(I am not sure if this counts as a die-roller feature request or a more general one. I put it here because, at the moment, it is not something that can be entered at all on the character sheet as a "custom attack." Perhaps when that is possible, the die roller will sort of automatically get the feature.)
As it stands, it is impossible for DnD Beyond to create "custom attacks" that involve dice expressions with more than one die type and a static bonus. (This is also not possible for the custom die expressions that pop up on the die roller.) There are several types of attacks that could benefit from such automation and/or creation on the character sheet. Here, I am referring to, for example, a flaming longsword attack or a rapier-wielding rogue sneak attack (the die roll for which might be 1d8 + 4 + 2d6).
With the side-bar die roller, you can make stacks of, for example, 1d8 + 2d6, or with the "custom attack," any single die type plus any modifier can be created, but the character sheet does not allow for multiple die types to be entered, and the side-bar roller doesn't allow for flat bonuses. It just seems like kind of an obvious feature to have and to be missing. In fact, adding buttons for the "side effect" dice that an attack can trigger (flaming swords' 2d6, sneak-attacking rogues' nd6, and ice knife's 2d6 area cold damage, for examples that occur on some characters I've run) would also be appreciated (though I think this would fall more firmly under the feature request for the digital dice . . .).
Agreed with this. I'd like to be able to roll an attack with hex "activated" to add to the damage component. If the attack has a different die than hex's d6, this seems impossible in dndbeyond to represent with a custom action.
Bumping this, it'd be nice to add the sneak attack or any of the spell attacks to a custom action as well, and this is slightly separate but in a custom action you can't change the hit modifier either. It'd be nice to have a custom action to roll all your die for an attack phase. (I do Booming blade + sneak attack on my rogue which ends up with 3d8 and 6d6)
I think this would be nice yes. Also, do you know if it's possible to add a weapon attack type to custom attacks? It seems I can only add either natural attack or unarmed attack in the custom type.
I'm torn on this. You can ad Custom Actions or even homebrew to add any additional damage dice, rolled separately. The key being it's rolled separately and us players would like to click on less things. By default, you can add a custom action to add any additional damage you want, but why can't we customize that default longsword attack to add the booming blade with just one click? If if we can't add a description as to what the additional damage, then so what? We want to click once and have half a dozen dice roll on the screen. Why can't we use Custom Actions to set up everything to enable 1 click convenience? Smart users of this site can easily change a Custom Action to suit their needs or remove when needed.
It's unfortunate that this common issue still hasn't been addressed.
I found a work around is to create a "virtual" homebrew magic item and add modifiers to capture the different damage dice that should be included in the custom attack. For example, if you want to make a dagger attack with Booming Blade, start with a Dagger, +1 as a template and rename it "Dagger, +1, BB". Then in the Modifiers section, you can add a modifier for 1d8 Thunder damage. If it's not a magic dagger then just delete the "Bonus - Magic" modifier. (If the spell allows you to attack with a different ability, e.g. True Strike using Int, then just adjust the Magic modifier to give the correct total ability modifier for Int.) Under Additional Information set the weight to 0, since this is only a virtual item. Then add the virtual Dagger, +1, BB to your inventory and equip it. It should then appear as a separate attack line item and the damage button should roll: base weapon damage + modifier + thunder. The critical hit rules are applied to these dice.
If you want sneak attack damage to be include in the roll, make another HB magic item as above and add an additional modifier for SA damage. Alternatively, if you are using the Beyond20 plug-in and playing a Rogue, there's an option to add in SA damage to each roll.
You do end up with a crowded Action tab and Inventory if you've got multiple weapons and several types of situational damage riders, so the it's important to have a good naming system to keep it sorted. That's also why it's important to set the weight to 0 to avoid encumbrance issues from these virtual items.
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(I am not sure if this counts as a die-roller feature request or a more general one. I put it here because, at the moment, it is not something that can be entered at all on the character sheet as a "custom attack." Perhaps when that is possible, the die roller will sort of automatically get the feature.)
As it stands, it is impossible for DnD Beyond to create "custom attacks" that involve dice expressions with more than one die type and a static bonus. (This is also not possible for the custom die expressions that pop up on the die roller.) There are several types of attacks that could benefit from such automation and/or creation on the character sheet. Here, I am referring to, for example, a flaming longsword attack or a rapier-wielding rogue sneak attack (the die roll for which might be 1d8 + 4 + 2d6).
With the side-bar die roller, you can make stacks of, for example, 1d8 + 2d6, or with the "custom attack," any single die type plus any modifier can be created, but the character sheet does not allow for multiple die types to be entered, and the side-bar roller doesn't allow for flat bonuses. It just seems like kind of an obvious feature to have and to be missing. In fact, adding buttons for the "side effect" dice that an attack can trigger (flaming swords' 2d6, sneak-attacking rogues' nd6, and ice knife's 2d6 area cold damage, for examples that occur on some characters I've run) would also be appreciated (though I think this would fall more firmly under the feature request for the digital dice . . .).
Agreed with this. I'd like to be able to roll an attack with hex "activated" to add to the damage component. If the attack has a different die than hex's d6, this seems impossible in dndbeyond to represent with a custom action.
Bumping this, it'd be nice to add the sneak attack or any of the spell attacks to a custom action as well, and this is slightly separate but in a custom action you can't change the hit modifier either. It'd be nice to have a custom action to roll all your die for an attack phase. (I do Booming blade + sneak attack on my rogue which ends up with 3d8 and 6d6)
I think this would be nice yes.
Also, do you know if it's possible to add a weapon attack type to custom attacks? It seems I can only add either natural attack or unarmed attack in the custom type.
Altrazin Aghanes - Wizard/Fighter
Varpulis Windhowl - Fighter
Skolson Demjon - Cleric/Fighter
Yes Please
Anything on this yet?
Raising from dead via 'bump'.
Glad to see i'm in agreement with this need, that so many others have already posted. Thanks OP for posting this topic. Yes, so it is a need.
Yes please. This feature is really needed to speed up rolling damage.
Looks like 2 years and a bunch of bumps in and this still hasn’t been added. Be a lot cooler if it was lol.
I'm torn on this. You can ad Custom Actions or even homebrew to add any additional damage dice, rolled separately. The key being it's rolled separately and us players would like to click on less things. By default, you can add a custom action to add any additional damage you want, but why can't we customize that default longsword attack to add the booming blade with just one click? If if we can't add a description as to what the additional damage, then so what? We want to click once and have half a dozen dice roll on the screen. Why can't we use Custom Actions to set up everything to enable 1 click convenience? Smart users of this site can easily change a Custom Action to suit their needs or remove when needed.
How to: Replace DEX in your AC | Jump & Suffocation stats | Build a (Spell & class effect buff system | Wild Shape effect system) | Tool Proficiencies as Custom Skills | Spells at higher levels explained | Superior Fighting/Martial Adept Fix | Snippet Codes Explored - Subclasses | Snippet Math Theory | Homebrew Weapons Explained
Check out my: FEATS | MAGIC ITEMS | MONSTERS | SUBCLASSES Artificer Specialist: Weaveblade
Dndbeyond images not loading A PERMANENT WORKAROUND!!! (thank you Jay_Lane)
Bump… again. This really should not be too difficult an add.
Bump, pleaseeeee
Bump, because my little ADHD brain has A BAD TIME remembering all the dice I have to roll.
It's unfortunate that this common issue still hasn't been addressed.
I found a work around is to create a "virtual" homebrew magic item and add modifiers to capture the different damage dice that should be included in the custom attack. For example, if you want to make a dagger attack with Booming Blade, start with a Dagger, +1 as a template and rename it "Dagger, +1, BB". Then in the Modifiers section, you can add a modifier for 1d8 Thunder damage. If it's not a magic dagger then just delete the "Bonus - Magic" modifier. (If the spell allows you to attack with a different ability, e.g. True Strike using Int, then just adjust the Magic modifier to give the correct total ability modifier for Int.) Under Additional Information set the weight to 0, since this is only a virtual item. Then add the virtual Dagger, +1, BB to your inventory and equip it. It should then appear as a separate attack line item and the damage button should roll: base weapon damage + modifier + thunder. The critical hit rules are applied to these dice.
If you want sneak attack damage to be include in the roll, make another HB magic item as above and add an additional modifier for SA damage. Alternatively, if you are using the Beyond20 plug-in and playing a Rogue, there's an option to add in SA damage to each roll.
You do end up with a crowded Action tab and Inventory if you've got multiple weapons and several types of situational damage riders, so the it's important to have a good naming system to keep it sorted. That's also why it's important to set the weight to 0 to avoid encumbrance issues from these virtual items.
Failed perception check: the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.