to do some cool things with the Adventurers League!
On a related note, the Element Evil Players Companion was a free PDF release by Wizards. I am curious if there are plans to add it down the road as well as any future free Wizards releases, such as Unearthed Arcana, for free users.
The EE Player's Companion will certainly be added soon. We can't yet talk about the way that Unearthed Arcana will be incorporated, but I can confirm we intend to do so.
Will the compendium include class write-ups? It would be nice to be able to look up class features like wild shape or bardic inspiration without needing to go make a character.
Absolutely will include races, classes, backgrounds, feats, etc. - we will literally have all the content when we launch.
D&D Beyond offers the ability to link certain aspects on the forum in mouse-over triggered tooltips, such as magic items, monsters or combat actions - examples being Adult Black Dragon and dash. To create tooltips in this way as these, use the appropriate [tag][/tag] around the desired subject.
Example: [ magicitem]sunblade[/ magicitem] (Without spaces within the [ ] brackets.)
Use the following within the [ ][/ ] bracket system:
action - an action taken in combat - e.g. dodge, search and ready
the end goal for adding in tool-tips is to have custom plugins for the editor where you can select an item/spell/monster/etc. and it will auto insert the tag and name for you. Definitely on our list.
A global search function is really essential - I can't find what I'm looking for in the Compendium.
Completely agreed - we have a really solid global "omni" search coming. It's just not included in this phase of the beta. I assure you, this is right at the top of our list, but we will add it toward the end to be certain we make it cover all the bases.
Lastly, we intentionally excluded any "arcane" or "divine" tags since fifth edition has de-emphasized/removed the concept with so much spell overlap. (A bard casts cure wounds - is it divine or arcane?)
I just noticed a monster listed as "Swarm of Poisonous ..." and no matter how wide I made the browser window it did not expand to show the entire name. One suggestion is that if a name does not fit to have it scroll through the string.
Definitely working on a fix for this across the board - the only reason it's not already in is because we're still uncertain what the best solution is. We should be close.
(Context: A user identified that the sorting algorithms were not working as you'd expect for numerical values regarding spells, notably duration and range. Example: 1 Minute, 1 Action and 1 Bonus Action are all considered as '1', with none being considered a greater or lesser amount than the other.)
Thanks for the feedback - we are aware of the issue and are working to address it.
(Context: In response to a request for printable item and spell cards.)
I'm a big fan of this one, and it's definitely on the list. Problem is of course that the list is big. We'll be getting more focused feedback in the days to come to try to help prioritize. Speak up when that time comes!
(Context: A user suggested adding audible pronunciations for each entry, within the entry, in the listings - using the Ixitxachitl monster as an example.)
We had this idea about two weeks ago and I love it.
Can't promise anything yet, but I'm trying to cook up something big for this!
(Context: A user suggests a scrolling option, to scroll through every entry of a listing in a continuous stream, rather than several pages showing to a certain amount of entries each.)
Checking in to say we see this one and have it on the list. Can't promise anything because this is has some performance impacts, but we'll see what we can do.
Hey everyone - thanks for the feedback here. I hear the comments about grouping the various "Adamantine [Insert Armor Here]" into a single entry. We'll see what we can do about that. We are highly-focused on making sure the listings are quick and snappy. Using this kind of grouping will certainly make us pay a query performance cost, but we'll explore some options.
Magic item costs are a little difficult since the costs are "guidelines" for a DM and not hard-and-fast values. We'll see if we can incorporate those somehow while making it absolutely clear that they are not objective truth. The last thing I would want to do is to confuse a new DM or player!
(Context: A user asks if they will lose access to what they create from the upcoming character builder beta.)
Hey you wont lose access to the builder, as the builder itself is a free tool :) and we have no plans to reset characters when we get to that beta phase
I agree with this. Having 12 entries for, say, Armor of Fire Resistance, and 12 entries for Armor of Frost Resistance and 12 entries for Armor of Force Resistance, and so on and so on, is really unnecessary. Having one entry for Armor of Resistance with information about what kind of about it can apply to (links to those armor in the compendium would also be nice) and the different damages it would be resistant to is perfectly fine. When it comes time for the character sheets however, having the option to pick specifically the armor type and damage resistance and automatically applying it to your character would be cool. (Of course I'm using the Armor of Resistance as an example, all of the items with multiple entries should be handled like this).
For the character sheet, that's exactly how its going to work :) I've seen enough feedback about the effect though on browsing the listing, so we'll do something about that. It may not be like next week, but we'll address it. Thanks so much for the feedback!
A modular character sheet where you could move sections around to be in the order that makes the most sense to you would be nice.
This is a GREAT idea!
In theory. Having had more experience than I'd like in creating customizable, printable forms for web applications, just thinking about it gives me a bit of a headache. If they can pull it off, color my truly impressed. I think the more likely feature is a set of similar, but slightly rearranged character sheets -- which would be fine by me, especially if there were both landscape and portrait options.
what i would like for the character sheet would be the feature that lets you favorite or tag or bookmark the spells you currently have (this would be great for high level characters)
Spell list management may be a little more sophisticated than that in the character sheet ;)
I want to clarify here before we get too much into speculation - a full-featured encounter builder is absolutely on the roadmap, but it is not included in what we have for launch. Major, major priority on this though!
One of the obstacles I've ran into using other dynamic D&D character sheets (Roll20, etc) is that items that impact Armor Class,Ability Scores, etc are often left to the Players to manually update the impact to stats while things like Weapons have dynamic tie-ins to Ability modifiers. A lot of my Character Sheet review is typically making sure they have the correct AC because of this.
Dynamic options for Item effects to stats
Would be great if there was an item section that, when an item is entered, there are options to tie it to character stats so that things like Armor that impacts AC doesn't accidentally get overlooked at character creation. Some helpful options would be:
Automatic attribution to AC based on Armor Type (Studded Leather, Small Shield, etc)
Automatic attribution to relevant stats based on magic item type (girdle of giant strength, +2 ring of protection, etc)
Tie-in to Homebrew/Campaign Management Phase
One of the harder things for me as a DM is to recap between sessions in a way that the player's have it as a quick cheat sheet (What was the name of that NPC we talked too 4 sessions back?).
It would be great if the Campaign Management system had a "Recap", "Milestone" and "NPC" section that also tied into the character sheets that are part of that campaign.
Character Sheets for players in that campaign would have a simple "Campaign" section on their sheet that had headlines to each for quick reference during a session. This is particularly helpful if printed out for an offline session.
A way to flag/star certain Recaps, Milestones or NPCs so they could quick reference it right off their sheet without having to type it in.
Recap would be a no-frills blog that you could update as a DM (or player in the campaign) with what happened last session.
Milestone would be a no-frills micro-blog a DM could simply add a point of reference for a big event (Party Defeated Dragon on Date).
NPCs would be just a simple descriptor of a Who/What/Where for NPCs they meet along the way.
Player Dashboard
While DMs have DM screens, it'd be great to allow players to have a small area to append snippets to PHB rules they can access quickly on their sheet. Things that commonly get asked during a session could be then referenced quickly on their sheet:
Actions/Bonus Actions/Movement/Attack of Opp/Free Actions
Saving throws
Long Rest/Short Rest
Dazed/Prone/etc rules
Grapple/Charge/etc rules
Appreciate you taking the time to share this. There are some really solid ideas here, and I can confirm that all of them will either be included at launch or are on the roadmap!
A full-blown monster/ NPC builder - in addition to and incorporated with an encounter builder - is already in the design phase and will be coming as the next major release after launch.
I hope they allow us to access campaign management for free and have the books be what is paid for.
Free accounts will be able to create and manage characters in a campaign. A DM can also share her "private" homebrew content with all the players in that campaign.
Checking in on the rest of this thread, I encourage everyone to check out the latest issue of Dragon+ - I gave a few more details there about how the pricing model will work (just not specific price points yet).
You can absolutely use D&D Beyond with a free account (without a subscription) and purchase the official digital content for a one-time cost. Some others will find value in the two different subscription tiers: Hero Tier aimed primarily at players and Master Tier intended for Dungeon Masters. If a DM has a Master Tier sub, any content she unlocks is considered unlocked for all characters in her campaign.
No one (including me) has said that adding homebrew will require a subscription. I can confirm players will be able to create their own content at no cost.
Now, the full picture (that I can't confirm quite yet) is probably needed before anyone freaks out one way or the other, but what I said above stands.
Starred items (or "favorites") are definitely coming. We also intend to add "lists" (think Amazon wish lists) where you can group different kinds of content together. I might even say that we will use a concept like this to allow folks on the DMs Guild to share their content via a URL in such a manner down the road....
Question: If you have a Master Tier subscription and you give the players in your campaign access-- Do they get access to all your purchased materials for any characters they make? Or will it only work with one character that they are presumably using in your campaign?
The Master Tier sub comes with 12 campaign content sharing slots. The DM can extend that invite to 12 different players each with 1 character apiece, 4 different players each with 3 characters apiece, etc.
And yes, those 12 characters must be attached to one of the DM's campaigns (the DM is not limited in any way as to the number of those she can create). The 12 content sharing slots extend across any and all campaigns the DM has created.
Also remember that players with a Hero Tier subscription do not consume a content sharing slot in a campaign. So, if a campaign has 6 players, and two of those have a Hero subscription, only 4 content sharing slots would be used for the remaining players with free accounts.
Thank you very much for the reply. So that means that if a DM with a Master Tier subscription bought a lot of WotC content, they could share it with players with Hero Tier subscription without burning up slots. Does that mean the Player with an HT sub would be able to used the DM's purchased content for any of their characters, so long as it was associated with the campaign? (absurd example: could a player with HT get access to the DM's purchased content for 30 characters?)
Campaigns will have reasonable character limits (no one plays the game with 30 people in a single campaign/ session at once - the game breaks). But yes, if a DM with a Master subscription invites a Hero subscriber to her campaign (or multiple campaigns), that Hero subscriber can use the DM's material to create characters for those campaigns.
Homebrew content will cover major game mechanics/ systems such as spells, magic items, feats, races, subclasses, backgrounds, and monsters. We have no plans to support "house rules" such as a new way for the Stealth skill to work or saying that Short Rests are only five minutes. Those elements would work just as they do for groups today using the physical books - as alternate rules at the table.
Creating your own spells or magic items, however, allows you to use that content throughout the rest of the toolset. You can create a character with that new "frostball" spell or give him the "amazing axe of awesomeness."
Anything a DM creates as homebrew content (even if it is private and not publicly shared) counts as content that can be shared in her campaign. If the DM has a free account (no Master sub), and she creates a private homebrew spell that she places in her Homebrew Collection, that spell can be shared with any player in her campaign (regardless of subscription status, although she would only have private content in the collection if she has no subscription). If the DM has a Master subscription, she can share anything in her Homebrew Collection in addition to all the official material she has unlocked.
You will be able to publish your homebrew content for it to be shared with other users in the site. However, items that are requested to be published will first pass through a moderation queue for standards approval. And we are most definetly allowing upvoting.
You are also free to keep some or all of your homebrew creations set to private. These items will not go through moderation, and thus won't be available for other users, in general. However, there will be sharing allowed of private hombrew for users that have joined the same campaign.
I think the best way to address the concern of not being able to use the tools available because one or two players can't afford to purchase the content is to offer a DM or party subscription with a certain number of "seats.". Obviously the ability to purchase additional seats would need to be there. We have a group of six - five players and the DM - and I can't see myself paying more than $10/month to have access to all of the features.
Wouldn't this be epic?
Alright, someone finally baited me to respond to something before the formal pricing announcement...I have to put the lid back on it.
I think the best way to address the concern of not being able to use the tools available because one or two players can't afford to purchase the content is to offer a DM or party subscription with a certain number of "seats.". Obviously the ability to purchase additional seats would need to be there. We have a group of six - five players and the DM - and I can't see myself paying more than $10/month to have access to all of the features.
Definitely a good idea, but as a player, I'd still like to have my own account. Possibly offered as a package deal with a DM and the others of that group, but... what if I take part in two different groups? I'd want my account to be able to speak to both DMs' accounts. Or if my DM were to cancel their account, I wouldn't want my account to disappear along with it. So yes, definitely, I'm all in favor of a DM being able to pay for one subscription with multiple accounts. But if this combines with being able to link separate accounts so a DM can assign gear/loot to an account not part of her/his subscription, it'd be even better.
Accounts are different than characters - players will certainly be able to have their own account. More on all of this soon.
The good news is, we're not asking anyone to pay for what's currently here (or available via a Google result). The only thing that will require purchase are the things you can't (legally) get on Google.
The problem we have here is that there a lot of people that want digital rulebooks for 5e. The only path to those rulebooks seems to be D&D Beyond, since WoTC is refusing to make them. So, I am sure there are people looking to D&D Beyond as a source for digital rules that they don't want to subscribe to, but simply pay a one time fee to purchase and have access to, the way people do now, with various other RPG games on the market.
I know that D&D Beyond is trying to be an all encompassing solution that goes beyond just the rulebooks, but, unfortunately, you're all we have, if we want digital rules.
I think that is skewing your numbers when it comes to people who are willing to use the service, and whether they're willing to subscribe or pay a one time fee.
I think the question needs to be asked: If WoTC offered digital rulebooks through a one-time purchase somewhere else, would you still be interested in D&D Beyond? If so, what would you be willing to pay for it?
Eh, we're close enough that I can at least confirm this - you will absolutely be able to buy all the digital rulebooks, adventures, and any other published WotC content on D&D Beyond for a one-time purchase. A subscription is not required to be able to have full access to those materials.
Subscriptions will be used for other purposes, which will be revealed "soon."
Oh man, I had this idea a couple of years ago and looked into making it happen but it was way beyond anything I could pull off so I gave up. But knowing that it's possible with drag'n'drop boxes, I'm really psyched to hear that it's going to be a thing. That will be super freaking amazing awesome. Customising the layout of a character sheet is really important I feel as every player references that information differently. Really looking forward to seeing this.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."
I have Fantasy Grounds. When I bought it I bought the upgrade that allows users to access my campaign through the free app. So they have access to everything I have prepared and the character creator. Something like that would be awesome.
Loving what you people are putting out! Please keep it coming me and my players are having a great time with this. We can't wait for next step in Beta.
- Developer Quotes -
- Features, Fixes & Updates -
Hello Beyonders!
DBB has left us all with a lot of questions about what the future phases and patches of the beta will bring, as well as its release and future - from features, to fixes, to theory. Fortunately the developers have been on the ball, answering hundreds of posts across the forum. Unfortunately, those answers are split between dozens of threads made over several weeks.
And so I present to you a compilation of developer quotes relevant to the service DBB will provide.
Please keep in mind that this thread will typically be updated on a weekly basis, albeit more often when new patches are posted and new beta phases implemented. Some of the categories are largely empty, but expect that to change with each new update.
Feel free to reply here or PM me with any new or missing quotes that cover something not already here.
- VT
- Contents -
#1 - Contents
#2 - General Beta
#3 - Compendium
#4 - Tooltips/Linking
#5 - Listings: Spells/Items/Monsters
#6 - Character Builder/Character Sheets
#7 - Campaign Management
#8 - Homebrew Creation & Integration
#9 - Pricing
#10 - Adohand?!
Site Rules & Guidelines - Please feel free to message a moderator if you have any concerns.
My homebrew: [Subclasses] [Races] [Feats] [Discussion Thread]
- General Beta -
Contents - Compendium - Tooltips/Linking - Listings: Spells/Items/Monsters - Character Builder/Character Sheets
Campaign Management - Homebrew Creation & Integration - Pricing
Site Rules & Guidelines - Please feel free to message a moderator if you have any concerns.
My homebrew: [Subclasses] [Races] [Feats] [Discussion Thread]
- Compendium -
Contents - General Beta - Tooltips/Linking - Listings: Spells/Items/Monsters - Character Builder/Character Sheets
Campaign Management - Homebrew Creation & Integration - Pricing
Site Rules & Guidelines - Please feel free to message a moderator if you have any concerns.
My homebrew: [Subclasses] [Races] [Feats] [Discussion Thread]
- Tooltips/Linking -
Contents - General Beta - Compendium - Listings: Spells/Items/Monsters - Character Builder/Character Sheets
Campaign Management - Homebrew Creation & Integration - Pricing
Moderator's Note:
D&D Beyond offers the ability to link certain aspects on the forum in mouse-over triggered tooltips, such as magic items, monsters or combat actions - examples being Adult Black Dragon and dash. To create tooltips in this way as these, use the appropriate [tag][/tag] around the desired subject.
Example: [ magicitem]sunblade[/ magicitem] (Without spaces within the [ ] brackets.)
Use the following within the [ ][/ ] bracket system:
You can simulate dice rolls too with the [ roll] tag, but the workings of it are more complex. You can find the thread here detailing its use.
Site Rules & Guidelines - Please feel free to message a moderator if you have any concerns.
My homebrew: [Subclasses] [Races] [Feats] [Discussion Thread]
- Listings: Spells/Items/Monsters -
Contents - General Beta - Compendium - Tooltips/Linking - Character Builder/Character Sheets
Campaign Management - Homebrew Creation & Integration - Pricing
Site Rules & Guidelines - Please feel free to message a moderator if you have any concerns.
My homebrew: [Subclasses] [Races] [Feats] [Discussion Thread]
- Character Builder/Character Sheets-
Contents - General Beta - Compendium - Tooltips/Linking - Listings: Spells/Items/Monsters
Campaign Management - Homebrew Creation & Integration - Pricing
Site Rules & Guidelines - Please feel free to message a moderator if you have any concerns.
My homebrew: [Subclasses] [Races] [Feats] [Discussion Thread]
- Campaign Management -
Character Builder/Character Sheets - Homebrew Creation & Integration - Pricing
Site Rules & Guidelines - Please feel free to message a moderator if you have any concerns.
My homebrew: [Subclasses] [Races] [Feats] [Discussion Thread]
- Homebrew: Creation & Integration -
Contents - General Beta - Compendium - Tooltips/Linking - Listings: Spells/Items/Monsters
Character Builder/Character Sheets - Campaign Management - Pricing
Site Rules & Guidelines - Please feel free to message a moderator if you have any concerns.
My homebrew: [Subclasses] [Races] [Feats] [Discussion Thread]
- Pricing -
Contents - General Beta - Compendium - Tooltips/Linking - Listings: Spells/Items/Monsters
Character Builder/Character Sheets - Campaign Management - Homebrew Creation & Integration
Site Rules & Guidelines - Please feel free to message a moderator if you have any concerns.
My homebrew: [Subclasses] [Races] [Feats] [Discussion Thread]
Site Rules & Guidelines - Please feel free to message a moderator if you have any concerns.
My homebrew: [Subclasses] [Races] [Feats] [Discussion Thread]
Updated April/06/17 - Pricing.
Site Rules & Guidelines - Please feel free to message a moderator if you have any concerns.
My homebrew: [Subclasses] [Races] [Feats] [Discussion Thread]
"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."
― Oscar Wilde.
This... is a lot of work you did there...
Amazingly useful, so thanks! :)
Great round up, cheers!
I have Fantasy Grounds. When I bought it I bought the upgrade that allows users to access my campaign through the free app. So they have access to everything I have prepared and the character creator. Something like that would be awesome.
Glad to be of service! Also, welcome to the forums, JamieDM!
I've just added another one about pricing.
Site Rules & Guidelines - Please feel free to message a moderator if you have any concerns.
My homebrew: [Subclasses] [Races] [Feats] [Discussion Thread]
Great work VillainTheory! That must have taken an impressively long time to sift through/organize all of the staff comments.
I just found this via your signature line and it is extremely helpful. Thank you for all of the work and organization!
Nice job keep up the great work.
persuasion is king.
Loving what you people are putting out! Please keep it coming me and my players are having a great time with this. We can't wait for next step in Beta.
Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.
Nido Qubein