I really don't understand what was broke here that needed fixing. WotC had record profits last year, and Hasbro has been in near constant growth till the pandemic hit... Why do they need to make the market landscape worse?
It's the fable of "The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs." Sure, they've got an animal that's producing gold for them... but surely there's more gold inside it if they just cut it open. It's a short-sighted view of what has made D&D so successful in recent years. Rather than take the profits they're making and encouraging more outside work, they seek to stifle what they can't get a cut of. They're making decisions that will negatively affect the fanbase at a time when they're working on a new edition, a seriously bad move.
Personally, I've been increasingly dissatisfied with the direction D&D is moving in. I have plenty of other games I'd like to play.
Twitter and Youtube aren't exactly reputable sources.
I have been on about 8 or 10 twitter and you tube links today that direct to the Gizmodo article, or Kickstarter confirming their terms with wotc, or Troll Lords announcing they are getting out of the D&D business completely. So yeah, they are indeed reputable sources.
So what we actually have is one article by Gizmodo (which still doesn't actually show the document) and stuff by Kickstarter, which doesn't actually use the OGL in the first place.
I was firmly in the “this is still dubious YouTube clickbait” camp, too, until Linda’s article which isn’t based on second hand info or excerpts but the entire intact document, vetted by io9’s lawyers, and now corroborated by other official sources like Kickstarter who were directly involved in corporate-level discussions, and others replying to Linda online. It’s no longer clickbait speculation, but as basically confirmed as it can be without WotC publishing it themselves. Linda has shown a history of being a journalist as opposed to clickbait YouTuber, so as deeply skeptical as I was, I’m now convinced this is real, at least back in early December. As of today, Occam’s razor is cutting the other way. (As a side note, it pisses me off that skeezy clickbait YouTubers we’re largely proven right, but broken clock and all that.) ;)
I read the article, and it absolutely did not prove the skeezy YouTubers right
In fact, Linda's in the comments shooting down some of the doom and gloom theories about the old OGL
Carric Aquissar, elven wannabe artist in his deconstructionist period (Archfey warlock) Mardan Ferres, elven private investigator obsessed with that one unsolved murder (Assassin rogue) Xhekhetiel, halfling survivor of a Betrayer Gods cult (Runechild sorcerer/fighter)
Right. IF the leaks are accurate I would say that WotC is making it clear that they do not want third party publishers or people expanding the TTRPG community using the same core ruleset, they want volunteer writers that will make content for them for free for the chance at some exposure. That's all a big IF at this point. I'm saving my torches for the actual OGL release text, but maybe making a few extra just in case...
Nah, they are just saying they now want their cut of anything monetarily sizable that uses their system / content. Hence the comment that D&D is being under monetized by WotC.
Now, as someone who has to make business decisions. This sentiment isn't lost on me, what is though. Is how they seem to be going about it. It's not slow and methodical move to a more profitable model. They are driving a dagger right into the very people who made D&D's current popularity possible who also happen to be their biggest customers and driver of other customers of theirs. They are literally biting the hand that feeds them.
As of today. D&D One is a pariah in my book. I will not be purchasing anything under the D&D One name nor anything that supports this new OGL 1.1
I have a modified 5E ruleset that we use that I like quite a bit. That will be what I use until I decide on a new ruleset, and as noted. That rule set will not be called D&D One while licensed under the OGL 1.1 or any other ruleset / content licensed under OGL 1.1.
Throw a stone on twitter or you tube. Look up Gizmodo.
I boycott Twitter and everything on YouTube that I’ve found is just talking about the doc, not the doc itself. I asked if anyone had a link to the doc.
Don't read to much into it. Someone supposedly got an early draft of the OGL 1.1 and spread of bunch of information that can't actually be proven to be true. The document in question said that the OGL would be released on the 4th (which obviously didn't happen) yet everyone is sure the rest of it is 100%. Wait a little while and the when WotC actually releases it to the public, then freak out if needed. Right now people are grabbing torches and pitch forks over rumors.
Thank you. I knew I could count on you to lay it out straight for me.
I really don't understand what was broke here that needed fixing. WotC had record profits last year, and Hasbro has been in near constant growth till the pandemic hit... Why do they need to make the market landscape worse.
"I can understand why WotC would feel that they deserve a piece of the pie when Paizo and other publishers are using the OGL to create games that directlycompete with D&D as fantasy RPGs, instead of creating material for D&D (or using it to create games in genres that D&D doesn't cover). I don't know what the best way to handle this would be. I think it's fair for WotC to ask for royalties in such cases, as it amounts to lost business for them,"
The thing is though, they're not DIRECTLY competing with D&D. Anyone playing PF is playing PF because they like the way that system works, and they don't like D&D's system, am I wrong?
This isn't Coca Cola shutting down someone who's stolen their secret recipe and is selling literally the same product with a different name for a few cents less. This is more akin to McDonald's shutting down Five Guys and Shake Shack for selling burgers.
If Hasbro/WotC sues/squeezes companies like Paizo into oblivion, all those PF players aren't just going to say "Welp, the system we loved has been decimated, let's go spend our money on this thing we didn't like, made by the guys who ruined our favorite hobby."
Nobody's playing PF because they don't know about D&D. It's literally the biggest, most well recognized entity in the TTRPG world. PF players are playing it because it gives them something that D&D doesn't offer.
I really don't understand what was broke here that needed fixing. WotC had record profits last year, and Hasbro has been in near constant growth till the pandemic hit... Why do they need to make the market landscape worse.
I think the biggest issue is this: “the Open Game License was always intended to allow the community to help grow D&D and expand it creatively. It wasn’t intended to subsidize major competitors, especially now that PDF is by far the most common form of distribution.”
I can understand why WotC would feel that they deserve a piece of the pie when Paizo and other publishers are using the OGL to create games that directlycompete with D&D as fantasy RPGs, instead of creating material for D&D (or using it to create games in genres that D&D doesn't cover). I don't know what the best way to handle this would be. I think it's fair for WotC to ask for royalties in such cases, as it amounts to lost business for them, but I think some of the stipulations in the new OGL are a bit too draconian and far-reaching regarding the way this is being handled.
Also, I don't like the direction they're taking vis-a-vis VTTs, and also with being able to terminate the agreement with a third party for any reason while retaining a royalty-free license to use that third party's material. There's a lot of potential for abuse there.
Also, for the record, as someone who has been in this industry since the OGL was first drafted, their "it was always intended" and "it was never intended" comments are blatant lies.
I don't use that word lightly, but it's entirely appropriate here. Read any of WotC's reasoning for creating the OGL back when it was created and those statements are easily disproven. They wanted to support software - even having an entire page on the website explaining step-by-step how to use the OGL with software. They wanted to support fiction and all sorts of creative uses of their content that people could imagine. They wanted to create competitors and convert competitors to similar systems because it grew the hobby and benefited everyone - especially the biggest ship in the harbor. WotC is now reaping that benefit big time of a customer base that the OGL helped build.
(Pre-OGL, D&D was literally months away from no longer existing in any coherent form, its assets carved up by creditors. The OGL and d20 boom saved D&D by both building the customer base that breathed new life into a dying hobby and kept fans around and loyal through massive industry contractions and bad WotC decisions. D&D would not still be here without the OGL. So they have earned orders of magnitude more indirectly from the OGL than any percentage of the 3pp market could give them now, but that's beside the point of their lies.)
So (if these quotes are accurate quotes), they are blatantly lying and gaslighting the community to try to rewrite history into a more convenient history. I'm not sure what's worse, that they would deliberately try a disinformation campaign to justify the new license or that they are so laughably bad at it that it's easily disproven with nothing more than a few minutes, Google, and Archive.org.
Throw a stone on twitter or you tube. Look up Gizmodo.
I boycott Twitter and everything on YouTube that I’ve found is just talking about the doc, not the doc itself. I asked if anyone had a link to the doc.
Don't read to much into it. Someone supposedly got an early draft of the OGL 1.1 and spread of bunch of information that can't actually be proven to be true. The document in question said that the OGL would be released on the 4th (which obviously didn't happen) yet everyone is sure the rest of it is 100%. Wait a little while and the when WotC actually releases it to the public, then freak out if needed. Right now people are grabbing torches and pitch forks over rumors.
Thank you. I knew I could count on you to lay it out straight for me.
I am not a exactly a fan of WotC, but I try not to make judgements without actual facts to back it up. WotC will release the OGL once negotiations are done and then everyone will know exactly what is in it. If is as bad as the rumors say, then burn the place down (figuratively not literally people) but until then just watch and wait. It shouldn't be too much longer.
Glad to see that awareness is growing around this. Now is the time to speak out if you have problems with what WotC is doing. If you want WotC to hear what you have to say fill out the OneDnd Survey (and those to come). Speaking out in the forums is useful to show other people they aren't alone but survey results are the better way to go when trying to reach WotC. We may also speak with our wallets. I certainly hope they'll remember the lessons that led to 5e's popularity as I've enjoyed playing dnd over many decades. However, if Hasbro/WotC decides to abandon the pro-community policies that helped make 5e what it is I'll be happy to keep on running the 5e content I've already purchased as well as exploring other systems.
Throw a stone on twitter or you tube. Look up Gizmodo.
I boycott Twitter and everything on YouTube that I’ve found is just talking about the doc, not the doc itself. I asked if anyone had a link to the doc.
Don't read to much into it. Someone supposedly got an early draft of the OGL 1.1 and spread of bunch of information that can't actually be proven to be true. The document in question said that the OGL would be released on the 4th (which obviously didn't happen) yet everyone is sure the rest of it is 100%. Wait a little while and the when WotC actually releases it to the public, then freak out if needed. Right now people are grabbing torches and pitch forks over rumors.
Thank you. I knew I could count on you to lay it out straight for me.
I am not a exactly a fan of WotC, but I try not to make judgements without actual facts to back it up. WotC will release the OGL once negotiations are done and then everyone will know exactly what is in it. If is as bad as the rumors say, then burn the place down (figuratively not literally people) but until then just watch and wait. It shouldn't be too much longer.
I disagree... I think it's good to make a stink about this. This whole thing isn't a decision made by creatives at WoTC... it's a decision made by pencil pushers at Hasbro who want More Money and they want it Now, regardless of what long term effects it might have. These people won't listen to reason... the only thing that will change their mind is if there's a clear sign that the thing they're doing to make money will actually lose them money. If Hasbro stock starts to drop directly as a result of this, they might actually abandon the concept. But if everyone just sits back and waits and lets them do whatever they want, they'll happily implement whatever stupid nonsense they think will make them money today without a single thought to what it will mean tomorrow.
I’m confused. Idk much about business, but it seems like WOTC has been incredibly generous letting people use their intellectual property without charging them for it. And even now they’re only charging royalties if you make a lot of money (over $750,000), which apparently very few companies do. Why is this such a bad thing?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I really like D&D, especially Ravenloft, Exandria and the Upside Down from Stranger Things. My pronouns are she/they (genderfae).
I’m confused. Idk much about business, but it seems like WOTC has been incredibly generous letting people use their intellectual property without charging them for it. And even now they’re only charging royalties if you make a lot of money (over $750,000), which apparently very few companies do. Why is this such a bad thing?
The biggest issue, IF true, is that you would grant WotC an irrevocable, royalty free license to do whatever they want with your IP (including just republishing it as their own without crediting you) in the supposed new OGL. It's a big IF at the moment though.
Throw a stone on twitter or you tube. Look up Gizmodo.
I boycott Twitter and everything on YouTube that I’ve found is just talking about the doc, not the doc itself. I asked if anyone had a link to the doc.
Don't read to much into it. Someone supposedly got an early draft of the OGL 1.1 and spread of bunch of information that can't actually be proven to be true. The document in question said that the OGL would be released on the 4th (which obviously didn't happen) yet everyone is sure the rest of it is 100%. Wait a little while and the when WotC actually releases it to the public, then freak out if needed. Right now people are grabbing torches and pitch forks over rumors.
Thank you. I knew I could count on you to lay it out straight for me.
I am not a exactly a fan of WotC, but I try not to make judgements without actual facts to back it up. WotC will release the OGL once negotiations are done and then everyone will know exactly what is in it. If is as bad as the rumors say, then burn the place down (figuratively not literally people) but until then just watch and wait. It shouldn't be too much longer.
I disagree... I think it's good to make a stink about this. This whole thing isn't a decision made by creatives at WoTC... it's a decision made by pencil pushers at Hasbro who want More Money and they want it Now, regardless of what long term effects it might have. These people won't listen to reason... the only thing that will change their mind is if there's a clear sign that the thing they're doing to make money will actually lose them money. If Hasbro stock starts to drop directly as a result of this, they might actually abandon the concept. But if everyone just sits back and waits and lets them do whatever they want, they'll happily implement whatever stupid nonsense they think will make them money today without a single thought to what it will mean tomorrow.
You are certainly allowed to run around and shout all you like. But don't pretend like you have all the facts and not basing everything on a rumor. No one here has seen the finalized OGL. Just a news article with a draft of OGL and a Tweet that says nothing more than Kickstarter is involved in the negotiations.
I’m confused. Idk much about business, but it seems like WOTC has been incredibly generous letting people use their intellectual property without charging them for it. And even now they’re only charging royalties if you make a lot of money (over $750,000), which apparently very few companies do. Why is this such a bad thing?
The biggest issue, IF true, is that you would grant WotC an irrevocable, royalty free license to do whatever they want with your IP (including just republishing it as their own without crediting you) in the supposed new OGL. It's a big IF at the moment though.
Thanks. That clarifies things.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I really like D&D, especially Ravenloft, Exandria and the Upside Down from Stranger Things. My pronouns are she/they (genderfae).
3d printing, roll20 , homebrew, so many innovative cool things
I would hate to see stuff die off that made the last decade special
“Host it on our server, our new 3d engine etc”, sure have a shared fee, complex license
Use your own or an alternative service , let it be like 5e
Stuff like roll20 made dndbeyond and dnd 5e both popular and accessible then covid hit and media (stranger things etc) it only became even more relevant (one of many cool services often with custom tiles or integrations)
I am not a dm but I imagine a lot of custom content keeps tables fun and unique too
I hope it changes
i am worried that dnd will be gone in 5 years because of the universal hate in the community of the new policy.
I wouldn’t be at all surprised if WotC didn’t stage this “leak” as a way to gage community reactions. Kinda like a UA for the OGL.
I guess it is possible. I am sure with all the buzz, WotC will say something soon. As you are aware, I have too much going on in my life to waste too many of my F's to give on this right now. So that could color my judgement a bit as well.
Throw a stone on twitter or you tube. Look up Gizmodo.
I boycott Twitter and everything on YouTube that I’ve found is just talking about the doc, not the doc itself. I asked if anyone had a link to the doc.
Don't read to much into it. Someone supposedly got an early draft of the OGL 1.1 and spread of bunch of information that can't actually be proven to be true. The document in question said that the OGL would be released on the 4th (which obviously didn't happen) yet everyone is sure the rest of it is 100%. Wait a little while and the when WotC actually releases it to the public, then freak out if needed. Right now people are grabbing torches and pitch forks over rumors.
Thank you. I knew I could count on you to lay it out straight for me.
I am not a exactly a fan of WotC, but I try not to make judgements without actual facts to back it up. WotC will release the OGL once negotiations are done and then everyone will know exactly what is in it. If is as bad as the rumors say, then burn the place down (figuratively not literally people) but until then just watch and wait. It shouldn't be too much longer.
I disagree... I think it's good to make a stink about this. This whole thing isn't a decision made by creatives at WoTC... it's a decision made by pencil pushers at Hasbro who want More Money and they want it Now, regardless of what long term effects it might have. These people won't listen to reason... the only thing that will change their mind is if there's a clear sign that the thing they're doing to make money will actually lose them money. If Hasbro stock starts to drop directly as a result of this, they might actually abandon the concept. But if everyone just sits back and waits and lets them do whatever they want, they'll happily implement whatever stupid nonsense they think will make them money today without a single thought to what it will mean tomorrow.
You are certainly allowed to run around and shout all you like. But don't pretend like you have all the facts and not basing everything on a rumor. No one here has seen the finalized OGL. Just a news article with a draft of OGL and a Tweet that says nothing more than Kickstarter is involved in the negotiations.
I'm basing my opinion mostly on a representative from Kickstarter confirming that, should the new OGL be implemented, any Kickstarter campaign that makes at least 750k will be forced to pay 20% to Hasbro, which was negotiated down from 25%. He also confirms that negotiations are still underway and nothing is finalized... even whether the 20% comes from the overall Kickstarter, or if it will be just from the money remaining after Kickstarter takes their cut, plus taxes, etc. isn't clear. So while I do acknowledge that much of what we've heard is a rumor, it's still clear that something very similar to what has leaked has evidence of being discussed by some people directly involved, and I can only hope that the overwhelmingly negative response so far will help provide ammo for those directly involved to keep the rumor from proving true.
It's the fable of "The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs." Sure, they've got an animal that's producing gold for them... but surely there's more gold inside it if they just cut it open. It's a short-sighted view of what has made D&D so successful in recent years. Rather than take the profits they're making and encouraging more outside work, they seek to stifle what they can't get a cut of. They're making decisions that will negatively affect the fanbase at a time when they're working on a new edition, a seriously bad move.
Personally, I've been increasingly dissatisfied with the direction D&D is moving in. I have plenty of other games I'd like to play.
I read the article, and it absolutely did not prove the skeezy YouTubers right
In fact, Linda's in the comments shooting down some of the doom and gloom theories about the old OGL
Active characters:
Carric Aquissar, elven wannabe artist in his deconstructionist period (Archfey warlock)
Mardan Ferres, elven private investigator obsessed with that one unsolved murder (Assassin rogue)
Xhekhetiel, halfling survivor of a Betrayer Gods cult (Runechild sorcerer/fighter)
Nah, they are just saying they now want their cut of anything monetarily sizable that uses their system / content. Hence the comment that D&D is being under monetized by WotC.
Now, as someone who has to make business decisions. This sentiment isn't lost on me, what is though. Is how they seem to be going about it. It's not slow and methodical move to a more profitable model. They are driving a dagger right into the very people who made D&D's current popularity possible who also happen to be their biggest customers and driver of other customers of theirs. They are literally biting the hand that feeds them.
As of today. D&D One is a pariah in my book. I will not be purchasing anything under the D&D One name nor anything that supports this new OGL 1.1
I have a modified 5E ruleset that we use that I like quite a bit. That will be what I use until I decide on a new ruleset, and as noted. That rule set will not be called D&D One while licensed under the OGL 1.1 or any other ruleset / content licensed under OGL 1.1.
Info, Inflow, Overload. Knowledge Black Hole Imminent!
Thank you. I knew I could count on you to lay it out straight for me.
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
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Hardcovers, DDB & You
Content Troubleshooting
The thing is though, they're not DIRECTLY competing with D&D. Anyone playing PF is playing PF because they like the way that system works, and they don't like D&D's system, am I wrong?
This isn't Coca Cola shutting down someone who's stolen their secret recipe and is selling literally the same product with a different name for a few cents less. This is more akin to McDonald's shutting down Five Guys and Shake Shack for selling burgers.
If Hasbro/WotC sues/squeezes companies like Paizo into oblivion, all those PF players aren't just going to say "Welp, the system we loved has been decimated, let's go spend our money on this thing we didn't like, made by the guys who ruined our favorite hobby."
Nobody's playing PF because they don't know about D&D. It's literally the biggest, most well recognized entity in the TTRPG world. PF players are playing it because it gives them something that D&D doesn't offer.
Also, for the record, as someone who has been in this industry since the OGL was first drafted, their "it was always intended" and "it was never intended" comments are blatant lies.
I don't use that word lightly, but it's entirely appropriate here. Read any of WotC's reasoning for creating the OGL back when it was created and those statements are easily disproven. They wanted to support software - even having an entire page on the website explaining step-by-step how to use the OGL with software. They wanted to support fiction and all sorts of creative uses of their content that people could imagine. They wanted to create competitors and convert competitors to similar systems because it grew the hobby and benefited everyone - especially the biggest ship in the harbor. WotC is now reaping that benefit big time of a customer base that the OGL helped build.
(Pre-OGL, D&D was literally months away from no longer existing in any coherent form, its assets carved up by creditors. The OGL and d20 boom saved D&D by both building the customer base that breathed new life into a dying hobby and kept fans around and loyal through massive industry contractions and bad WotC decisions. D&D would not still be here without the OGL. So they have earned orders of magnitude more indirectly from the OGL than any percentage of the 3pp market could give them now, but that's beside the point of their lies.)
So (if these quotes are accurate quotes), they are blatantly lying and gaslighting the community to try to rewrite history into a more convenient history. I'm not sure what's worse, that they would deliberately try a disinformation campaign to justify the new license or that they are so laughably bad at it that it's easily disproven with nothing more than a few minutes, Google, and Archive.org.
I have seen the OGL1.1 leak
new OGL = no more money from me
and i know 50 other table gamers that are doing the same
I am not a exactly a fan of WotC, but I try not to make judgements without actual facts to back it up. WotC will release the OGL once negotiations are done and then everyone will know exactly what is in it. If is as bad as the rumors say, then burn the place down (figuratively not literally people) but until then just watch and wait. It shouldn't be too much longer.
She/Her College Student Player and Dungeon Master
Glad to see that awareness is growing around this. Now is the time to speak out if you have problems with what WotC is doing. If you want WotC to hear what you have to say fill out the OneDnd Survey (and those to come). Speaking out in the forums is useful to show other people they aren't alone but survey results are the better way to go when trying to reach WotC. We may also speak with our wallets. I certainly hope they'll remember the lessons that led to 5e's popularity as I've enjoyed playing dnd over many decades. However, if Hasbro/WotC decides to abandon the pro-community policies that helped make 5e what it is I'll be happy to keep on running the 5e content I've already purchased as well as exploring other systems.
Relevant Reading:
What does the OGL 1.1 Mean for VTTs, by the Arkenforge Dev
Dungeons and Dragons' New License Tightens Its Grip on Competition, Gizmodo Article
An article by a Business and IP attorney Breaking Down the OGL 1.1
If the leaked OGL is what gets released, my financial support of any WotC product will end.
I disagree... I think it's good to make a stink about this. This whole thing isn't a decision made by creatives at WoTC... it's a decision made by pencil pushers at Hasbro who want More Money and they want it Now, regardless of what long term effects it might have. These people won't listen to reason... the only thing that will change their mind is if there's a clear sign that the thing they're doing to make money will actually lose them money. If Hasbro stock starts to drop directly as a result of this, they might actually abandon the concept. But if everyone just sits back and waits and lets them do whatever they want, they'll happily implement whatever stupid nonsense they think will make them money today without a single thought to what it will mean tomorrow.
Watch Crits for Breakfast, an adults-only RP-Heavy Roll20 Livestream at twitch.tv/afterdisbooty
And now you too can play with the amazing art and assets we use in Roll20 for our campaign at Hazel's Emporium
I’m confused. Idk much about business, but it seems like WOTC has been incredibly generous letting people use their intellectual property without charging them for it. And even now they’re only charging royalties if you make a lot of money (over $750,000), which apparently very few companies do. Why is this such a bad thing?
I really like D&D, especially Ravenloft, Exandria and the Upside Down from Stranger Things. My pronouns are she/they (genderfae).
The biggest issue, IF true, is that you would grant WotC an irrevocable, royalty free license to do whatever they want with your IP (including just republishing it as their own without crediting you) in the supposed new OGL. It's a big IF at the moment though.
You are certainly allowed to run around and shout all you like. But don't pretend like you have all the facts and not basing everything on a rumor. No one here has seen the finalized OGL. Just a news article with a draft of OGL and a Tweet that says nothing more than Kickstarter is involved in the negotiations.
She/Her College Student Player and Dungeon Master
Thanks. That clarifies things.
I really like D&D, especially Ravenloft, Exandria and the Upside Down from Stranger Things. My pronouns are she/they (genderfae).
3d printing, roll20 , homebrew, so many innovative cool things
I would hate to see stuff die off that made the last decade special
“Host it on our server, our new 3d engine etc”, sure have a shared fee, complex license
Use your own or an alternative service , let it be like 5e
Stuff like roll20 made dndbeyond and dnd 5e both popular and accessible then covid hit and media (stranger things etc) it only became even more relevant (one of many cool services often with custom tiles or integrations)
I am not a dm but I imagine a lot of custom content keeps tables fun and unique too
I hope it changes
i am worried that dnd will be gone in 5 years because of the universal hate in the community of the new policy.
I wouldn’t be at all surprised if WotC didn’t stage this “leak” as a way to gage community reactions. Kinda like a UA for the OGL.
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
DDB Buyers' Guide
Hardcovers, DDB & You
Content Troubleshooting
Deleted (accidental comment)
I guess it is possible. I am sure with all the buzz, WotC will say something soon. As you are aware, I have too much going on in my life to waste too many of my F's to give on this right now. So that could color my judgement a bit as well.
She/Her College Student Player and Dungeon Master
I'm basing my opinion mostly on a representative from Kickstarter confirming that, should the new OGL be implemented, any Kickstarter campaign that makes at least 750k will be forced to pay 20% to Hasbro, which was negotiated down from 25%. He also confirms that negotiations are still underway and nothing is finalized... even whether the 20% comes from the overall Kickstarter, or if it will be just from the money remaining after Kickstarter takes their cut, plus taxes, etc. isn't clear. So while I do acknowledge that much of what we've heard is a rumor, it's still clear that something very similar to what has leaked has evidence of being discussed by some people directly involved, and I can only hope that the overwhelmingly negative response so far will help provide ammo for those directly involved to keep the rumor from proving true.
Watch Crits for Breakfast, an adults-only RP-Heavy Roll20 Livestream at twitch.tv/afterdisbooty
And now you too can play with the amazing art and assets we use in Roll20 for our campaign at Hazel's Emporium